fitness (116)


On the off chance that running and yoga both are the foundations of your wellness plan and you aren't seeing the outcomes you require, endeavor resistance training. You can utilize rec center Equipment for different wellness exercises. Maybe you've an idea about lifting weights. Perhaps you have even completed a couple dumbbell twists or got a barbell. At whatever point you hit the iron despite the fact that, you encounter uncertain, shaky, and a touch terrified.

Completely, you've heard the repulsiveness stories: lifting substantial weights makes women awkward, it's hazardous, it's awful on your joints, and once you have muscle, you can't quit lifting or it'll all flip to fats The fact of the matter is lifting weights does none of these matters. What it does is help you to live in a more beneficial, more grounded casing. Yoga and the treadmill can have their place, however, they're insufficient.

These all items you can discover on Fitking which is Fitness Equipment Brands Whilst you take a seat to list your wellness targets, you'll be astonished to that quality training won't least complex help you contact them, however, may also contact them speedier than performing cardio practice alone. To accomplish an ideal level of wellness with the coveted slender body you longing, to put it gruffly, weight preparing is essential.However, in case you're as yet suspicious about lifting weights, and afterward no not as much as please mindfully recall the ensuing thought processes why you should reconsider your disgraceful view.

Totally, you've heard the ghastliness stories: lifting overwhelming weights makes women lumbering, it's hazardous, it's terrible on your joints, and once you have muscle, you can't quit lifting or it'll all flip to fats The fact of the matter is lifting weights does none of these matters. What it does is help you to live in a more beneficial, more grounded casing. Yoga and the treadmill can have their place, however, they're insufficient.

These all items you can discover on Fitking which is Fitness Equipment Brands Whilst you take a seat to list your wellness goals, you'll be stunned to that quality instruction won't most straightforward help you contact them, however, may also contact them faster than performing cardio practice alone. To accomplish an ideal level of wellness with the coveted slender body you longing, to put it obtusely, weight preparing is essential.However, in case you're as yet suspicious about lifting weights, and after that no not as much as please circumspectly remember the resulting thought processes why you should reconsider your despicable view.

1. More Effective for FAT Burn

Disregard that "fats-consuming" quarter on the treadmill. As indicated by another investigate distributed in weight issues, weight lifting consumes about totally fats. Regardless of the way that many individuals weight lifting best an approach to full length when differentiated no holds barred against cardiovascular exercise, resistance preparing turns out on zenith inside the fight to consume calories.The huge preferred standpoint to weight tutoring is your casing's capacity to consume fat sooner or later of and in the wake of working out

2. Weightlifting Change your body shape.

You may envision your qualities decide the way your appearance. That is no longer essentially genuine. Weight preparing can thin you down, make new bands and help avoid the "inside age unfurl."

3. Help your digestion.

The less muscle you have, the slower your digestion can be. As ladies age, they lose muscle at developing expenses, particularly after the age of forty. Weights preparing in the meantime as weight-diminishment arrange to allow you to keep and even revamp muscle filaments. The additional lean mass you have, the higher your digestion can be and the more vitality you'll consume throughout the day.

4. Feel more certain.

Lifting weights will increment down to earth wellbeing, It being vigorous is in like manner engaging, Lifting of weights it assembles passionate power through boosting self-regard and self-conviction.

5. More Effective for BONE HEALTH

It's been very much reported ladies' needs to do weight-bearing activity to develop and keep up bone mass, what's more, to spare you osteoporosis. Similarly, as muscle gatherings get more grounded and bigger with utilize, so do bones once they're made to experience weight.

7. Enhance sports wellness.

You don't be a competitor to appreciate the games exercises preferred standpoint of weight tutoring. Enhanced muscle tissue and power will help you in all physical exercises, regardless of whether it's bicycling with the claimed family, swimming, hitting the fairway, or snowboarding anything sport you appreciate. On the off chance that you are searching for best weight plates then you can run with Fitking. They are giving top weight plates India

8. Enhance Your Quality Sleep

Quality preparing extraordinarily enhances rest quality, supporting in your capacity to nod off quicker, rest further, and wake less regularly amid the night.

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Whether you are struggling to see the results you want at the gym, or are gearing up for a big round of training, keeping a workout journal is one of the most powerful ways out there to insure that you are getting the most of your efforts in the gym.

Here are just some of the ways that a workout journal will help you crush it at the gym this year:

1. Builds a layer of accountability.

For most of us, we work out alone. Without a coach, or a buddy, or any other kind of accountability to keep us honest it can be easy to slag off when it comes to our workouts. Missing a workout here and there, or skipping the occasional exercise that you don’t feel like doing, adds up.

Writing out your workouts, while it might not look like much, reinforces a sense of accountability to your workouts. I’ve lost count of how many times I plodded through a less-than-optimal training session simply because I had to write out the sets in my workout journal.

2. You do the things you set out to do.

Task completion—it’s something you probably haven’t thought about very often, but it is surprisingly important. When you lay out a list of things you are going to do, and then do them, this creates a sense of confidence while building a level of personal integrity. Keeping your word matters, whether it is doing the workout you set out to do or keeping your commitments at work and to your family, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from the task completion of completing your assigned workouts will benefit you across your life.

3. Keeps you focused on your weak spots.

For many of us we have something at the gym that desperately needs work. It could be getting that hip flexor mobility work in. Or doing more core strength work. Or simply squatting more. Whatever it is, a workout journal will help you assess these things, show you how much you are actually working on it, and help you create a plan moving forward so that you give that weak area the attention it needs and deserves.

4. It helps you track progress.

Burn-out is over-rated. What happens you are mentally not into your workouts isn’t burnout, and unless you are an elite athlete, it’s not over-training. It’s a lack of progress. Is there anything more demotivating than not seeing any gains or improvements in the gym. It ends up creating a bottomless void of purpose. Writing out your workouts, the results, and the sets and the reps, helps you target and plan for improvement. Improving in the gym is the ultimate motivator, and you can wield your workout journal to effect this.

5. Scheduling your workouts.

Sounds like a basic thing, but scheduling your workouts, the intensity of your workouts, as well as recovery and rest days will help you be more consistent and productive in the gym over the long term. Having the proper amount of time to recover between sessions is critical—your strength and size gains happen between your workouts, after all. In it’s most basic form a workout journal helps you monitor how often you are working out, how much you are recovering, and when to apply more or less rest.

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Hi All, 

I'd like to thank Dr. Shubhra Arora to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows: 


Hi this is dr. Shubhra Arora, dentist- yoga /lesmills body balance instructor/ associated with reebok one - ameteur runner- model. I believe in making the most of every breath I take as life is the precious gift of god. Let's cm to your q/a round.

1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

Fitness was Neva a decision rather an opportunity which knocked ma door n when I hugged it with gratitude it gave me a sense of belonging.

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?

I am a yoga instructor / les mills body balance instructor/ deals with communication between body, mind and soul. A peacemaker, who calms people n tell them the beautiful meaning of life .

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

Be positive, let your mind rule the body!

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

Fitness is all about giving and liberating positivity NO MATTER WHAT. Alas! Many professionals don't realise it.

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

Well, 5 years from now I wud paint the whole world pink( gud health) & white ( peace ). As ma positive attitude and ma hard work wud take me to cloud #9 wen I wake up next mornin( smilin with hope in eyes)

6. Your professional contact details:

Tooth time family dental,

Sushant lok 1, Gurgaon


With lots of love Big hug

Signing off.

Dr. Shubhra Arora













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6 Healthy Foods That Aren’t Actually Healthy


When it comes to choosing healthy foods, most are likely to get overwhelmed by the abundance of options available. People often get tempted by labels that read - ‘Probiotics, Multi-grain, protein recommendation, low-fat and fiber-rich that they don’t even give a thought whether the food they are buying is really good for their health or not.

It’s about time that you look beyond the labels, become a conscientious consumer and do some research on nutritional facts. For eg, fat in its unprocessed form doesn’t make anyone fat. Here are a few foods that are touted as healthy but aren’t actually, have a look:

1. Skimmed or low-fat milk

Though skimmed milk or low-fat milk have fewer calories, whole milk contains more amount of saturated and mono-saturated fats. These types of fats support your metabolism, make you feel full and enhance your body composition. Low-fat milk contains less amount of Vitamin A, D, E and K than whole milk. So which is the better option? Low-fat or whole milk?

2. Protein bars

Most protein bars sold at the grocery store are packed with sugar, artificial sweeteners, trans fats and high-fructose corn syrup. Then there are some bars which contain only four to five ingredients like - almonds, cashews, whey protein, peanuts etc while few others are filled with 40 different ingredients! Yes, you need to check the ingredients first. If you see unfamiliar ingredients on the label, put it back on the shelf.

3. Cereal

A research says that 31% of people start their morning with a bowl of cereal and milk. In fact, cornflakes don’t contain any natural vitamins and minerals as they get destroyed during the manufacturing process. To compensate for the lost minerals, manufacturers add synthetic ingredients to enhance the nutritional value of cereals. 

4. Sports Drinks

Sports drinks have long been known to enhance recovery and quench the thirst more effectively than water. A recent study by the University of Oxford claimed that there’s no evidence of claims that these companies boast of. In fact, most sports drinks were found to have a lot of sugar and electrolyte content.

5. Wheat bread

When buying a whole bread log, make sure that the first ingredient it contains is either ‘whole grains’ or ‘whole wheat’. Most wheat bread don’t contain whole wheat at all and still have refined flour. Even worse, some wheat bread includes artificial sweeteners or partially hydrogenated oils, corn syrup and preservatives to enhance shelf-life.  

6. Packaged foods (calorie controlled)

Controlling intake of carbohydrates and proteins can be a key to balance calorie count. However, these mini-sized snacks often leave you unsatisfied and under-nourished. If you are looking for a fix, go for fruits or celery with peanut butter, cherries, and raisins.

A lot of foods that you think are healthy might not be the best things to have. You need to watch out the labels first so you can make better food choices on a daily basis. To find more tips on health and fitness, check out

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Small specialty hospitals and centres are acquiring latest equipment and technology, investing a significant portion of their annual sales in a single machine to specialise in their niche areas in order to attract high-end customers from corporate hospital.

Last month, Delhi-based Bharti Eye Hospital purchased First LenSx Femtosecond Laser costing about Rs 3.5 crore which reduces complications in laser cataract surgeries to almost nil and increasing safety profile significantly.

 Though procedures done using this machine will be three times more expensive than conventional cataract surgeries, Bharti Eye Hospital's medical director Dr Sudhank Bharti is confident that the demand from high-end patients will be enough to recoup investments in the machine within next 3-4 years.

"The pool of patients who want best services with no cost limitation is fast of increasing," he said. In addition, foreign patients, particularly NRIs, will also provide a customer base for this kind of premium surgery. Similarly, MuljiBhai Patel Urological Hospital, a 140-bed charity centre in Nadiad Town of Gujarat, has acquired robotic-assisted surgery equipment, which costs about Rs10 crore.

The hospital's medical director, Dr Mahesh Desai, said the hospital was among the first 10 in the country to get this equipment, when it bought the system about a year and half back, joining the league of corporate heavy weights Apollo Hospitals and Fortis Healthcare.

AIIMS was the first to get this equipment about 5-6 years back, he said. "We provide the best treatment because charity cannot come ahead of life," he said. He declined to share the financial details of the company. According to Johnson & Johnson Medical India Managing Director Vaidheesh A, there is a "new trend" among smaller hospitals in bigger cities to invest in latest medical technologies for niche specialties, partly necessitated due to competition from large corporate hospital chains. Medical Equipment Manufacturer in China

"They need to differentiate themselves with the best technology and equipment to build their practice and reputation," he said. Increased access to health insurance coverage has also enabled patients to seek superior standard of care, which in turn enables hospitals to recover their investments in these high-end technologies, he said.

Medical equipment companies such as Philips and GE have financing arrangements and flexible payment options where hospitals pay part of the money upfront and rest over installments. A doctor, who runs an ENT centre, said for corporate hospitals investing in such costly equipment doesn't make economic sense as they treat fewer patients in these categories.

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Benefits of Red and White Wine

Why, How and When To Drink

Health Fitness India

Scroll below for wine events in India

Through the Grapevine: Health Benefits of Wine

Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Syrah - Red Wine Guide

Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Gris - White Wine Guide

Wine Events in India

BANGALORE Orion Wine Festival 2015 in association with the Karnataka Wine Board with over 30 National & Indians brands is being held from 23rd to 25th January 2015 at the Lakeside, Brigade Gateway.



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Protein - Health and Fitness India, Knowledge and Experience from Worldwide

Click the images or the READ links below for the different protein-related articles.


Whey Protein, Casein, Pre / Intra / Post Workout Supplements (Nutrition, Diet) in India READ


Nutrition and Athletic Performance READ


Nutrient Administration and Resistance Training READ


BCAAs - branched-chain amino acids - leucine, isoleucine, valine - muscle READ


Bodybuilding Supplements READ


10824452473?profile=originalTips for Heart Health READ


5 WORST diet mistakes (for building muscle) READ

How to lift weights, lose fat, tone, sculpt and build body at gym



Shakti Saran

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Hi All, 

Testimonial by Reema Sarin an actor, model, dancer & founder BOLLYFIT for Shakti Saran, Health Fitness India work.


I'd like to thank Ms. Reema Sarin an actor, model, dancer & founder BOLLYFIT to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows: 


1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry? 

Well, I started BOLLYFIT about 10 years ago in 2004. At that time, I found that people were getting bored of the traditional aerobic workouts, and were looking for new ways to keep fit and lose weight. It was around that time, that ‘bollywood remix’ music and new bollywood dance choreographies became a huge hit globally.

I decided to mix all 3 popular rages– that is International Fitness moves (Aerobics, Step Aerobics and Cardio Kick-boxing); Bollywood dancing and Bollywood music (at increased speeds) so one can get a high energy fun workout!

BOLLYFIT is my own fusion of sophisticated bollywood, bhangra, hip-hop, jazz, modern, funk, flamenco and fitness dance and aerobic dance moves, synchronized to popular bollywood music at 200 beats per minute, the first of its kind and the fastest in the dance and fitness industry globally!

How important is fitness in today’s fast paced life: 

A healthy body complements a healthy mind. Both go hand in hand. Exercising is the best stress buster, and in today’s fast paced times, it certainly helps to keep fit by engaging in any kind of fitness activity or sports.  Fitness should be a key component in anybody's life simply for the fact that it makes you feel better. Here are some key reasons and benefits of being Fit:

More Confidence

One of the first benefits that come to mind is confidence or raised self esteem. After all when you feel good you look good and that definitely shows in a person if they take care of themselves.

More Energy

People that exercise have or seem to have more energy than people that don't. For example, if you where to do cardio in the morning before you went to work, your day would run smoother and you would be more upbeat for the day? Working out might seem like a chore at first. You might even feel like you have no energy to workout. However remember this, working out on a regular bases give you more energy in the long run.

More Organized

I am drawing from personal experience here but whenever I am on a structured program or workout regime, I become more organized in other areas of my life. Area's such as work, friends, family and leisure time. So try making fitness a part of your life. You never know what you might be able to accomplish.

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?

Being in the industry for a decade now, today,  I am a well known fitness model and fitness media personality. I recently completed both, the Delhi and the Mumbai Marathons of 21.097 kms, much before the stipulated time of 3 hours and received medals for both races respectively.

I am a leading Fitness and Bollywood Dancer & Choreographer in the country, with international experience and training in the Fitness Industry in the US and in South East Asia (including Australia).

I conceptualized and launched my ‘BOLLYFIT’ Dance Program, which is a fusion of scintillating and sophisticated bollywood and fitness dance moves, which are carefully synchronized to popular bollywood music.

It’s the only one of its kind fitness dance choreography which gives you the amazing thrill of bollywood, jazz and funk dancing along with the fun combination of international dance aerobics, step dance aerobic and cardio kick boxing moves your favorite fast paced bollywood music of speeds of 200 beats per minute (bpms)!

I have has organized Fitness Dance Shows, including at the Youth Nexus Festival’, sponsored by HT City in Delhi, ‘Dublin Night-Club’ in Delhi, ‘FBAR (renamed as ‘Venom Lounge’) in Hyderabad, amongst others. 

I have launched the BOLLYFIT Program’ as a motivational fitness dance program in schools (The American School, Delhi), corporate companies (AppLabs, IBM) and Hotels (Taj Group, Four Seasons Group) and Resorts all over India. I have been instrumental in promoting fitness in, as well as in introducing and promoting BOLLFIT group fitness workouts in all the premier Fitness Clubs and Gyms in the country.

I have showcased the ‘BOLLYFIT’ programs, on all the prime TV channels in the country, including STAR News, ZEE, Aaj Tak, CNBC (Goodlife Program), ‘Raat Baki’ on NDTV (Bollywood Fitness Parties), as well as given interviews to the mainline dailies, lifestyle and fitness publications and magazines like Times of India, Hindustan Times, Pioneer, Atelier Diva, Hotel Business Review, Capitol Post, amongst others.

“My classes are fun, high energy, fast paced and rejuvenating. ‘It is actually not just about losing weight, but about keeping fit; improving flexibility, stamina, endurance, strength and leading a high-energy life. People join the ‘BOLLYFIT’ Program to work out in high energy and power filled group fitness classes.”

BOLLYFIT is a sure shot calorie burner. The fitness dance moves work out each and every muscle in your body in a very distinct way, all very addictive and help you actually de-stress and unwind as you workout.

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

I encourage clients to adopt fitness as a lifestyle and make it a part of their everyday regimen, so they remain healthy in their daily lives. There are many new Fitness workouts that are working wonders, as they not only are excellent calorie burners, but are fantastic for muscle toning and building strength and stamina. They help to Increases your speed, balance, flexibility, coordination and sharpens reflexes.

Additionally, they provide the ‘fun element’, which ensures that you get an enjoyable workout without feeling the burden of exercise. It releases what we call in layman terms ‘happy hormones’ in the body, leaving you feeling great!

For any exercise, Mornings is the best time as the body has maximum energy in the morning after a night’s sleep.

For exercise, they should wear comfortable cotton, lycra exercise clothes, which includes tshirts, stretch pants, tights, aerobic dance wear. Basically, cloths that don’t restrict aerobic and dance movements and allow the skin to breathe and allow full body movement. But even more important thing are the shoes – they need to be of a flexible sole for dance movement and have a good base to provide substantial support for high impact landing.

I also advise my clients to adopt healthy eating habits, and adopt a high protein, low fat and complex carbohydrate diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and water intake. 

Eating - thumb rule - Calories in have to be less than Calories burnt. So eat healthy on most days. NEVER GO ON CRASH DIETS. Eat lots of protein - daals, tofu, fruits and vegetables. White meats instead of Red. So chicken and fish are better than lamb, pork, other red meats. Just cut out excess salt, sugar, alcohol, fried snacks (so no samosas, chips, etc). There are plenty of low fat snacks to have, for a whole wheat toast with tomatoes and some pepper, instead of say a cheese toast. Deserts - stick to jellos, etc not the heavy deserts like 'halwa', creamy deserts, etc. Stick to Low fat milk and yogurt.

Avoid white carbohydrates - so no 'maida' and stick to whole wheat pastas and breads.

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

We are finding that our people are getting increasingly fitness conscious, and are constantly looking for new, innovative and fun ways to workout, lose weight. For optimum fitness, it is good for your body to experience different kinds of workouts.

Fitness professionals at times stick to old and outdated fitness regimes which aren’t very effective and also get boring for clients. Sometimes fitness professionals also tend to follow 1 type of fitness routine and in doing so, wear out the body muscles.My advise to all fitness professionals is to stay updated with new fitness regimes and vary the fitness routines they teach their clients. 

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now? 

With Bollywood music becoming increasingly popular not only with Indians but also expats, professionally I see myself and BOLLYFIT going global! Today, I teach Bollywood ‘Rock Aerobic’, ‘Pop Aerobic’ and marathon advanced ‘Trance Aerobic classes’, which are all very addictive forms of exercise.”

BOLLYFIT Dance is one of the latest and most innovative concepts, that is taking both, fitness and dancing to a completely new level as it talks about a completely new concept internationally, called 'fitness dancing'. BOLLYFIT has completely glamorized fitness, as it is also the first fitness dance program to be taught in nightclubs and discotheques (during non night-club hours), which has been a great hit, as for the first time, a fitness workout has moved out from Gyms and Fitness Clubs, to Nightclubs.

The special BOLLYFIT moves strengthen your muscles and the BOLLYFIT stretches really increase flexibility and really relaxes all your limbs.  Some of the super fast high energy dance moves will give you fantastic workout as you feel your fitness level going to a higher level, giving you increased calorie burn.

6. Your professional contact details

Reema Sarin

Office: 26873133

Mobile : 9871698894

Email and

Some useful links:

Reema Sarin's Profile:

Join on Facebook - Reema Sarin – The BOLLYFIT Girl!

To receive your weekly fun dance and fitness tip, Join The BOLLYFIT Club on Facebook today!

Reema Sarin - Twitter

Reema Sarin Blog


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How to lift weights, lose fat, tone, sculpt and build body at gym

Click each image below to see several videos on Health and Fitness India

Ladies, don't be turned off by lifting weights because you see a girl with lots of big muscles. It's very difficult to get lots of big muscles. 

Doing weight training with a nutritious diet and proper rest will give you a healthy and fit body and you'll not look like a man! Don't be scared of weight training ladies! You'll burn fat, shape your body, have strength and feel beautiful!

Also see the Top 10 Exercises Done Incorrectly and that How to Do Them Correctly in an NHS article 

Contact me Shakti Saran, the creator of Health and Fitness India site to find gyms, trainers, exercise equipment, health and fitness products and more!

10824438473?profile=originalAbs Exercises - Fitness and Bodybuilding Workouts Videos Page

10824439461?profile=originalBack Exercises - Fitness and Bodybuilding Workouts Videos Page

10824450495?profile=originalBiceps Exercises - Fitness and Bodybuilding Workouts Videos Page

10824438094?profile=originalChest Exercises - Fitness and Bodybuilding Workouts Videos Page

10824446261?profile=originalLegs Exercises - Fitness and Bodybuilding Workouts Videos Page

10824440099?profile=originalShoulders Exercises - Fitness and Bodybuilding Workouts Videos Page

10824441855?profile=originalCrossFit techniques, equipment, science, trainer Videos Page

10824451854?profile=originalKettlebell exercises for women & men in India Videos Page

10824438684?profile=originalCalisthenics simple and more advanced body weight exercises Videos Page

10824439284?profile=originalDeadlift techniques, simple to advanced variations Videos Page

10824441885?profile=originalRunning techniques, shoes, clothes, people Videos Page

10824446479?profile=originalLearn about fitness, exercise & diet from Indian Celebrities Videos Page

10824451888?profile=originalHow to Become and Grow as a MODEL in INDIA Page

Share with friends & Get Fit together !!!

Best Wishes,

Shakti Saran

Contact me to find gyms, trainers, equipment, health and fitness products & more!

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Hi All, 

I'd like to thank Ms. Nitika Dhiman to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:

10824450858?profile=original1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

I entered not only to be fit myself but also touch lives around me and to spread wellness and good health!

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?

Till now whatever I could grab and do which was available in India regarding Zumba® fitness, I've done it and am certified active zumba fitness instructor for past 3.5 yrs plus

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

Health and fitness is life. It's a give and take. You give respect to your body - it will function healthy and give you way more than you pumping in the long run.

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

Know the ailments of your clients inside out . Learn their desire and understand their livelihood. Then design a module around it. A win win for both! Don't do what works out for yourself.

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

I see myself very much in the same field. My work shall speak for me. I wouldn't.

6. Your professional contact details:

Nitika Dhiman


Zumba with Nitika


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Hi All, 

Testimonial by Abhinav Malhotra, Ballistic Kettlebell Fitness Academy for Shakti Saran, Health Fitness India - web design, graphic design, SEO, SMO and online marketing work.


I'd like to thank Mr. Abhinav Malhotra, the founder of Ballistic Kettlebell Fitness Academy, India to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are: 


1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

I was always an obese person right since childhood and hated myself for that.

I constantly looked for fitness advice from people in good shape and different trainers in the gym and read articles on the web and in the fitness magazines which always contradicted.

Everything contradicted with each other and led to more confusion.

All this led to frustration before I decided to do a Personal Trainer Certification course from K11 Fitness Academy, Pune to educate myself in fitness science.

My interest in fitness education grew henceforth and I kept doing more courses nationally and internationally in different aspects of fitness and decided to venture into fitness industry.

I started Pune's 1st personal training studio specializing in functional training and athletic Strength & Conditioning, with the latest trends of Kettlebells, TRX, BOSU etc.

Then I launched India's premier Kettlebell and Sports conditioning academy - Ballistic Kettlebell Fitness Academy.

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?


Strength & conditioning for sportsmen,

Training for special population (people with medical problems, musculo-skeletal injuries, postural disorders, neural problems, children and pregnant women),

Lifestyle improvement by adopting regular exercise and nutrition habits.

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

Fitness is a lifestyle change and not a crash diet and over-training protocol to lose weight. Such faulty practices to lose quick weight will only lead to lowered metabolism, sagging skin, abnormal hormones, faster regain of weight to lead to more frustration.

Moreover, what's the point in getting to a smaller out of shape, ugly body from the larger out of shape body with weeks of crash diets affecting sleep, happiness, mind and overall quality if life?

Exercise at least 3-4 days a week and have a balanced diet, with proper macro and micro-nutrient profile to suit your body, which one can sustain all throughout life.

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

1) Trying to impress the clients with quick results. Thereby adopting faulty practices mentioned above by me. Most often includes giving excess cardio and super low calorie protein-deficient diets.

2) Starting training without proper client assessments. I see this a lottttt !!!

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

1) Expanding my brand Ballistic from an academy to gyms and sports nutrition through out Asia.

2) Personally, one of the leading lifestyle and fitness consultant in India.

6. Your professional contact details

Email :

Mobile : +91 9810733448

Website :


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For health and fitness professionals and businesses

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How to become and grow as a model - Health Fitness India

Becoming a successful model can be a good start to a much bigger career in the entertainment industry. Explore your options to grow also by asking me!

Don't get fooled and cheated by casting ads even when they say a major production company. I think ask for the casting coordinator details so you know it's official. It's not necessary that the ad is fooling and cheating you, however, it can help to have the details.

Google "how to model india" and thankfully on 1st page is this article. You can also search the casting coordinator details and the ad details to try and find if it's official.

One of the most important considerations for people to enter into the modeling industry is the money they think it would cost them to take that big risk in a highly-competitive industry.

Is modeling expensive? It can be if you're trying to achieve too much too quickly or if you've any unrealistic goals. Understanding your potential in the modeling industry is key. Of course, humans have seemingly infinite potential and one can keep trying to get better by using the accessible and acceptable ways and means. Learning from a variety of modeling industry professionals can help.

One thing you can do to reduce your costs is to find make-up artists, photographers, and fashion designers by yourself and grow from small to big. It'll take effort to find others, however, that can be of increasing value to you over the longer-term.

I've created websites in health, fitness, beauty, fashion, career, security and others. They can help you to find fitness trainers, nutritionists, dietitians, make-up artists, beauty products, spas, salons, fashion designers and modeling photographers. 

You can ask me how to make use of my sites for your growth as a model in India. Contact me through my profile on this site or my LinkedIn or Facebook

My sites are (this one - Health Fitness India Network) (Google "fitness directory india" and it comes on 1st page) (Make-Up Artists, Beauty Products, Spas, Salons, Blogs) (Fashion & Accessories Designers, Stylists, Models) (HR and Career related news, articles and talent) (Security related news, articles and talent)

My sites come on 1st page of search engines & they help increasingly with social media.

Below are articles/videos of value to aspiring, amateur and professional models in India.

Priyanka Chopra is Indian film actress & singer, and winner of Miss World pageant 2000 

How to Become a Model including basic points, tips and warnings. Article

10824448471?profile=originalNoyonita Lodh is Indian Model & beauty pageant winner who was crowned Miss Diva Universe 2014 & will represent India at Miss Universe 2014 in Doral, US

How to Become a Teenvogue Model Article


How to get a model body - lift weights, lose fat, tone, sculpt & build body at gym Article


Fashion & Fitness Model Sandy Singh Chhikara - Fashion Designers India Article


Very fat to Very fit - Fitness Trainer and Model Manisha Ramdhin Article


Model Actress Celebrity Pooja Tomar has a Fashion Designers India page



Contact me through my LinkedInFacebook or HFI Profile.

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Benefits of a Low Carb Diet.

It is a typical misconception, even among well-being experts, that low-carb weight control plans are by one means or another awful for well-being. Naturalon has advised some of the foods that you need to avoid if you want to prolong your life. Individuals who make such claims about low-carb diet clearly haven't tried to look at the exploration.


Their primary contention is that low-carb weight control plans are terrible on the grounds that they're high in immersed fat, which raises cholesterol and causes coronary illness.

In any case, late research proposes that there is nothing to stress over. Immersed fats raise HDL (the great) cholesterol and change the "terrible" cholesterol from little, thick LDL (awful) to vast LDL which is considerate.

The truth of the matter is that immersed fat does NOT bring about coronary illness. This is essentially a myth that has never been demonstrated.

Low-carb eats less carbs really prompt more weight reduction and further enhancements in danger elements contrasted with a low-fat eating routine.

1. Body Fat: A low-carb diet, eaten until totality, for the most part causes more fat misfortune than a low-fat eating routine that is calorie confined.

2. Blood Sugar: One of the signs of diabetes and the metabolic disorder is a raised glucose, which is exceptionally destructive over the long haul. Low-carb diets lower glucose.

3. Blood Pressure: If circulatory strain is high, it has a tendency to go down on a low-carb diet.

4. High Triglycerides: These are fats that circle around in the blood and are a solid danger element for cardiovascular malady. Low-carb diets lower triglycerides a great deal more than low-fat eating methodologies.

5. HDL (the great) Cholesterol: Generally talking, having a greater amount of the "great" cholesterol implies you have a lower danger of cardiovascular ailment. Low-carb diets raise HDL cholesterol significantly more than low-fat eating regimens.

6. sdLDL (the terrible) Cholesterol: Low-carb diets cause LDL cholesterol to change from little, thick LDL (awful) to huge LDL, which is kindhearted.

7. Easier: Low-carb diets have all the earmarks of being less demanding to stick to than low-fat eating regimens, most likely in light of the fact that it isn't important to number calories and be ravenous, which is apparently the most exceedingly bad reaction of slimming down.

The statements above are ended up being valid in randomized controlled trials – investigative studies that are the highest quality level of examination.

There will be real changes in hormones and the body needs to increase generation of compounds to begin smoldering essentially fat rather than carbs. This can keep going for a couple of days and full adjustment might take weeks.

Regular reactions in the initial couple of days include:

• Headache

• Feeling Lightheaded

• Tiredness

• Irritability

• Constipation

Reactions are typically gentle and nothing to stress over. Your body has been smoldering generally carbs for quite a long time, it requires some serious energy to adjust to utilizing fat as the essential fuel source.

This is known as the "low carb influenza" and ought to be over inside of 3-4 days.

On a low-carb diet, it is vital to eat enough fat. Fat is the new wellspring of fuel for your body. In the event that you eat low-carb AND low-fat, then you're going to feel terrible and desert the entire thing.

Another essential thing to know about is that insulin makes the kidneys clutch sodium. When you eat less carbs, the kidneys discharge sodium. This is one reason individuals lose so much bloat and water weight in the initial couple of days.

To neutralize this loss of sodium you can add more salt to your nourishment or beverage a measure of stock each day. A bouillon 3D square broke up in some boiling hot water contains 2 grams of sodium.

Numerous individuals say they feel beyond anyone's imagination on a low-carb diet, when the underlying adjustment period is over.

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Hi All, 

I'd like to thank Ms. Indira Priyadarshini to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:


1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

Being an Athlete from childhood, fitness has always been my passion and interest, I always keep experimenting-innovatively different workouts to keep myself active, fit n healthier mentally n physically..apart fitness has always been one of my family trendy passions too..

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?

Am an professionally certified Group Fitness trainer, been into this profession for closely 15 yrs for now, who strongly believes in living fit Mentally and Physically.

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

Fitness starts from your mind and ends in form of sweat..Say NO to junk n fast foods, stay close to natural n raw foods, No matter what and when, everyone should take sometime (40 mins minimum) out for self and sweat..burn those extra calories..and turn more active, lighter, happier and younger!

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

Yes, Most of them are not practically and professionally certified, even if certified, don't used their knowledge right, please professionally train self before training your clients, unprofessional workouts lead to injuries... And other is wrong selection of workout music, there is a patter of beats used for workouts, from warm-up to cool down, which most trainers ain't aware.

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

Post 5 years I wanna see myself at every possible house, in the form of most effective-workout music and CDs, specially for people who been traveling constantly on their jobs n can't schedule their time out to hit a gym/fitness centre around!

6. Your professional contact details:


Professional Group Fitness Trainer

+91 9241361413


The Entire List of Health and Fitness Professional Interviews

For health and fitness professionals and businesses

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14th November is celebrated as World Diabetes Day every year. This day calls for a global awareness campaign on Diabetes. So, read on to discover 5 rare facts about Diabetes that will help you remain aware.

Do share your views below!




The most common form of Diabetes - Type 2 Diabetes - hardly come with any symptoms. This is why it is infamously known to be the silent killer. About one-third of every diabetic patient are not aware that they are suffering from the disease.

Diabetes affects health by raising blood glucose level. This excessive raise renders the cells unable to transfer glucose into energy. Thus, it keeps accumulating in the blood.

This excessive accumulation is dangerous, as it may damage your vital organs like heart, kidneys and eyes. In the long run, this accumulation may also cause stroke, heart attack, or coma. Causing death without prior symptoms is the reason why Diabetes is known to be the silent killer.




Diabetes is often mistaken to be of two types. Other than Type 1 and Type 2, there also exists a third type - Gestational Diabetes. As is apparent from its term, this Diabetes affects women during their pregnancies. If a pregnant woman’s blood sugar rises abnormally, she is diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.

Indian women are generally more vulnerable to Gestational Diabetes. By staying under extra care during pregnancy, they are more likely to consume calorific food. Gestational Diabetes often converts into Type 2 Diabetes after delivery!




In spite of celebrating World Diabetes Day annually, much awareness about Diabetes remains unspread. Lack of awareness and health service during Diabetes is dangerous. Neglecting a diabetic patient can cause severe complications, including amputations.

Diabetes is, in fact, the leading cause of amputations. This is why foot care is important for diabetic patients throughout their life. It is as important as taking a regular dose of insulin for Type 1 diabetic patients.




According to the World Health Organisation, total diabetic deaths is likely to increase by more than 50% in the next 10 years.

And over 80% of the upper middle income countries are going to suffer from diabetic deaths. So, beware of this silent killer named Diabetes!




Being the second largest population in the world is not the only bad news for India. It is also the Diabetes Capital of the world!

Approximately 40 million Indians are currently suffering from diabetes. This number is most likely to increase to 70 million by 2025. Thus, 1 among every 5 diabetic in the world is most likely to be an Indian!

The major cause of diabetes in India is their central obesity. Apple shaped bodies are found mostly in India, the reason why Indians suffer from Diabetes more than any other nationalities. 


Diabetes constitutes of 6% of the world’s population. Early diagnosis is the best prevention against this silent killer. So, keep visiting your doctor routinely, especially those with family histories. 

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There are dozens and dozens of different type of fitness equipment out there so keeping track of them can be quite the task, even for an expert. The constantly influx of new type of innovations and equipment also do not help and can intimidate newcomers to the fitness world. We have compiled a list of the most common terms regarding fitness equipment and break them down to simple to understand, non-jargon explanations. We have also detailed which body part the equipment targets, if applicable. If words like ergometer, P80 console and smith machine baffle you, this list will be your friend. We have gathered up all the fitness equipment names that we could find and we are constantly adding to this list.

Ab Bench

Category: Strength

Body Parts Targeted: abdominals

An ab bench is a fitness bench that is generally at a decline, usually with padded leg rollers to hook your legs or foot around to perform a crunch or sit-up. There are also adjustable versions of these where you can perform different exercises on.

Adjustable Bench

Category: Strength

Body Parts Targeted: N/A

Similar to a flat bench, but they are adjustable to either become a flat bench, an incline bench or a decline bench.


An abbreviation for the Precor AMT (Adaptive Motion Trainer) which is an all-in-one elliptical machine. It is able to change strides and adapt to the user without any manual adjustments.Medical Equipment Manufacturers In China

Arc Trainer

Category: Cardio

Body Parts Targeted: hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus maximus, core (if it includes upper body: triceps, biceps, back)

A cardio machine created by Cybex that closely resembles an elliptical, but the independent floating pedal mechanism further reduces impact on your lower joints.

Assisted Chin Dip

Category: Strength

Body Parts Targeted: triceps, deltoids, pectorals, abdominals, biceps

An assisted chin dip machine is a tower with two protruding rods. Some machines will have the user either kneel or stand on a weighted platform. The user starts with their arms at a 90 degree angle and extends their arms to perform the exercise.

Flat Bench

Category: Strength

Body Parts Targeted: N/A

A flat bench is designed for users to lie flat on top of. It is designed to support users while they are performing bench presses.

FreeMotion Fitness

A fitness equipment manufacturer that produces both strength and cardio equipment. They are best known for their FreeMotion Functional Trainer, which uses pulleys and cables to allow a more dynamic range of motion.

Functional Trainer

Category: Strength

Body Parts Targeted: Entire body

Functional trainers are all-in-one fitness machines that usually look like one large tower. Many of them utilize cables or pulleys in order to accommodate a wide variety of different exercises. Functional trainers target upper body, lower body and the core. The type of exercise varies depending on the model.

Hoist Fitness

Hoist Fitness is a San Diego based company that produces strength-training and indoor cycling products for commercial and home markets.

Incline Bench

Category: Strength

Body Parts Targeted: N/A

A weight bench where the user's head is higher than their legs. Generally used in bench presses and curls.

Weight Bench

Category: Strength

Body Parts Targeted: N/A

A weight bench (sometimes called a fitness bench) is a padded board supported by legs and its primary purpose is for weightlifters to sit or lie down on. There are various types of weight benches, including an incline bench, a decline bench, an ab bench, a preacher curl/curl bench and an Olympic bench.

Advanced Medical Equipment

The Advanced Medical Equipment industry consists of companies engaged in the manufacturing of high-tech medical equipment. The industry includes MRI, PET and CAT scanning diagnostic equipment, Semi-auto Chemistry Analyzer , x-ray, ultrasonic, electro-medical, laser, and other medical machines and equipment, Twelve channel ECG machine,

Twelve channel ECG machine
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See below a variety of selected fitness and diet videos of Celebrities

Exercise, Workout and Diet Plans for Health and Fitness in India!

For health & fitness enthusiasts, professionals & businesses!

Get found easily using Health Fitness India site!


Also, stay updated with Beauty Fashion Fitness India on FACEBOOK

Below I share in alphabetical order of Celebrity's name, the exercise, workout and diet plans of celebrities in India through YouTube videos posted about the same. Share with me new videos! I'll be adding a new video on an almost daily basis! Learn & Have Fun!

Aamir Khan

I Follow A Very Strict Diet; We Are What We Eat - Aamir Khan

Chitrangada Singh

Chitrangada Singh talks about fitness when working late hours

Hrithik Roshan

A superhero's super food!

Priyanka Chopra

Making of Mary Kom - Training & Fitness | Priyanka Chopra

Ranveer Singh

How To Get A 'Hot Body': Learn From Ranveer Singh!

How to lift weights, lose fat, tone, sculpt and build body at gym


Share & Care! Cheers!



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Hi All, 

I'd like to thank Dr. Emily Splichal to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:


1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

I entered the fitness industry over 13 year ago when I was a crossroads with what I wanted to do with my life. My undergraduate degree is in Forensic Science which I soon realized was not my dream job.

Growing up I trained as a competitive gymnast, so movement was a natural part of my lifestyle. I started to explore careers in fitness / sports and I realized that this was where I was most passionate.

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?

Over the years I have shifted away from hands on training / teaching to more fitness education and program development. After attending medical school and graduate school I decided to apply both of these degrees towards the research and education side of fitness.

I still teach classes and have developed a workout called BARE® which is a barefoot balance training and conditioning workout. This workout is now taught across the USA and Internationally, teaching members the power of barefoot training.

Despite being a Doctor, I think it is important for me to maintain my involvement as a fitness professional. My Certifications include: NSCA-CPT, NASM-CES, NASM-PES, AFAA-Group Fitness, Johnny G Spinning, Rocktape-C, TP Therapy-C

3. What's a great piece of advice that you've given to a client?

Wow this is a hard question. I'd say one of the most important tips I give to clients as of late is teaching them the power of recovery. Recovery can mean addressing myofascial adhesions or trigger points with foam rolling or SMR - or it can mean taking days off to allow your muscles to actual repair and rebuild the tissue.

In this day and age (and especially in New York City) people believe in a "go hard or go home" attitude which is true that you need to push your body past the point of overload. But.... you still must allow the tissue to rebuild itself. Taking days off to rest, do light cardio or simple do foam rolling may be the missing element to why your body is plateauing.

And of course as it relates to recovery, is you need to feed your body with the building blocks to actual rebuild and repair. So diet, protein, amino acids are very important.

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

I'd say one of the biggest mistakes that some fitness professionals can make is thinking that you are done learning once you earn the Certificate. We are forever learning and fitness is an industry that is constantly (and rapidly) growing and evolving. This means to stay competitive in the industry you really must attend the Conferences, the new workshops, read blogs and fitness journals.

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

In the next several years I hope to see the Evidence Based Fitness Academy (EBFA) continue to grow and further spread the power of barefoot science and from the ground up training within the fitness industry.

We have many great collaborations in the works with major health club chains both in the USA and Internationally. Having our education implemented into their trainers formal education will take this from the ground up concept to the next level.

In addition we are working on product development. So in the next several years I hope to see a new surface created for clients and athletes which is targeted at better foot activation and barefoot stimulation.

6. Your professional contact details

Dr. Emily Splichal

Evidence Based Fitness Academy (EBFA)

And of course we are on Facebook, Twitter and Instragram

The Entire List of Health and Fitness Professional Interviews

For health and fitness professionals and businesses

Get found easily !!! Basic registration is free WEBSITE


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See below a variety of selected videos and online resources for Legs Exercises

Fitness and Bodybuilding Workouts for Health and Fitness in India!

For health & fitness enthusiasts, professionals & businesses!

Get found easily using Health Fitness India site!


Also, stay updated with Beauty Fashion Fitness India on GOOGLE+ FACEBOOK

Legs Fitness Motivation






I watch several videos and then share those which seem to cover valuable details. 

Also, kindly note that the different videos might cover the different valuable details and hence before doing an exercise, it'll be best to watch all related videos and consult a personal trainer and a general doctor since I'm neither of those two but a fitness enthusiast who shares valuable resources to save time and effort of people. 

There's a search bar on the top right side of this page to find more on the site. 

You're welcome to add your videos through your blog posts. 



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How to Do Lunges

Lateral Lunge

Alternating Side Lunge (dumbbell)

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How To: Leg Extension (Cybex)

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Best Calf Workout For Massive Calves

Calisthenics Leg workout - 10-15 Variations for street/home/gym (HD)

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