Plastic (48)

What can you expect from your liposuction?

What can you expect from your liposuction?

When it's summer, everybody wants to show their best figure in a swimsuit. It is not always easy, though, to achieve the body you desire with simply diet and exercise. Liposuction is a safe and effective method for weight loss by suctioning the stubborn fat from certain body areas.

Liposuction can be used on your arms, neck, cheeks, chin, ankles, calves, thighs, hips, knees, abdomen, breasts and buttocks.

Are you the right candidate for liposuction?

If you are healthy and are near your ideal weight but only suffer from certain fat deposits in a few areas on your body, you are the right candidate to opt for liposuction. For getting good results from your lipo procedure, you must have firm and elastic skin. You must not be suffering from any life threatening diseases or a medical condition which could obstruct your recovery.

Some people may want to use it as a solution for their obesity but you must understand that liposuction is not a weight loss program. The procedure only addresses stubborn fat in certain areas of your body and the best results are only seen in those who are already near their ideal weight.

Anesthesia use during liposuction

Your doctor may choose to use an anesthesia or local sedation for your liposuction procedure. However, at times, he may decide to use general anesthesia in case extensive intervention is required for a large amount of stubborn fat in some areas. Fat is extracted using suction and a cannula which is connected to a vacuum machine.

Use of drains

It has been a common practice to use drains at the end of the procedure for at least three days. You may also have to use a compression garment to keep the swelling down. A well trained surgeon uses the latest techniques and equipment to help you achieve the best results.

Vaser liposuction is a new method of liposuction used for muscle definition and body contouring. The reason for its increasing popularity is that it uses ultrasound for fat removal. The technique works in the same way as the traditional liposuction procedure but it can reshape your body in a better way and is less invasive. The post operative complications are also reduced with this procedure.

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Liposuction techniques used for men

10824464455?profile=originalLiposuction techniques used for men

Abdominal fat is one of the complaints that patients who are seeking for liposuction have and it is a popular area for treatment. The abdomen fat is found on two levels. Liposuction is used to treat subcutaneous fat, it improves the abdominal area and it offers positive cosmetic results.

Liposuction for men is meant to remove the unwanted and stubborn fat away from the problematic area. Fat removal procedure has become a popular treatment for men and this is because of the contouring techniques that can be used to reach different but personalized results.

There are different techniques used and each technique has its own purpose and benefits.


It uses PowerX technology to remove up to four liters of fat in two hours. The ultrasound is used first for loosening up the fat cells that surround the tissue and it is not that invasive. The recovery time is shorter which means that the procedure can take place in a clinic and there will be no overnight stay.


Laser liposuction can shape and sculpt the smaller problematic areas. The procedure is not that invasive and the recovery time will be shorter.


Traditional liposuction is suitable for removing larger areas of fat. The procedure is invasive compared to the modern style of liposuction, the recovery time increases and the doctor may suggest an overnight stay. However, the patient can return to his normal activities in a few days after the procedure.

The male liposuction procedure requires the patient to take some days off and to wear a compression garment for a few weeks after the procedure which helps in the healing process as well as reducing swelling.

If you want to have a male liposuction to get rid of the stubborn fat, then you can book a free consultation with your surgeon to understand the procedure.

After the procedure, you will get an athletic and trim looking body which makes your chest and shoulders seem broader than before enhancing your overall appearance. A man can aim for a flat abdomen with narrow hips and thigh area. As men grow old, the fat tends to accumulate more on the lower back, waist and abdomen. Men will seek liposuction if they want to sculpt these areas to achieve a youthful appearance.  

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At times people may suffer from diseases while at times they may end up with some medical conditions instead. One of the most common problem or medical condition that men can suffer from is most definitely gynecomastia.

This condition creates bosoms on men. And this is almost equivalent to that of the women except for the milking features. And this is no doubt one of the most embarrassing moments that the men can go through nevertheless.

Recognizing the gynecomastia is quite easy. But it should be done as fast as possible. This way the progress of the condition can be brought to an abrupt halt nevertheless.

Related: Why Male Breast Reduction in Delhi Treatment is taking Heights?

The various signs that help:

Following are the various signs that will help in recognition of the condition:

  • The puffed up breasts:

This is nowhere near to the chest. Of course, it is quite distinctly visible and easily comparable as well. One must always ensure that the moment they see something like this, they must immediately get through with the best specialists for the advice. This will help them in the best possible way of course.

  • Itchiness near the nipples:

This is of course another important symptom that will help. Common itching problems and this has a difference of course. And this is absolutely one reason why one must get through with the best available doctors for the same.

  • Red patches:

This is also another of the most important symptoms that people must be absolutely aware of. This is also one very underlying medical condition that must be addressed before it’s too late.

There are many other symptoms as well. But then again these are the most common symptoms.

Related: Check Out the Cosmetic Surgery for Men Usually Undergo

The best solution:

If there is a problem, no doubt there will be an eligible solution as well. With the gynecomastia surgery, the solution is pretty real! One can absolutely get through with the best available results with this surgery for sure.

In this procedure an eligible and certified plastic surgeon gets rid of the fat in and around the chest area. This is one of the most necessary things to do. Of course, they help in lifting the chest as well.

One must opt for this surgery because of various reasons. The very first reason being the fact that one can bid adieu to the problem forever. And of course one must realize that this treatment is nevertheless a guarantee to the same.


Selection of the surgeons though must be proper. One must carefully evaluate every step that they are taking when it comes to the section of the same. The best available surgeons must be exceptionally experienced and also will come with an unmalleable repute as well. This is the only thing that will help people ensure that they are in safe hands.

We are a trust-worthy group assisting foreign patients with affordable treatment; contact us at +91-9818369662 or |

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How is Labiaplasty performed?

How is Labiaplasty performed?

Many women across the globe are getting Labiaplasty in order to change how their reproductive organs look. Labiaplasty is a surgery done in order to reduce how the folds or inner folds look on each side of the vagina.  

Why women decide to get Labiaplasty

Women who decide to get this procedure may have lived in embarrassment and discomfort and they may have always avoided certain type of clothing since they felt self-conscious. They may not be willing to start a relationship if they have excessive labial show, protuberance and asymmetry. Many patients may live without knowing that this surgery will help them out. When you go for consultation, the doctor will ensure that you are comfortable. After discussing with you about your concerns, the doctor will develop a personalized procedure just for you.

During your Labiaplasty, the doctor may reduce both the labia majora and labia minora. The doctor will reduce the outward appearance while correcting irregularities and misshapenness. The edges that have to be reduced will first be marked using symmetry on the two sides of the labia. An incision is then placed on the medial or inside of the surface of your labia. Excessive protuberant area will be cut and the edge that it is left will be sewn using a running suture. The sutures will be absorbed.

After your Labiaplasty  

The doctor will give you antibiotics and will tell you how to apply an adequate amount of lubricant on the surgical site for 3 to 4 weeks. You are instructed to refrain from sexual intercourse for at least 3 weeks.

The patients are undoubtedly happy after the procedure since they do not feel pain. Women who were not happy wearing bathing suits, yoga tights and leggings, will now be able to do so. You will regain your self-confidence and you are certain to feel that the surgery has changed your life completely.

Before you get the Labiaplasty, you have to know that the surgery carries a number of risks too and it is normal for a woman to have noticeable skin folds on the vagina.  However, if you are too concerned, you should talk to your GP first and he or she will recommend the best way to deal with this problem.

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Fat is one of the most unwanted existence in the body. It is though an important part of the nutrients, but then again an excess of the fat is always a major problem. Not only it takes up a lot of space in the body, but also makes sure that the people suffer from an en number of diseases.

There are various types of treatment that cab help people get rid of the unwanted fat. Liposuction is one of the most necessary treatments amongst these. Since the discovery of the same, it has been one major attraction amongst the patients.

The liposuction is most definitely one of the major solutions that people can absolutely opt for no matter what!

The concept of liposuction:

The best specialists will most definitely recommend this treatment for sure. The liposuction is one of the major surgeries that can happen to the people. Of course, one must realize that this treatment helps them in getting rid of fats from certain places in the body.

An opening is made in certain areas that has excess of fat. And the fat is melted and pulled out of the body nevertheless. This is most necessarily why people must only choose the best plastic surgeons for sure.

Related: Best Liposuction in Delhi – Different Types of Liposuction Procedures

There are certain myths that are related to the liposuction. Going through with the same can help people in getting through with the best results for sure!

Myths and truths related to liposuction:

Following are the various myths and truths that are related to the liposuction:

Myth 1: This can help reduce fat forever!

This is most definitely one thing that people must not believe in at all. It will no doubt lead them to more problem. The fat is something that can come back once reduced. The body can certainly not stop from storing the same. It depends on how one wants to maintain their life after the procedure.

Myth 2: This can help everybody reduce the fat!

This is also not true. One must completely realize that the fat from people who just have few areas filled with excess fat can be extracted. But then again there are people who are morbidly obese. And extracting fat from them will make no major differences in them. The procedure of liposuction cannot help them at all.

Myth 3: This is a costly procedure!

This is again one of the greatest myths for sure. One must completely realize that the cost is absolutely not a problem! Liposuction can be easily availed and also isn’t much trouble for a procedure. One can completely get the very best results out of this no matter what!

One must debunk all the myths when it comes to liposuction. And this is only one thing that can help them get through with the best procedure!

We are a trust-worthy group assisting foreign patients with affordable treatment; contact us at +91-9818369662 or |

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Different types of blepharoplasty


Different types of blepharoplasty

When you meet somebody, the first thing you will notice is the eyes. When you have sagging skin, saggy eyelids and wrinkles, they may make you look aged, stressed out or overtired. With blepharoplasty, you can tighten your wrinkles and remove the unwanted fat at the eyelids so that you may look many years younger once again.

Blepharoplasty is known as an eyelid surgery or eye lift. It is now a common procedure and it can be done at the upper or lower eyelids and sometimes on both so that the patient can be given an alert and more rested appearance.

Different blepharoplasty types

There are many variations which a patient may choose from when it comes to getting the surgery. You can ask the physician about the available options and choose the one that fits you better. You may decide if you will get the surgery at the lower or upper eyelid.

The options available:

  • Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is done on the inside of your lower lid
  • Laser blepharoplasty uses lasers and it seals blood vessels when it meets them. This leads to less swelling and bleeding
  • Asian blepharoplasty also called double eyelid surgery

The benefits of blepharoplasty

After getting the procedure done, you will get a refreshed look and you will achieve a symmetrical face. The surgery, in certain cases, will improve the vision of the patient when the sagging skin has been hampering vision.

If you would like to get the surgery, you will have to keep in mind many factors. Get a quote from different surgeons to know how much you should expect to pay. You should be aware of all the costs such as anesthesia, surgery, medication and lab tests. If the procedure is not recommended by the doctor, then your insurance will not pay for it. When getting this surgery, ensure that the advantages you expect to get will outweigh the risks you are exposed to.

After the procedure, prepare a special ointment to use on the incision to lubricate it.  Ice packs and ice eye pads will keep down the bruising and swelling. The doctor may suggest that you use eye drops so that you can avoid an infection and help with pain management.

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Some people might have various issues related to the natural shape of their nose with which they are born.

  • Some people have abnormally larger noses that draw attention other than any other facial part. The size and shape of nose is not in proper proportion with other facial parts in these people. This phenomenon causes humiliation for them.
  • Similarly noses of some people are surprisingly smaller than their other facial parts. This also causes odd and awkward looks.
  • Some people might have issues with specific areas of their noses. Sometimes the nostrils are enlarged and much flatter, tip of the nose might be facing too much in upward direction spoiling the shape of nose, or some people might have tips of their noses similar to beak of a parrot facing downwards and curvy in shape.

For all these issues cosmetic surgeons have precise answers in terms of cosmetic surgeries that are commonly known as nose job. After a complete diagnosis of shape and size of patient’s nose, his lifestyle and medical history surgeons decide to adapt a particular surgical procedure for nose reshaping.

Usually all these procedures are carried out after administering general anesthesia for the comfort of the patient during the surgery.

  • For reducing the shape of patient’s nose surgeons perform reduction rhinoplasty. They take smaller incisions below the nostrils or between the nostrils externally. These incisions are almost invisible as they hide under the natural contours of nose after surgery. Then the surgeons would remove cartilage and bone in order to reduce the shape of nose.
  • For enlarging the shape of patient’s nose surgeons carry out augmentation rhinoplasty. This process involves widening of nose contours through synthetic implants. This surgery increases the projection of nasal dorsum and also can place grafts to reduce irregularities of bony dorsum and upper or lower cartilages.
  • It is also possible to augment the tip of the nose and other parts such as nostrils and any humps and dumps on the nose profile by cosmetic surgery.

For more details about Rhinoplasty surgery call @ 09958221983 & visit:


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Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (M.D., FACS)
13 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar,
New Delhi-110057 (INDIA)
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Choosing your breast augmentation surgeon

Choosing your breast augmentation surgeon

If you have decided on breast enhancement and looking for a surgeon, you must keep in mind several things.

Do an internet research

You can begin your internet research for the augmentation surgeon online. You will find the reviews and summary about other patient’s experience who have undergone the procedure. You will be able to find a qualified surgeon who has experience with the different procedures you may be interested in.

Check the doctor’s website and do a follow-up when you book a personal consultation ensuring that you are the right match before you consider the process.

You must not be afraid to shop around to find out what different doctors have to offer and compare their price and experience in addition to how comfortable you feel with them.

Check the surgeon’s credentials

The surgeon works under a governing body which qualifies cosmetic and plastic surgeons who are in this field. You must be sure that the surgeons you are considering for your augmentation are certified.

Surgeon’s credentials must be listed clearly on the their website. Other distinctions like an extra certification can be considered as well.

Look for referrals

The best place to begin is to check with family, friends and acquaintances who may have had the procedure done earlier. You can ask them for a recommendation. Your GP can also refer you to a surgeon for your breast augmentation.

Look for a surgeon who matches your expectations

When looking for your breast augmentation surgeon, you must know what you want to achieve with this procedure. If you want your results to appear natural, you must look for a surgeon who aims at it too. It is good to check before and after pictures at the surgeon’s office so that you are aware of what to expect after the surgery.

Some women may simply opt for breast enlargement while others may want a breast lift with their enlargement without caring much for a natural appearance. Whatever you may desire from your surgery, you must choose a surgeon that allows you to match your expectations with his aesthetic records.  

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Different types of Breast lift

Different types of Breast lift   

A cosmetic surgeon can use different types of technique for a breast lift surgery, but the exact technique used will be different from one patient to another, the personal goals of the patients and how much excessive skin the patient has. The cosmetic surgeon can recommend one type of breast lift over the other in order to help you in achieving the optimal results without too much scarring.

Crescent lift

It is a minimally scarring method used for correction of sagging.

Cosmetic surgeon can use the crescent lift technique for women who suffer only a low level of breast sagging. It will involve an incision that runs halfway to the top of the areola. The crescent lift can be done only with breast augmentation procedure.

Donut or Peri-Areola lift

Women who experience mild sagging and they want to get breast lift are good candidates to get the peri-areolar lift. It involves a circular incision that runs on the edge of the areola like with the crescent lift and it is performed together with breast augmentation. The lift may be effective if the areola size is being reduced. This leads to a scar at the edge of your areola.

Lollipop or vertical lift

It is a type of breast lift that is used commonly and it allows the cosmetic surgeon to remove the excess skin and to reshape the entire breast using modest but hidden scars. The vertical lift requires the use of two different incisions, one is done at the areolar area and the second is done at the bottom of the areola on the inframammary fold which makes a lollipop shape.

Anchor or Inverted T

This is the right solution if you have pendulous breasts with too much sagging. The incisions make it easy to remove the extra skin and sagging tissue which leads to better results. The technique requires the use of 3 different incisions, one is found at the edge of the areola, the second at the bottom of the areola towards the breast crease and another one at the inframammary fold and it is hidden within the breast crease. The cosmetic surgeon may use the technique when you also get breast reduction. Even if the anchor lift comes with visible scarring, they can fade when proper care is taken.

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Some questions women ask themselves about breast augmentation

Breast enlargement is a surgical cosmetic procedure which helps women get larger and fuller breasts. The results from the procedure may, however, not always look natural. Your breasts will be rounder and less droopy than natural breasts of a considerable size.

Here are some questions women ask about the augmentation procedure.

Who can get the surgery?

If you are opting for the saline implants, you must know that you are required to be a minimum of 18 years of age.

How much does the augmentation procedure cost?

The cost of the implants varies from individual to individual as also from one area to another. The cost will also include the charges for the facility where the surgery is performed, the fee of the surgeon and anesthesia charges. You must also know what type and style of breast implants will be used.

Is the augmentation procedure painful?

The intensity and duration of the pain also varies from one woman to another. Post your surgery, you may feel tired and sore for a few days. Most women return to their normal activities within 3 to 4 days and do not feel much pain.

How long does the augmentation procedure take?

Usually, breast augmentation takes about 1 to 2 hours for completion. This time depends on the augmentation technique that your surgeon uses and the kind of anesthesia which is used during your procedure.

Are women with implants at a higher risk of cancer?

There is no medical evidence which substantiates that implants are linked to a higher cancer rate.

Why is the augmentation procedure performed?

Most women who opt for the augmentation procedure are those who feel their current breast size is smaller and not in proportion with the rest of their body. In some cases, breasts may have developed unevenly and augmentation will help address this problem. Some women also decide to undergo the procedure when their breasts shrink due to pregnancy or they just want to restore their breast size after childbirth, weight loss or aging. Women also turn to augmentation when they have had cancer and undergone mastectomy; and they want reconstruction of the breasts.

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What you should learn about a mommy makeover

When a woman gets pregnant, it wreaks havoc on her body and the areas that will be hit hard are the buttocks, thighs, hips, abdomen and breasts. However, women do not have to worry anymore because of the mommy makeover procedure in Naples Florida. The procedure is a mix of many procedures that are brought together in order to help a woman reclaim a figure she had before getting pregnant.

How many procedures can be done at once

The common procedures included in a mommy makeover are tummy tuck, breast lift, breast augmentation, lower body lift and liposuction.  

The goal of a mommy makeover is restoring the perkiness and breast volume, flattening the tummy and reducing stretch marks. It can also be used to re-contour the buttocks, backs, thighs, hips and arms while it can also help to lift sagging thighs and buttocks.

The number of procedures to be carried out at once will depend on what the patient can support. The doctor will have to consider the level of the procedures required, the body type and health of the patient. The post-operative care available is also a determining factor. When the patient can stay overnight at the hospital or the surgical facility, then the doctor can do an extensive procedure. There are times when the doctor will suggest that the procedure be carried out on different days if there is a need for extensive procedures.

Age limit

There is no age limit for a mommy makeover; a woman of 20 years can get it the same as a woman 65 years old.

What to look for in your doctor

The right doctor to perform a mommy makeover should be recognized in the industry with enough experience in performing the procedure needed. Check if the patients of the doctor are happy and they got natural looking results. The staff should be willing to educate you and to help you about everything you want to know about the procedure including the safety and comfort with each one of them.

If you are willing to get a mommy makeover, then you will have to book for an appointment and get a confidential consultation with the doctor. During the consultation, all your questions will be answered and you will find out if you are the right candidate to get this procedure.

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A mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck?

A mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck?

One of the hardest areas of your body when it comes to losing weight is probably the abdomen. Even if you do succeed in losing weight on the tummy with regular exercise and dieting, it may leave you with sagging excessive skin. This could be when you lose considerable weight after pregnancy or obesity. If you are tired of this unsightly tissue, a tummy tuck is the best solution for you.

Those who lose weight get frustrated with the sagging skin that does not allow them to enjoy the benefits of weight loss. Cosmetic surgery is the best option in these cases helping you eliminate the remaining abdomen skin and finally show off the fruits of your hard work with weight loss.

Tummy tuck is performed with the aim of removing excessive fatty tissue from the abdomen. It is a common procedure across the globe with those who desire better body contours. You can choose from different kinds of abdominoplasty available; the most common ones are a mini tummy tuck and a full tummy tuck.

What is a mini tummy tuck?

This is the tummy tuck procedure usually best for those wanting to eliminate minimal to moderate amount of loose skin and fat which can be removed easily. During this procedure, your surgeon makes a small horizontal incision above the pubic area. If required, there may be a secondary incision around the belly button. This incision allows the surgeon to remove the fat, tighten the abdominal muscles and remove any excessive skin. Once this procedure is complete, the remaining skin is stitched back.

What is a full tummy tuck?

This procedure is recommended for patients who want to eliminate a substantial amount of excessive skin and fat. The main incision during this procedure is made from one hip to the other. This is placed low on your abdomen so that the resultant scar can easily be hidden within the panty line or bathing suit. The secondary incision will be made around the belly button which allows the surgeon to remove and then reattach it to a new location once the procedure is complete. This incision allows the surgeon to remove the excessive abdominal fat, tighten your abdominal muscles, excise the extra skin and reattach the belly button before suturing it.

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Rhinoplasty Surgery - Nasal Tip Surgery!


Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery, is a cosmetic surgery procedure which is performed for reshaping the nose. It is counted among one of the most commonly performed surgeries for better appearance and look.  It can increase or reduce the size of nose, narrow the span of nostril, change the angle between the upper lip and nose and alter the shape of the bridge or the tip.

The surgery can also coerce the injury or birth defect and also help in reliving breathing problems. In the recent years, it has emerged as one of the most popular procedures among people across all age groups. It is also known as “nose job” or “nose reshaping”.

Nasal or nose tip rhinoplasty procedure

When it comes to tip nose surgery, it is not specific to any ethnicity or age group. Men, women, children and teen can undergo this surgical procedure. For example, older people who wish to slow down the process of ageing on their nose and women who wish to have more feminine nose can choose this surgery.

Those who have unusually rounded ends or dropped tip are usually the right candidates for tip nose surgery. The procedure shapes and smoothen the irregularities. In addition, even people who have broader nose and wish to make it more prominent in the center of the face can opt for this surgical procedure. It is only in rare cases that such characteristics are consequential to injuries and most people who opt for it have had the same nose since the time of birth.

Rhinoplasty surgery cost depends on the type of surgery you will undergo.If you are considering nasal tip surgery then all you need to do is consult a cosmetic surgeon who would guide you correctly.

For more details about Rhinoplasty surgery call @ 09958221983 & visit:

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (M.D., FACS)
13 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar,
Mobile: +91-9958221983
Tag: tip nose surgery, rhinoplasty surgery cost, nose reshaping surgery, nose job surgeon india, nasal tip surgery, cleft & revision rhinoplasty, celebrity rhinoplasty surgeon, african american rhinoplasty specialist, korean rhinoplasty, face surgery, ethnic rhinoplasty South Delhi, dorsal hump nose reduction, crooked nose surgery, cosmetic surgery delhi, plastic surgery in delhi

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The reasons for getting a breast revision

The reasons for getting a breast revision

Women decide to have breast augmentation because of many reasons. It can be to improve their self-confidence, to add volume to the breast and to accentuate their natural curves. However, after getting the procedure done, some women may find out that the breast augmentation result they got is not what they were looking for. They may not be happy because of the type of implants used, size or shape of their breasts after the procedure. Some women who have got breast implants want to upgrade the breast augmentation size after having it for many years or they may want to change from silicone to saline implants or vice versa.  

Why you may need to get a breast revision

  • When you want to exchange or upgrade the breast implant in order to reduce or increase the breast volume
  • If you want to change the type of implants you got
  • If you want to remove the implants so that the breast can have their original size
  • If the implants have deflated or ruptured
  • If the implants have rippled
  • If you have suffered from capsular contracture

If the breast augmentation procedure has been successful, there is no reason why you should not be happy with it. When you are not happy with the results you got, then it is time to get a breast revision surgery.

What you should expect during the procedure

When you meet your plastic surgeon, you will talk about your concern so that the surgeon can understand the expectations and goals you have from the procedure. The doctor will create a customized treatment to remove or exchange your implants.   Depending on what you want to achieve, the surgeon may reposition the implants you already have or use new implants.

After the treatment, you will suffer some swelling, bruising or discomfort. However, such effects can be dealt with using pain medication. After having replaced the breast implants, you should wear a compression garment to make sure that your breasts are healing in a proper manner. The patients can resume their normal activities in a week’s time. You should avoid getting involved into strenuous activities or exercising for a month.  

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There is absolutely no doubt in the fact that the intention to look beautiful is one of the most found expectations in all the human beings. Especially the girls for sure! This is one thing that cannot be debated on as well.

For women, all their assets must be perfect in shape and their focus somehow remains on their assets. This is of course one reason why they work on it in all the ways they can. Women with small breasts often suffers insecurity.

But they always have one of the best available solutions to them for sure. This is no doubt the breast augmentation procedure for sure!

What is breast augmentation?

This is a process in which the breasts are made to go through a particular cosmetic surgery. This surgery is meant to do good for the women. Of course, it helps in them in getting a perfect looking and bigger set of bosoms.

Related: Breast Augmentation in Delhi – for Enhancing the Appearance of Breasts

Good plastic surgeons are the best option for the same. With this particular treatment, a silicon pad in inserted in the breasts. This gives it a fuller look completely. But then again why must one get this surgery done in the first place?

The reason why this surgery is great:

Following are the various reasons why this is one of the best possible surgery for sure:

  • Great shape: This is nevertheless one of the best reasons why this surgery is necessary by for the women. Of course, one must realize that the shape of the breasts is really beautiful with this surgery. This is nothing lesser than the expectations that women may set on how their breasts must look.
  • Fuller breasts: This is of course another reason why the people must get through with this surgery for sure. Of course, people must realize that the fuller breasts are the best for the people. This helps them look beautiful in anything that they may wear.
  • No problem: This surgery will promise them great results. And with the help of the great specialists this is one thing that can be taken care of completely. One will never experience any other problem for sure. This is one thing that one must absolutely be aware of.
  • Increased satisfaction: Many women are not happy the way they look. They often choose to be sad rather. And this surgery is one that can help them look the way they imagine to. Of course, this is one reason why the increased happiness is nevertheless an important advantage for sure.

There are an en number of advantages more with the breast augmentation surgery. But none other of the points will stand out as evidently as the above mentioned 4. There are various places in Delhi, India that offers this surgery!

We are a trust-worthy group assisting foreign patients with affordable treatment; contact us at +91-9818369662 or |

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10824461078?profile=originalThere are no limits of the dissatisfaction that the human beings can usually have. Of course, there are many things that they are dissatisfied with. But mostly they are dissatisfied with the way they look.

Yes, their own looks are sometimes more than just disgusting for them. Especially if they tend to be a little fat even. The worst area affected if a person is fat nevertheless is their abdomen region. This is thus one very problematic situation for the people.

This is only why if they suddenly lose weight their skin from the entire region sags making them look more horrendous for sure! Of course, the tummy tuck surgery is one of the greatest solutions that they can look for.

What is this surgery?

There are many people who suffers from the problem of lose and sagging skin in their abdomen area. These people usually want to get rid of the same. And this can be exceptionally and much easily removed as well.

The tummy tuck surgery is one of the major solutions that one can absolutely have for themselves. This surgery ensures that this excess skin is removed successfully and also the tummy is brought into proper shape.

Related: Check Out the Cosmetic Surgery for Men Usually Undergo

Also it depends on what type of surgery is chosen for in the first place. Any specialist can tell you that this surgery can be done in four ways. That is there are four different types of tummy tuck surgeries.

The various types:

Following are the four different types of tummy tuck surgeries that people can come across with:

  • Traditional: This is nevertheless the very first type. This process is a bit time taking for sure. Here, the abdomen is slit from one end of the hip to the other. The entire abdomen is worked on completely and a new belly button must be created as well. This is one of the major features of this surgery.
  • Extended: This particular tummy tuck surgery is an extended version of the traditional method of course. There is no doubt in the fact that how the fat deposits are difficult to remove in the waistline. And this is only why this surgery helps remove the same in the most efficient way of course.
  • Endoscopic surgery: In this process people who have very little tummy fat and also less skin to be tucked are brought in. Only a tiny slit is made and the muscles are tightened for them.
  • The mini tummy tuck: In this procedure, one can completely get through with the partial traditional tummy tuck. Only the lower abdomen is worked on in this procedure. No need of creating a new naval is found in this process for sure!

With so many good centres in Delhi, India nowadays, one can easily get through with the best of this surgery for sure!

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Who should get a tummy tuck?

Who should get a tummy tuck?

You are the right candidate for a tummy tuck in Deerfield if you have excess skin, stretch marks and flab. When the shape of the abdomen has been affected by massive weight loss or pregnancy and if you feel unattractive because of the protruding abdomen, it’s the right time to think of a tummy tuck.  

Before you get a tummy tuck, you should keep in mind that:

  • A tummy tuck will help you to restore a flat tummy

  • You will start to look better when you are in swimwear and your favorite clothes

  • You can regain your youthful body

However, you should also know that

  • There will be scars in the bikini area where the incision is made

  • When you get pregnant again, it may impact negatively on the results you got.

  • When you gain weight after abdominoplasty, it will affect the results of the surgery.

Even if the above are the most general effects of a tummy tuck, when you want to get the surgery, the doctor will discuss tummy tuck results that are unique only for you after the consultation.

If you have tried exercising and dieting but you are not getting the results you want on your abdomen, then it may be the right time to consider getting a Tummy Tuck.

Some of the reasons why you may get a tummy tuck are:

  • Pregnancy, heredity and aging, weight fluctuation that makes your skin loose prior to surgery.  

  • You have stable weight and extra fat or loose skin at the lower tummy. In case you are obese, the procedure will not lead to any results.

  • If you have too much intra-abdominal fat near the internal organs, it may be better that you slim down first before you get a tummy tuck.

  • You should get a tummy tuck when you are sure that you do not want to have children anymore. This is because pregnancy will separate the muscles that have been repaired during your tummy tuck.

  • If you have external or internal scars because of other surgery, it can affect your suitability to the surgery.

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When Are Your Breasts Saggy Enough For A Lift?

Breast lift in Indiana is exactly what it sounds like - a breast lift; skin structure of your breasts is pulled up and tightened. If you ever wondered about getting a breast lift, here is a test you can do at home to help you make such decision.

The pencil test

Yes, the pencil test is a DIY method of determining if you can benefit from a breast lift. Remove your bra and look at yourself in the mirror. Now place a pencil under the crease of your breasts where the band of your bra rests in the horizontal position. Check to see where does the nipple fall:

  • At the level of the pencil

  • Below the pencil

  • Above it

Now wear your bra and look at yourself in the mirror again. With the breasts lifted with the bra, are you:

  • Happy with the size of your breasts?

  • Wishing that you had bigger breasts?

When you visit your surgeon for a consultation, they will use other tools for measurement as well to help you decide on your choices. But until that time, here are some pointers to get you started.

  • If your nipple is at the level of the pencil and the droop is only mild, your situation is borderline. In case you are looking for a natural appearance, you can consider implants. A silicone gel implant or saline ones that are placed behind the muscle will create the impression of perky breasts. The implants not only add volume to the upper portion of your breasts, but also fill in the lower part. This creates the impression of a repositioned nipple which seems higher on the breasts. If you measure, you will find that the nipple is still at the same place.

  • If your nipple is below the level of the pencil, the degree of droopiness varies from moderate to severe. You are the perfect candidate for a breast lift that will reshape as well as raise your breasts.

  • When you find that your nipples are above the pencil’s level, you do not require a lift. It would be best to use your money on some new bras that provide good support and lift to your breasts.

Do you require a lift as well as implants?

  • If you are happy with the size of your breasts, all you require is a lift that will raise your breasts.

  • In case you desire larger breasts, you must consider a lift with implants. Also known as augmentation or mastopexy, this can be a combined procedure too.

Some surgeons may prefer two separate procedures – a breast lift being performed first and then followed by augmentation after a few months. Others perform both procedures together. This reduces your recovery period and also the time you spend under anesthesia and on the operating table. The combination procedure is safe and it takes about 3 to 3 ½ hours.

Some more tips

If the degree of sagging is moderate to severe, getting breast implants could give the appearance of 4 breasts. This happens when your natural breasts hang down low while the implants are higher up. Undoubtedly, this is not a flattering look for any woman.

Also keep in mind that post your breast lift procedure, the size of your breasts will not change. The surgeon only removes the excessive skin and not any of the breast tissue. The appearance of your breasts remains exactly the same, now they have the added perkiness for sure!

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Fighting Signs of Aging with a Facelift

Fighting Signs of Aging with a Facelift

In short, facelift in Dearborn improves the signs of aging predominantly in men and women in their 40s and 50s. If your mid face shows signs of aging and you do not have severe excessive skin around your jawline or neck, a mini facelift is the perfect procedure for you. The procedure is popularly known as the short scar or weekend facelift.

Who makes a good candidate?

If you have noticed that your jawline is not defined anymore due to sagging and excessive fat, you are an ideal candidate for a mini facelift. It benefits those in their 40s and 50s most in removing signs of aging. Your surgeon may also combine it with another procedure like liposuction to enhance your results.

What is the procedure for a facelift and a mini facelift?

The facelift procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and sedatives so that you are awake yet your face is numb. However, some surgeons may prefer a general anesthesia so that you sleep through your procedure.

The procedure for a mini facelift depends on your surgeon’s technique and your facial structure determines the incision and sequence. The skin is first separated from the fat and muscle below it before excessive fat from around your neck and chin area is trimmed or suctioned to enhance your facial contours. The underlying muscles and tissue are then pulled tight, and after excision of extra skin, the incision is closed with sutures. Your surgeon uses metal clips in your scalp.

What is the recovery like?

Facelift recovery, just like any procedure,  will vary from case to case. Most patients do not feel much discomfort after their mini facelift but if you do, your surgeon can prescribe pain medication. Drains might be used behind your ears for draining any blood and your head is bandaged to reduce bruising and swelling. These are usually taken off within 5 days.

The numbness in your face may take a few weeks or in some cases, even months to completely disappear. The scalp takes a while longer to heal but the stitches are removed within 7 days while the metal clips may be left for a while longer.

Most patients are up within a day or two, but you must take it easy for the initial week. Be gentle with your face since the skin remains tender and numb for a while. Ensure you follow the aftercare advise your surgeon gives you. Most people return to work within 10 days after their surgery, any bruising can be hidden with makeup.

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Zingers and Itching after Breast Augmentation

Zingers and Itching after Breast Augmentation

Zingers and itching are both common after a breast augmentation in Boston. Itching is usually related to the return of nerve sensation as well as histamine release during healing. The itching could also be due to the post-surgical bra your surgeon advises you to wear. Some other reasons for the itchiness include the prep solution that is used during the surgery, the dressing or the adhesive being used after it, the antibiotics or pain medications or mild fungal/ heat rashes.

If the itchiness is not due to the surgical bra, you could begin gently applying moisturizer or some organic oil to your breasts. Make sure though that you avoid your incisions. In case you have rashes as well, you must consult your surgeon for a helpful solution for it.

The placement of the breast implants under or over the pectoral muscle leads to sharp and consistent episodes of burning sensation which radiates from the ribcage to the nipples. Women have termed this sensation a ‘zinger’. The feeling may last a few weeks and it could actually be a good sign since it means your sensory nerves are not damaged.

Am I healing?

Even though both the itching and the zingers can be annoying, they are both a sign of breast augmentation healing. The nerve fibers which carry the itching sensation are the same ones also causing pain. The stretching of skin and sensory changes are common post-surgery and these cause itching. However, you must consult your surgeon to ascertain that the itching is not due to any other factor like an allergy.

During zingers, your nerve is trying to reconnect with the area it always supplied and this emits an electric shock or abnormal impulse. Most women find that a gentle massage or pressure applied to the area helps relieve the sensation. Some women may get alarmed by the burning sensation and the zingers but it is important to remember that it is a sign of healing and that there has been no damage to your nerves. Usually these feelings subside on their own within 3 to 6 months after your breast augmentation surgery.

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