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5 Ways To Ease Hangover

Hangover is the mini withdrawal symptoms that the body experiences when alcohol intake is stopped. When a person drinks alcohol in large quantities, their body gets accustomed to this new fluid. However, as the person sleeps, the flow of alcohol into the body is stopped. Since the body has now become accustomed to the new fluid, its absence is now dealt with the body differently. When the person wakes up, he can feel nausea, headache and will feel more sensitive to lights and sound. These are the withdrawal symptoms experienced by the body.

There are many ways to ease hangover. However, any method mentioned below will not result in the immediate subsiding of hangover. Hangover treatment isn’t difficult, but it requires patience as the process itself takes time. A person can combat hangover by doing various things. Anti Hangover Pills work great when taken 40-45 minutes before drinking alcohol. Staying hydrated is another method. 

Here are 5 ways to ease hangover-

  1. Hydrated- Staying hydrated is the key. As alcohol is a diuretic fluid, it makes the body get rid of water. As the body uses most of the water in the synthesis of alcohol, not much water is left. This absence of water causes hangover. Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water reduces effect of hangover. People must also take note that if they are going to bed inebriated, they must drink at least 200 Ml of water before sleeping. This intake of water would make sure that the body has minimum amounts of water level in the body.10824465889?profile=original
  2. Medicines- There are many medicines available in the market. These medicines suppress the effects of hangover and provide relief. Anti hangover pills can be divided into two parts- 
    • Taken before the drinks- These types of medicines is the best way to combat hangover. Taking a pill at least 40-45 minutes prior to having drinks is advisable. These pills must be taken in an empty stomach to maximize their effect.
    • Taken during hangover- Hangover treatment isn’t well endorsed by such medicines. These medicines are pain relievers that relieve the person from headache and nausea. 
  3. Sports Drinks- Our body synthesizes alcohol with the help of electrolytes. The balance of electrolytes in our body is essential for the normal functioning of our organs. As alcohol is synthesized by our body, electrolytes are used up. These electrolytes must be replenished. Sports drinks such as Gatorade have electrolytes. They help combat hangover by replenishing the body.
  4. Smart Drinking- Drinking a diluted drink is always advisable. This increases the water content in the body and decreases the alcohol level. As the body receives more water and less alcohol, less body fluid is used in the synthesis of alcohol. Also, eating crispy and greasy food items while drinking is also advisable as it helps in breakdown of alcohol.
  5. Not Drinking- Not drinking is probably the only way to not experience a hangover. However, it is always not possible to say no.  
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Ayurvedic Cure for Hangover

                     These days no social event or party is complete without some amount of alcohol being present. While one has often heard of long-term ill effects of alcohol it is important to short-term ones.It is not easy to remain tea totaller due to various social pressures. As individuals, we need to manage harmful effects of alcohol, both short term and long term as well as social life and need for networking for career reasons.    Many of the youngsters are just social drinkers and may have to deal with short-term side effects rather than not having any measures for dealing with those and  as opposed to being counselled without understanding them.

What is a hangover?

Hangovers are caused due to overconsumption of alcohol because of several adverse effects such as dehydration, stomach irritation,drop in blood sugar, bad sleep quality,use of toxic byproducts.

Symptoms include a headache, nausea, sensitivity to light, and fatigue. 

The best method of prevention is to drink alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether. 

The most efficient cures are rest, rehydration, and sleep.     

Overcoming Hangovers

Do not take a beer or other alcoholic drinks to get rid of a hangover. Instead of giving relief it will only  prolong hangover symptoms.

Rehydration -  Sip water or fruit juices throughthe day. Water is the best fluid.

Eat - go for bland foods, such as whole wheat crackers or bread, which may raise blood sugar and are easy on the stomach.

Painkillers - some people may take painkillers. However, painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, paracetamol) attack the liver in high concentrations, while aspirin might not be a good candidate for a very delicate stomach.   It’s better to ask a qualified pharmacist than to self-medicate.    

Rest - sleep may aid in speeding up recovery.

Ayurveda to prevent hangovers

One can ensure that before taking the first drink, one takes any Ayurvedic hangover medicine meant to prevent hangovers. These medications typically contain anti-inflammatory agents and liver toners. The mechanism by these Ayurvedic medicines act is by preventing the conversion of alcohol, i.e., ethanol to acetaldehyde.      

Typically when a person drinks alcohol, chemically known as ethanol, it reacts with liver lining and gets converted to acetaldehyde. When the same person drinks excess alcohol, this acetaldehyde gets converted to acetate and enters the bloodstream and causes toxic effects. It causes long-term liver lining corrosion causing liver cirrhosis.   

When one takes these Ayurvedic medicines, one can break the cycle at several steps as ethanol does not get converted to acetaldehyde.It also aids in preventing long-term effects apart from assisting in preventing hangovers.         

One such medicine in the market is Dr Vaidya’s. It is called LIVitup. One can either consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or take one-two pills before the first drink. It is also known to prevent harmful effects of gutka on the liver.

These days no social event or party is complete without some amount of alcohol being present. While one has often heard of long-term ill effects of alcohol it is important to short-term ones.It is not easy to remain tea totaller due to various social pressures. As individuals, we need to manage harmful effects of alcohol, both short term and long term as well as social life and need for networking for career reasons. [G1] [G2] [G3] Many of the youngsters are just social drinkers and may have to deal with short-term side effects rather than not having any measures for dealing with those and[G4]  as opposed to being counselled without understanding them.


What is a hangover?

Hangovers are caused due to overconsumption of alcohol because of several adverse effects such as dehydration, stomach irritation,drop in blood sugar, bad sleep quality,use of toxic byproducts.


Symptoms include a headache, nausea, sensitivity to light, and fatigue.[G5] 


The best method of prevention is to drink alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether.[G6] 

The most efficient cures are rest, rehydration, and sleep.[G7] [G8] [G9] [G10] [G11] 


Overcoming Hangovers

Do not take a beer or other alcoholic drinks to get rid of a hangover. Instead of giving relief it will only [G12] prolong hangover symptoms.


Rehydration -  Sip water or fruit juices throughthe day. Water is the best fluid.


Eat - go for bland foods, such as whole wheat crackers or bread, which may raise blood sugar and are easy on the stomach.


Painkillers - some people may take painkillers. However, painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, paracetamol) attack the liver in high concentrations, while aspirin might not be a good candidate for a very delicate stomach.[G13] [G14]  It’s better to ask a qualified pharmacist than to self-medicate.[G15] [G16] [G17] [G18] 


Rest - sleep may aid in speeding up recovery.


Ayurveda to prevent hangovers


One can ensure that before taking the first drink, one takes any Ayurvedic medicine meant to prevent hangovers. These medications typically contain anti-inflammatory agents and liver toners. The mechanism by these Ayurvedic medicines act is by preventing the conversion of alcohol, i.e., ethanol to acetaldehyde.[G19] [G20] [G21] [G22] [G23] [G24] 


Typically when a person drinks alcohol, chemically known as ethanol, it reacts with liver lining and gets converted to acetaldehyde. When the same person drinks excess alcohol, this acetaldehyde gets converted to acetate and enters the bloodstream and causes toxic effects. It causes long-term liver lining corrosion causing liver cirrhosis.[G25] [G26] [G27] 

When one takes these Ayurvedic medicines, one can break the cycle at several steps as ethanol does not get converted to acetaldehyde.It also aids in preventing long-term effects apart from assisting in preventing hangovers.[G28] [G29] [G30] [G31] [G32] [G33] [G34] [G35] [G36] 


One such medicine in the market is Dr Vaidya’s. It is called LIVitup. One can either consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or take one-two pills before the first drink. It is also known to prevent harmful effects of gutka on the liver.

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I was recently told by a very senior skin specialist to apply sunscreen when I go out in sun. I've applied sunscreen before but not regularly. So I thought of finding quality articles on sunscreen which I'm also sharing here for you in India and worldwide. Please note that I'll keep sharing related articles in the comments:

Please note that the following is an exact copy paste of the text from

I've highlighted points to try and make it easier for you to read the following text:
Sunscreens remain safe, effective form of sun protection

SCHAUMBURG, Ill. (May 23, 2011) -

The American Academy of Dermatology (Academy) today reiterated the safety and effectiveness of sunscreens to protect against the damaging effects from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. As one component of a daily sun-protection strategy, sunscreen is an important tool in the fight against skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

Unprotected sun exposure is the most preventable risk factor for skin cancer. More than 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year, affecting 2 million people. At current rates, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in his or her lifetime. About 75 percent of skin cancer deaths are from melanoma, and the incidence of melanoma has been rising for at least 30 years.

“Scientific evidence supports the benefits of sunscreen usage to minimize short and long-term damage to the skin from UV radiation and outweighs any unproven claims of toxicity or human health hazard,” said Ronald L. Moy, MD, FAAD, president of the Academy.“To reduce the risk of skin cancer and premature aging, dermatologists continue to recommend generously applying a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen ― that protects against both types of ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB) ― with an SPF 30 or higher, in conjunction with other sun-safe practices such as limiting sun exposure, seeking shade, and wearing sun-protective clothing, hats and sunglasses.”

Sunscreen products contain one or more active drug ingredients -- compounds that absorb, scatter or reflect UV light -- and are regulated as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has several safety and effectiveness regulations in place that govern the manufacture and marketing of all sunscreen products, including safety data on its ingredients. However, recent media reports have questioned the health risks of some sunscreen ingredients, specifically oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate, as well as the use of nanotechnology in sunscreen.

Oxybenzone is one of the few FDA-approved ingredients that provides effective broad-spectrum protection from UV radiation, and has been approved for use since 1978. “Contrary to recent reports, available scientific literature and decades of public use does not support a link between oxybenzone in sunscreen and hormonal alterations, or other significant health issues in humans,” stated Dr. Moy. “The FDA has approved oxybenzone in sunscreen for use on children older than six months, and dermatologists continue to encourage protecting children by playing in the shade, wearing protective clothing and applying broad-spectrum sunscreen.”

Retinyl palmitate is a form of vitamin A (retinol), but is not an active drug ingredient in sunscreen. When used in sunscreen, retinyl palmitate serves cosmetic purposes as an antioxidant to improve product performance against the aging effects of UV exposure, or to enhance product aesthetic qualities. Despite recent concerns from in vitro (test tube) studies and one unpublished report using mice, “topical and oral retinoids are widely prescribed to treat a number of skin diseases, such as acne and psoriasis, and there is no published evidence to suggest either increase the risk of skin cancer in these patients,” said Dr. Moy. “In fact, oral retinoids are used to prevent skin cancers in high-risk patients such as those who have undergone organ transplantation.” Dr. Moy also added that “unlike more potent prescription forms of vitamin A, there is no evidence to suggest that use of sunscreen with retinyl palmitate poses comparable risks.”

The broad-spectrum sunscreen active ingredients titanium dioxide and zinc oxide leave a white residue on the skin following application when used in a larger particle form. However, when these active ingredients are converted into nanoparticles – smaller, lighter molecules – they appear to vanish on the skin, do not leave a residue, and retain and enhance their ability to block UVA and UVB light.

“While widespread use of nanotechnology in medicine is currently under evaluation, one of the main benefits of nanoparticles in sunscreens is that the small molecules can provide more protection and more even coverage on the skin’s surface than larger particles,” said Dr. Moy. “Considerable research on the use of nanoparticles on healthy, undamaged skin has shown that the stratum corneum – the outermost layer of the skin – is an effective barrier to preventing the entry of nanoparticles into the deeper layers of the skin. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide have a long history of safe use in sunscreens and offer good options for broad-spectrum UV protection.”

There has also been concern that sunscreen use prevents the synthesis of vitamin D by the skin. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is vital for strong bones and a healthy immune system. The Academy recommends that an adequate amount of vitamin D should be safely obtained from a healthy diet that includes foods naturally rich in vitamin D (e.g., dairy products and fish), foods/beverages fortified with vitamin D (e.g., fortified milk and fortified cereals), and/or vitamin D supplements -- and not from UV exposure. The Academy recently updated its position statement on vitamin D based on the published review of the increasing body of scientific literature on this vitamin conducted by the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine (IOM).

“Unprotected UV exposure to the sun or indoor tanning devices is a known risk factor for the development of skin cancer. Since sun exposure is responsible for vitamin D production in the skin, wearing sunscreen can decrease the skin's production of vitamin D, but alternative and safer options are available to obtain your vitamin D,” states Dr. Moy. “Individuals who properly and consistently wear sunscreen or use other UV protective measures, and are concerned about their vitamin D, should discuss obtaining sufficient vitamin D from foods and/or vitamin supplements with their doctor.”

The FDA is continuing to work on addressing requirements for UVA coverage in sunscreens and considering sunscreen labeling changes to help the public make knowledgeable decisions about protecting themselves from the dangers of sun exposure. “Dermatologists recommend the use of broad-spectrum sunscreen products to protect against UVA and UVB rays and we rely on the FDA to confirm the safety of the products,” said Dr. Moy. The American Academy of Dermatology currently awaits the FDA’s final ruling to provide the most current information.

“Despite any concerns over the use of sunscreen, they are an important component of a daily protection plan, as dermatologists understand the limitations of clothing and minimizing sun exposure. There are many sunscreen products available that meet the Academy’s recommendations, and consumers need to be comfortable with their choice of product in order to use it routinely”, Dr. Moy added. “Since allergic and other reactions can occur, individuals should read the product’s labeling carefully, use as directed, and seek the advice of their dermatologist in using sunscreens and any product applied to the skin. The American Academy of Dermatology will continue to monitor scientific evidence related to sunscreen ingredients and their effectiveness to help guide patients and the public.”

Headquartered in Schaumburg, Ill., the American Academy of Dermatology (Academy), founded in 1938, is the largest, most influential, and most representative of all dermatologic associations. With a membership of more than 17,000 physicians worldwide, the Academy is committed to: advancing the diagnosis and medical, surgical and cosmetic treatment of the skin, hair and nails; advocating high standards in clinical practice, education, and research in dermatology; and supporting and enhancing patient care for a lifetime of healthier skin, hair and nails. For more information, contact the Academy at 1 (888) 462-DERM (3376) or

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I've been coughing off and on for some years which upon checkups from two quality doctors seems to be due to I being allergic to something in air (I think high pollution because I never coughed like this during college years in USA and before that in Delhi). I reside in Delhi region which has a very high amount of pollution. I wonder if it's Ravan making us burn the harmful firecrackers? In my FB wall post yesterday, I've shared the link of another of my Health and Fitness India network's blog posts which lists the possibly very harmful chemicals in a firecracker:

The world is amazing! I felt blessed on Dusshera In the morning, I received email from HDFC with my bank balance and within a minute an email from my student loan co-signer in USA! My co-signer has been great to me for which I'm blessed!

During evening when I was going to the gym, there was no auto rickshaw at the stand outside my apartment complex. After a minute or so, I saw one coming and the driver was pushing it because it was broken. The driver was also talking to someone that there's a traffic jam towards the main road. It was perhaps because Ramlila was going on in the large ground across the main road. I then thought that I shouldn't go out in open on ground today because of the possibility of very high pollution due to burning of Ravan. I then thought again which I've also thought before that perhaps Ravan is hurting us even today because of the very harmful smoke that we would breathe in due to it and that it's due to Ravan that we burn harmful firecrackers every year.

If you aren't aware then my latest comment (bottom most) on is about the very harmful chemicals possibly present in firecrackers. I also wonder about our elders leading us to such high amount of pollution here.

I then decided to workout at my apartment. I generally watch an episode of NCIS along with dinner. However, I did indoor cycle while watching it and so watched three of them. In the second one, "NCIS - Season 7 Episode 19 - Guilty Pleasure", student loans were mentioned! I wish that my work would increasingly justify the student loans I took for my college which was great!

Today I interacted with a girl who plays rummy well and has also won money online but doesn't like her college teachers for her CS degree. I shared with her these C Programming Lectures PPTs and that I would also try to clear her doubts as best as I can including because she's working with me in my recruitment work and I also wish that when she'll be doing well professionally then she would also help others given there're colleges and institutes which don't seem to be doing even well enough for their students according to their students and that which is negatively affecting our society.

I wish that we can learn the great human values from Lord Ram.


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