Plastic (48)

Is Liposuction the Right Procedure For You?

Even though Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, it has been helping millions across the globe streamline their bodies by eliminating disproportionate fat. An ideal candidate for liposuction would be near their ideal body weight but struggling with a few stubborn fatty deposits. There are times even a strict diet and exercise regimen cannot help get rid of stubborn body fat.

Liposuction can help you with:

  • Elimination of unwanted fatty deposits from areas like the hip, waist, abdomen, thighs and buttocks; as also arms, face and neck.

  • Getting rid of problem areas like the love handles or muffin tops

  • Elimination of uneven fat distribution

  • Achieving a well-toned appearance giving you a fit and sleek look

What should you expect from your procedure?

Your surgeon will discuss your goals, details of the liposuction surgery and the recovery during your initial consultation. In some cases where you have loose skin in addition to excessive fat, your surgeon may recommend another combination procedure like a tummy tuck with liposuction.

Your surgery could involve either ultrasonic technique or tumescent technique. The tumescent liposuction involves a saline solution of lidocaine and epinephrine being inserted into the area. Epinephrine constricts the capillaries preventing blood loss and lidocaine is an anesthetic. After this, a cannula is inserted into a tiny incision to suction out the fat.

The ultrasonic technique uses ultrasonic waves for melting your fat and then removes it from the body. A specialized cannula delivers high energy sound waves into the deposits of fat which rupture and liquefy the fat. This fat is then removed from your body.

Both these techniques can also be used together during your liposuction procedure.

What are the recovery and results like?

The extent of the liposuction procedure decides how your recovery would be; but most women return to their everyday routine within a few days from the procedure. You may have to wear a compression garment to keep the swelling in check and for support to the abdomen.

Even though there is some swelling and bruising, you will be able to see liposuction results immediately after the surgery. Over the next few months, the skin over the area of fat loss will continue to get taut and by the end of 6 months, you will see your final results. Liposuction is a great way to lose those stubborn fat areas and enjoy a slimmer you!

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Breast Augmentation and Implants Myths Busted!

Myths Around Breast Augmentation and Implants Busted!

There are several myths around breast surgeries – be it breast augmentation surgery or breast implants. So I thought to myself, maybe we should clear up all the commonly accepted misconceptions. This will help you understand which ones are to be believed and which are just that – myths.

I spoke to several plastic surgeons to clear up these myths around breast implants and breast augmentation surgery. Below is the information regarding the 7 most common myths.

Myth – Teardrop breast implants look more natural than their round counterparts

For some reason, there is a general notion that teardrop shaped breast implants look more natural. This is untrue.

We need to consider a few points here. The round shaped implants are soft and feel natural. The gel in these implants is pretty mobile allowing them to take a teardrop shape when the patient is standing upright and behave like a natural breast would when they are lying down.

So that the shape of a teardrop shaped implant can be retained, the gel in it is more dense making it feel firmer. In some of the patients, this is certainly more useful. Round shaped implants do not mean that the appearance of your breasts after augmentation will be round; if the size of your implants is large, any shaped implant will give a round appearance in the upper portion of the breasts.

Myth – placement of the implants under the muscle will always look better than when placed over the muscle

This is not true for a majority of patients. Your breast normally is not under the pectoral muscle. The placement of the implants under the pectoral muscle works best for those patients who are extremely thin hence have little breast tissue and reduced skin elasticity as well. In fact, if a patient has loose skin, placing the implant under the muscle will cause what is called a double bubble deformity and filling the pocket with the implant will not give a natural result.

Myth – it is better to place the implant through the armpits rather than under the breasts

Most cosmetic surgeons use the under the breast placement for certain reasons. Firstly, this allows for the best access to the site of placement of the implant making it easier for the surgeon to place your implant well and also secure any bleeding points within the pocket. The resultant scar from this placement is a fine one in a majority of patients. Secondly, when opting for silicone gel implants, placing under the breasts is the best approach since there is less fracturing of the gel.

Myth – it is better to opt for breast implants that offer a lifetime warranty

Some of the manufacturing companies offer a lifetime warranty on their implants but these differ. In case of a capsular contracture (scarring around the implants), some of the companies will cover it. Mostly this is a free implant.

In case of any manufacturing defect, some of the companies will provide implants and add a small fee to cover the replacement cost. Mostly we have seen that the compensation is barely a fraction of what the entire procedure costs. It is hence advisable to choose an implant carefully rather than having to depend on a warranty later.

Myth – breast implants can lead to breast cancer

The risk of breast cancer does not decrease or increase with the use of implants. While the implant is placed behind the pectoral muscle, all of the breast tissue remains in the front of it. This allows for all the standard self examination procedures to remain possible as well as those required after an augmentation surgery.

A mammography may be challenging in women with implants since the size of the implants may hamper the positioning of the breasts in the machine. We recommend that you get an ultrasound after your augmentation in case you need to check for any change in the implant or the breast tissue.

Recently, some evidence has been found that there may be a kind of cancer that could appear in the scar tissue that surrounds the implant and this is called the Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL). There is little known about this at this point of time other than that it may have some association with breast implants and it is very rare.

The extremely rare occasion where a sudden swelling is found around the implants, the implant together with the scar tissue must be removed for testing as well as the breast must be scanned. Even though this is a rare occurrence, if you are looking for a breast implant surgery, you must be aware of it.

Myth – It is dangerous to get silicone gel implants

If you insert any foreign body, it will have an effect on your body for sure. Even though increasing in your breast size and perkiness are welcome benefits of an implant; there are some unwelcomed effects too.

With the placing of an implant, your skin stretches and your breast tissue gets thinner. Large implants could lead to stretch marks, increased sagging or loss of sensation. Since the tissue gets thin, rippling may be an issue for some patients. In case of a rupture, the silicone could lead to nodularity due to reaction. However, this problem is posed only with older silicone implants and the cheaper options where the integrity of the silicone bag enclosing the gel is questionable.

Today most high quality manufacturers have overcome this possibility by limiting the leakage and with the use of high quality gel. Any stories you may have heard of silicone leakage through the nipples or of the implant itself exploding during air travel are false.

Myth – you need to regularly replace implants

Breast implants do not have an expiration date and regular replacement is not a requirement. Having said that, depending on the age when a patient gets their first augmentation procedure done, 2 to 4 further operations may be required for maintenance.

There are some common reasons for removing or replacing the implants – the implants getting hardened due to scar tissue around them over the many years; rupture in cheaper implants; recalling of defective implants (the PIP case); building up of fluid around the implant; your desire to have smaller or larger implants after a few years; and sagging over the years.

With every surgery, you will be required to take more time off from work and spend more money as well. Even though a small percentage of patients have to undergo replacement of implants, it cannot be said with surety if it would be you. It is imperative though that you make allowance for further procedures if you are undergoing an implant surgery. Also, choose only the highest quality of implants; keep in mind that the cost of the implant is only a fraction of that of the total procedure. You must not strive to save money with cheaper implants, it could cost you more in the long run.


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Butt Implants Or The Brazilian Butt Lift?

Butt Implants Or The Brazilian Butt Lift?

In the recent years, voluminous butts have gained a lot of attention making thousands of people to look at enhancing their own appearance. Which so many options available out there, most wonder whether to opt for a butt implant or a Brazilian butt lift. Which one will work the best for you?

You must be aware of the distinct differences between the two before you make any choice and make sure that your surgeon is well experienced in both.

Brazilian Butt Lift Vs Implant

First of all, it is imperative that you understand the differences between both the procedures – the butt implants as well as the Brazilian butt lift. An implant is a prosthetic that is added behind the buttock muscles just like the breast implants are inserted under the pectoral muscle. These implants are silicone filled and can be round or oval shaped. The most important thing is for these silicone butt implants to be of high durability allowing for the weight of the person to be well supported as you sit down throughout the day.

Once the butt implants are inserted in the buttocks, mostly a surgical drain is used to help with the drainage of blood and fluids for the first week. The main issue with butt implants is the involved risk since it is a foreign object and your body may not react well to it. These implants are affected by movement and may get displaced, making them not as natural looking as an enhancement using fat transfer might. Another disadvantage of the butt implants is that they will have to be replaced every 8 to 12 years.

A Brazilian butt lift on the other hand uses the excessive fat from your body. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat from other parts of your body and then moved to your butt to give you a natural appearance with enhanced volume and fullness. Since it is your own fat, the lift gives you a natural feel. No further surgery is required and there is no added risk of any ruptures.

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Is Backache and Breast Augmentation linked?

Is Backache and Breast Augmentation linked?

It’s true enough that a score of pains and aches go hand in hand with your breast augmentation procedure. This is especially true when the implants are placed under the pectoral muscle.

The most common of these pains is the backache with a majority of women experiencing it in the upper back area. This is due to the fact that the implants are placed under the pectoral muscle on the chest which is connected to the muscles on the back like the latissimus dorsi. Since breast augmentation surgery requires the use of implants, pectoral muscles are stretched and distorted almost continuously.

Most women do not even realize that the post-surgery pain has already made them use their arms, abdomen and back differently from before. With time, your body adjusts to the implants and the pain diminishes allowing you more comfort. You can deal with the muscular tension with a muscle relaxant to get temporary pain relief whenever it gets bad.

Additionally, since you cannot sleep on your back or sides anymore, your natural sleeping posture is also changed. You cannot sleep on your stomach either and the first few days, most women end up sleeping in a reclining posture which is again unnatural for the body. It is also noticed that right after the surgery, women tend to walk with hunched shoulders further aggravating the pain in the back.

The change in the sleeping position and the way you lift things or move about may also give rise to lower back pain in some women. If you are suffering from continuous pain, it may be helpful to get some massages or low impact therapy for your back.

Once your surgeon is Ok with light exercises, you can begin with a regimen which strengthens your abdomen and lower back; this will help tackle the imbalance in your core muscles. However, it is imperative to your healing process and breast augmentation results to begin exercising only when your surgeon Okays it. The level of exercise as well as the intensity of exercises must be approved by your surgeon, so that you do not make things worse during your recovery time.

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10824455064?profile=originalNose surgery is one cosmetic procedure that can help people achieve desirable-looking nose shape and size. There are different reasons for people to undergo this procedure.  In the recent years, with the advancement in the world of medical science, it has become possible for people to get the most effective and desired results of this surgery. Here is a glance into the nasal reconstruction surgery and ethnic nose surgery.

Nose reconstruction surgery

In this type of surgical procedure, the cosmetic surgeon rebuilds the damaged nasal structure with cartilage grafts from the nose, rib or ear of a patient. In some condition, the nose surgeon makes use of a fibrous tissue, known as fascia, from the scalp of a patient. It is used as a soft graft for filling imperfections along the nasal bridge or reshaping the nasal tip.  The surgery is performed on patients who crave for better and improved shape of the nose. It is an outpatient procedure performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the condition of a patient.

Ethnic rhinoplasty surgery

It is a common cosmetic procedure which is performed for refining the overall appearance of the nose of people hailing from different ethnic groups and heritages. The primary objectives of this surgical procedure are to improve the shape of a nose to add more definition to it or to reduce the size of the nose for so that it can achieve right balance with other facial features of the patient. All this is done while respecting and maintaining the ethnic heritage of the patient.

Irrespective of which surgical procedure you might be undergoing, make sure that you choose the nose surgeon with great care as the success of the surgery depends on his or her experience and expertise.

Nose Surgeon in South Delhi Call us today for an appointment: | 09958221983

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When Will My Stitches and Drains Be Removed

When Will My Stitches and Drains Be Removed?

The answer to this may be never since several surgeons today do not use drains and all your stitches are dissolvable.

Drains during your surgery

A drain is a surgical tube which is inserted during your surgery. This is used to drain out blood or fluids from your wound enabling better healing of the tissue. Most surgeons do not use surgical drains and I do not recommend them for elective augmentation procedure.

Breast augmentation procedure – there is no removal of tissue involved and the bleeding is minimal.

Breast lift procedure – involves only skin removal leaving no space for collection of fluids.

Augmentation and lift combination procedure – for the same reasons as above, no drains are required for the combination procedure either.When Will My Stitches and Drains Be Removed?

Breast reduction surgery – this is one procedure where  a drain is inserted overnight. A considerable amount of tissue is removed during the reduction process. This leaves a large area which may begin to ooze before healing starts. Since the drainage is at a minimum, the drains are only required short term.

As per a study conducted by British surgeons, drains placed in an augmentation patient could increase the rate of infection by 10%. This could be because the drains act as an entry for bacteria. Undoubtedly then, the advantages of using a drain must outweigh any disadvantages. The one place where the advantages certainly outweigh is in case of breast reconstruction procedure following a mastectomy.

Stitches during your surgery

Your surgeon may use stitches to close the incision and these are removed within 5 days to a week after your surgery. What a lot of surgeons follow is to close the tissue deep and use a single dissolvable stitch just beneath the edge of your skin for the best closure. This is then closed with a strip of an adhesive and your stitches dissolve within 6 weeks.

Some patients fear that the implants may fall out. There is very low to nil possibility of the incision opening up. This is since the inner tissues are closed together with multiple layers of braided stitches and these take about 3 months to dissolve. Even in the rare case that the incision opens up, your implants cannot fall out. This is because within 3 weeks of your surgery, your implants are encased within a thin layer of tissue.

You must know a bit about stitches – whether you cut your hand and got stitches at the ER or got implants – your incision remains a bit bumpy, lumpy and red for about 6 weeks. This is when a healing ridge is formed. From here, it takes another 6 months for this to soften – this is called maturing of the incision. The final color of the incision is visible only after a year if you are dark skinned and about 2 years if you are fairly light skinned.

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The healing process from a facelift surgery

The healing process from a facelift surgery

After a rhytidectomy surgery, also known as facelift, you should know what you have to do, how or when to do it. This is important if you want to recover faster from your facelift and start to enjoy the results you achieved. A surgeon will explain everything before performing the surgery and you will be aware of what to expect and how to heal faster and in a proper way.

Starting from day 1 to 7: you should rest but not in your bed. Even if it is recommended to be careful after the surgery, you may feel nausea and fatigue and all these may be related to the pain medication and not the facelift procedure on its own. On the first day, you should have a caretaker with you to help you out. Bruising and swelling can peak in the first three to four days after the procedure, but you should be feeling well enough to move around in just two days. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication which can help in managing discomfort that may be a result of the facelift surgery. When you take these medications as instructed, you will be able to control soreness and stiffness in the face, ears and neck and you can do simple activities.

Day 7 to 14: it is normal to see some swelling and bruising on your neck and face, around the eyes or behind the ears during the second week of the surgery. You will start to see the healing process in the third week after the procedure.

Day 15-30: in 3 weeks, the incision will improve and they will look puckered or bunchy but staples and sutures will continue to be in place while settling down. Even if you may be ready to go back to work, there may be some swelling in some places on your face.  

Day 30 and beyond: even if you are ready to do everything you were doing in one month, the changes in skin sensation, bruising and swelling will not resolve completely until at least a year. However, after three weeks, it will be hard for any other person except yourself to know you have undergone a facial surgery.

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Do You Need A Mommy Makeover?

Do You Need A Mommy Makeover?

If you have had children and are not happy with your post pregnancy body shape, you make for an ideal candidate for a mommy makeover. There are several reasons for this from your abdominal muscles getting separated, deflated or irregularly shaped breasts, or even a paunch which refuses to go away despite exercise and diet. During a mommy makeover surgery, you could also address facial rejuvenation issues like laugh lines and crow’s feet.

A mommy makeover helps you with:

  • Regaining a firm and smooth tummy

  • Lifting, reshaping and enhancing your breasts

  • Eliminating problem areas like love handles or muffin top

Women all over the world are improving their self-confidence and self-image with a mommy makeover.

What is the cost of a mommy makeover?

Your treatment plan may include different procedures and the costs differ depending on this. The total costs include the surgical fee for your doctor, anesthesia charges, charges for the facility and any future appointments. Most surgeon’s offices will help you with financing options as well and you can discuss these during your consultation.

What can you expect from the procedure?

A mommy makeover treatment is a personalized surgical procedure offering several procedures suited to every woman’s needs. For some it could be about breast augmentation while for others it could be more important to get a toned abdomen. Your surgeon will understand your goals and needs during your consultation before determining the perfect combination of procedures suited for you.

There are several surgical and non-surgical treatments that make a mommy makeover like breast enhancement, tummy tuck, liposuction and spa treatments. The best combination of procedures will make you feel gorgeous from head to toe. Some procedures work best for you when combined like a breast lift with implants.

What are the results and recovery like?

Your mommy makeover procedure is performed under general anesthesia and depending on the treatments chosen by you and your surgeon, you could return to your daily routine within 10 to 14 days. Your recovery also depends on your body’s healing.

Even though your mommy makeover results are permanent, you must understand that your body changes with weight fluctuations and age. You can enjoy a perfect pregnancy after your mommy makeover but it is still advised to undergo the procedure once you have completed your family.

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