The treatment of this condition varies according to the condition of the individual and depends on the type and cause.

In some instances, if the person rests and avoids moving their neck, a wrinkle may disappear on its own within a few days.

Treatments for Wryneck include:

  • ice packs
  • Medicine
  • Surgery
  • stretching exercises
  • physical devices to stabilize the neck
  • massage Therapy
  • physical therapy

Depending on your situation, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants for spasmodic torticollis caused by injury or as a side effect of medications.

As a treatment, your doctor may suggest a surgery that can help prevent further symptoms if other treatments don't work. Certain nerves and muscles prevent them from contracting.

About 10 percent of babies who have Rhineck from birth will need surgery to lengthen the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck. This surgery is most likely to happen after the child has reached preschool age.

One of the rarest treatments for the condition is brain stimulation. A doctor performs this surgery by inserting a wire into the part of the brain that controls movement and interrupts signals to the brain. Brain stimulation can help with cervical dystonia.

See More: Apollo Hospital treatment estimation

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