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Which Breast Implants to Choose – Silicone or Saline?

Breast augmentation helps women get fuller breasts, adding volume and offering them the confidence in their appearance. Even though adding that ‘wholesomeness’ helps in accentuating their assets, most women are confused about what kind of breast implants to choose from. With the advancement and innovation, there are several options available to women today. There are two basic kinds of breast implants out there – Silicone and Saline. These come in different shapes and sizes that are custom fit to help you achieve your desired results. Your surgeon can give you more information on each choice, but here are some basics worth knowing.

Silicone Breast Implants

The first implant surgeries used Silicone breast implants. They have certainly been improved since those days but these are still widely popular owing to their durability and most women need the results to feel and look as their natural tissue. The outer shell is Silicone and it is filled with a stable, medical grade, thick silicone gel. Since 2006, these implants have been FDA approved for use for women above the age of 22.

Some of the options are:

MENTOR® memory gel breast implants – these come with the standard projection with a wide base (Classic) and the higher projection with a moderate base (Moderate Plus and High Profile). The outer shell surface is textured and smooth and the implants themselves are covered by the MENTOR® Premier Advantage Limited Warranty and also with their lifetime replacement policy.

Safety of a silicone implant:

The amount of silicone that releases from these implants is very minimal. This is in fact lesser than the amount you absorb everyday from consumer products that contain Silicone.

  • The silicone released is about 1/1000th of the weight of a pinhead
  • As per a study presented to the FDA, this is more than a million-fold below the required safety limits.
  • This is also a hundred-fold below the amount absorbed daily from other consumer products that contain Silicone like skin care lotions and antiperspirants or hair products.

Saline Breast Implants

These breast implants are also made of a Silicone outer shell that has a saline or salt water solution. These are the most popular implant choice these days and since these are FDA approved, have been used extensively over the last few decades. Saline implants are effective in adding volume with great results. Since the amount of saline added to each implant can be varied, these are the best option for correcting asymmetrical breasts. These FDA approved implants can be used for younger patients, 18 years and above.

Some of the options are:

MENTOR® Saline implants – these are filled with salt water solution which is similar to the fluid that makes up our body. These saline breast implants are a bit firmer to the touch. Since the fill volume is flexible, the surgeon gets the option to adjust the implant volume during the placement.

There are a few options with projections –

  • The Style 1600 – this is the moderate, smooth and rounded profile adding greater dimension to your breasts.
  • The Style 2000 – this is the moderate plus projection offering the same base but a higher profile than the style 1600.
  • The Style 2600 Siltex® - this offers a round and fuller look with a textured surface on the shell.
  • The Style 3000 – these are high profile offering greater projection for more volume on a narrow chest wall.

All of these implants are covered by the Mentor® enhanced warranty and lifetime replacement policy.

With both the Saline and the Silicone breast implants, there are advantages and disadvantages. It is important to discuss your desired results and the kind of implant that best suits you.


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Hyperthyroidism is the condition that occurs due to excessive production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. Signs and symptoms differ between people and might include irritability, muscle weakness, sleeping disorders, a fast heartbeat, poor tolerance of heat, diarrhea,enlargement of the thyroid, and weight loss.


Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism tends to run in families and has a genetic link for instance, the Grave’s disease, an autoimmune disorder, is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. It causes antibodies to stimulate the thyroid to secrete too much hormone.

There are variety of other symptoms that can cause hyperthyroidism:

  • Increased appetite
  • Nervousness and restlessness
  • Weakness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Itching
  • Nausea and vomiting

You might need immediate medical attention if you have these symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Fast, irregular heart rate


A complete medical history and physical exam will be your first step in your hyperthyroid diagnosis. This can reveal common signs of hyperthyroidism like weight loss, rapid pulse, elevated blood pressure, protruding eyes and enlarged thyroid gland

Other tests may include:

Cholesterol test: Low cholesterol can be a sign of a high  metabolic rate, in which your body is burning through cholesterol quickly.

Ultrasound: It can measure the size of the entire thyroid gland, as well as any masses within it.

Thyroid stimulating hormone level test: When thyroid hormone levels are normal or high, TSH should be lower. An abnormally low TSH can be the first sign of hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid scan: this helps in checking if your thyroid is  overactive

CT or MRI scans: Shows if a pituitary tumor is present that’s causing the condition.


Regular exercising, taking nutritional supplements and  eating proper diet which includes sodium, calcium can help in preventing hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism also cause your bones to become thin and weak. Taking vitamin D and calcium supplements during and after treatment can help strengthen your bones.

If you discuss more about Hyperthyroidism you can consult a doctor via video or telephonic call at

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Sleep Disorders And Symptoms

Almost all of us have had those sleepless nights which are normal and usually temporary due to stress and other factors. But if these sleepless nights are too often for you and interfere with your daily life, you might be suffering from a sleep disorder.  Ignoring sleep problems and disorders can lead to poor health, weight gain, impaired job performance and many other factors. Therefore, if you want to  stay healthy and perform up to your potential, sleep is a necessity.


Common sleep disorders


Insomnia is the habitual sleeplessness or inability to sleep. It is a persistent disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or both, despite the opportunity for adequate sleep.

Circadian Rhythm

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders are unable to go to sleep and awaken at the times commonly required.

Jet Lag  

Also called jet lag disorder, it is a temporary sleep problem that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common and treatable sleep disorder in which your breathing temporarily stops during sleep due to the blockage of the upper airways.

Restless Leg syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder that causes an almost irresistible urge to move your legs (or arms). The urge to move occurs when you’re resting or lying down and is usually due to uncomfortable, tingly, aching, or creeping sensations.


Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that involves excessive, uncontrollable daytime sleepiness. It is caused by a dysfunction of the brain mechanism that controls sleeping and waking.

Signs and Symptoms

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms on a regular basis, you may be dealing with a sleep disorder:

  • Feeling irritated or sleepy during the day
  • having difficulty in staying awake while working
  • difficulty concentrating
  • reacting slowly
  • feeling like you have to take a nap almost every day
  • need caffeinated beverages to keep yourself going.

 Self Help

Even if you find difficult to sleep or experience irregular sleeping patterns, you can still sleep better by tracking down your symptoms and making some necessary changes in your day time habits and bedtime routine.

Track down your sleeping pattern: Keeping a sleep diary will help  you in identifying sleep disorders and pinpointing both day and night time habits.

Change your sleep hygiene and day time habits: a consistent sleep routine and improved sleep habits will turn into better sleep over the long term. Many sleep problems can be cured through simple lifestyle changes and improved sleep hygiene.

Drink plenty of fluids and avoid  caffeine or alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol promote dehydration, which worsens the sleeping pattern.

Make time for sleep. Most people need at least seven to eight hours each night in order to feel good and be productive.

Make sure your bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet. Use heavy curtains or shades to block light from windows, or try a sleep mask to shield your eyes.

Turn off your TV, smart phone or computer a few hours before your sleeping time. The type of light these screens emit can stimulate your brain, suppress the production of melatonin, and interfere with your body’s internal clock.

If you discuss more about sleep disorders you can consult a doctor via video or telephone call at

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When Will My Stitches and Drains Be Removed

When Will My Stitches and Drains Be Removed?

The answer to this may be never since several surgeons today do not use drains and all your stitches are dissolvable.

Drains during your surgery

A drain is a surgical tube which is inserted during your surgery. This is used to drain out blood or fluids from your wound enabling better healing of the tissue. Most surgeons do not use surgical drains and I do not recommend them for elective augmentation procedure.

Breast augmentation procedure – there is no removal of tissue involved and the bleeding is minimal.

Breast lift procedure – involves only skin removal leaving no space for collection of fluids.

Augmentation and lift combination procedure – for the same reasons as above, no drains are required for the combination procedure either.When Will My Stitches and Drains Be Removed?

Breast reduction surgery – this is one procedure where  a drain is inserted overnight. A considerable amount of tissue is removed during the reduction process. This leaves a large area which may begin to ooze before healing starts. Since the drainage is at a minimum, the drains are only required short term.

As per a study conducted by British surgeons, drains placed in an augmentation patient could increase the rate of infection by 10%. This could be because the drains act as an entry for bacteria. Undoubtedly then, the advantages of using a drain must outweigh any disadvantages. The one place where the advantages certainly outweigh is in case of breast reconstruction procedure following a mastectomy.

Stitches during your surgery

Your surgeon may use stitches to close the incision and these are removed within 5 days to a week after your surgery. What a lot of surgeons follow is to close the tissue deep and use a single dissolvable stitch just beneath the edge of your skin for the best closure. This is then closed with a strip of an adhesive and your stitches dissolve within 6 weeks.

Some patients fear that the implants may fall out. There is very low to nil possibility of the incision opening up. This is since the inner tissues are closed together with multiple layers of braided stitches and these take about 3 months to dissolve. Even in the rare case that the incision opens up, your implants cannot fall out. This is because within 3 weeks of your surgery, your implants are encased within a thin layer of tissue.

You must know a bit about stitches – whether you cut your hand and got stitches at the ER or got implants – your incision remains a bit bumpy, lumpy and red for about 6 weeks. This is when a healing ridge is formed. From here, it takes another 6 months for this to soften – this is called maturing of the incision. The final color of the incision is visible only after a year if you are dark skinned and about 2 years if you are fairly light skinned.

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10 Ways to Recover Faster After a Back Surgery

Pain treatment

After the back surgery, the pain is the first thing to be taken care of, especially in first 48 to 72 hours. Generally, your doctor would have prescribed some pain killers for this. Senior Spine surgeon Dr. H N Bajaj emphasises on rehabilitation for a surgery to be successful.


Most pain relieving drugs can lead to constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to have  fibre rich food. Drinking plenty of water is also helpful and important. Other things like dark chocolate and ice cream, healthy whole food and vitamins, convenient food and frozen meals will also contribute in your faster recovery.


With good food it is important that patient intakes prescribed medication properly.


After surgery one should wear comfortable, lose clothes instead of tight clothes


Patient should take regular sessions of rehabilitation and under the supervision of physiotherapist, stretch regularly in a gentle manner

Special equipment

A toilet riser, walker, gripper, back brace, back scratcher, body pillow and shower chair may be of great help.


To crash the time and not being bored watch movies, use your social account on internet read books and magazines, use gaming apps.


Massage therapy apart from exercise take a massage therapy. It might not be at your operated part but massaging any part of body will ultimately help you.


After surgery keep good behaviour of proper sleep, have patience, meditation etc.

Social support

Be in touch with your family and friends, share your recovery online, and sometimes organize a gathering and spread happiness around you.

If you wants to get expert doctor advice you can consult via video or telephone call at

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Dengue And Chikungunya

Viral Fever – Viral fever usually occurs due to presence of wide range of viruses in our atmosphere and the most common cause of Viral fever is transmission of virus through another person by the way of air or exchange of body fluids. People with lower immunity get trapped more easily and fall sick when exposed to such infections.

Dengue and Chikungunya are both vector borne diseases and mosquitoes carry these viruses. When the mosquito carrying the virus bites someone, the virus is transmitted to the human body. In both the cases patients have same presentation of high fever in the beginning. Later on body rash with low platelets count are commonly seen in Dengue and small joint pains like finger and toes are more common in Chikungunya.


As per Dr. Rajnish Kumar of Medharbour Family Clinic, Gurgaon, out of 300 fever patients over last 14 days, only 20% patients needed evaluations further and only 2% of the total patients were found positive for Dengue or Chinkungunya. Rest were the common cases of viral fever.

It generally takes 3-4 days of time for the investigation of both the viruses.

NS 1 – antigen is commonly done of patients with Dengue symptoms.

Chikungunya Antigen is done for chikungunya detection.

But, if fever and symptoms are persistent even after 9-10 days, Antibody (IGM/IGG) test should be done. RNA virus blood test can be done for sure shot detection in early stages of the virus but it is an expensive investigation.

It is advisable to increase the intake of fluids, coconut water, ORS to avoid dehydration. Eat foods that are easy to digest, have fruits like banana, papaya & apple.

Hospitalization is only needed when the platelet counts are falling constantly in Dengue. In the case of Chinkungunya, there is no need to get admitted unless and until patient stops having food or liquids orally.

If you want expert doctor advice you can consult via video or telephonic call at

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Natural Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

It’s no surprise that the most important thing people want to change about their smile is the whiteness of their teeth. Discoloration of teeth is a part of aging process and also due to other factors like hereditary, poor hygiene or excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol etc. Of course, there are plenty of professional treatments for whiter teeth but those are often time consuming and expensive.


We selected few easy natural home remedies for you to get rid of yellow teeth:

Baking soda and Lemon Juice Paste

Baking soda is mildly  abrasive. It  scrubs  away surface stains to return teeth to a whiter shade. Lemon juice acts as a natural bleach of sorts which works great for teeth whitening.

Mix several teaspoons of baking soda with enough fresh lemon juice (or water) to make a paste. Put a good amount of paste onto your toothbrush and apply.

Eat Strawberries

Strawberries are high in Vitamin C, which can help break-down plaque that is causing your teeth to look yellow. It also has an enzyme called malic acid, which may help to remove surface stains.

Coconut Oil Rinse

Yes, we know it sounds a little weird but it surely works! Rinsing your mouth with coconut oil is an old remedy that really help in teeth whitening. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which helps in getting rid of the bacteria found in plaque which makes the teeth yellow. It helps in improving the gum health keeps your breath fresh.

Before you brush your teeth, take a teaspoon of coconut oil and put it in your mouth. Push, swish and pull the oil through and around your teeth for 10-15 minutes then spit it out, rinse with water and brush your teeth.

Floss your teeth

Many dentists agree that flossing is equally important as brushing. Simply floss twice a day for best results. Just flossing can easily remove the staining between your teeth, helping them to look whiter.

Orange Peel

Cleaning your teeth with orange peel regularly will help in reducing the yellow tinge on your teeth. Simply rub an orange peel on your teeth every night before going to sleep. Do this for few weeks and you will notice the best results.

If you wants to know more about your teeth you can consult doctor via video or telephone call at

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Home Remedies For Eczema

Eczema or Atopic dermatitis is a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding. Its symptoms include itchy, red, and dry skin caused by inflammation. It’s most commonly found in children, although adults can get it too.


  • Dry Skin

When your skin becomes too dry, it can easily become scaly, rough or tight which is one of the most common reasons for eczema to flare up.

  • Irritants

Everyday products and even natural substances can cause the skin to burn and itch.

  • Stress

Anxiety and stress can make skin conditions like eczema worse as when you’re tense, your body’s stress hormones cause inflammation that irritates your skin.

  • Sweating and Temperature change

Eczema can also happen because of exercising too much, wearing too many tight fitted clothes or when you quickly move from one extreme temperature to another (cold to hot).



To lessen the allergic inflammatory response you can look up for remedies like:

  • Apply a non-prescription steroid cream (hydrocortisone) along with anti-itching lotion (menthol/camphor, such as calamine).
  • Clean the area with a hypoallergenic soap every day. Apply lubricating cream or lotion after washing.
  • Moisturize your skin 2-3 times in a day
  • Use coconut oil, honey, and turmeric as they contain anti- microbial, humidifier and anti-inflammatory elements.
  • Clothing is very important remedial measure. Choose loose cotton clothing in soft fabrics. Try to use clothes which are not abrasive on your skin.
  • Avoid stress, relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation; deep breathing can help you to stay relaxed. See a dermatologist if your itching is getting worse; it can be a skin infection.

To discuss more about your skin related problems you can consult a doctor via video or telephone call at

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Physiotherapy for back pain

Physiotherapy For Back Pain

Suffering from back pain can be very difficult over the period of time. This type of condition usually leads to other problems in the future as well, for example; getting tired very easily, feeling uncomfortable while sitting and many others. A lot of people who suffer from back aches, consult a physiotherapist for relief and a lot of them have sworn that they have felt better after a few sessions.

So, the question is how does a physiotherapist helps out a person who is suffering from such a condition? There are two major ways in which physiotherapy for back pain is done.

  • Passive physical therapy: This includes treatments10824453099?profile=original given to the patient, such as heat application, ice packs and electrical stimulation. For example, before the physical exercises are done, a heating pad is used to warm up the muscles and then an ice pack is used to cool down later. These are usually used at the beginning of the therapy and later on if no proper results are shown, then the active physical therapy is done


  • Active physical therapy: This is more region specific or condition specific therapy. If a person, for example, is suffering from back pain, then exercises which would bring relief to that particular region would be used in the therapy process. This is the second stage of therapy because the former is very basic in nature, whereas this one is more specific, and also brings in the aspect of strengthning the support muscle groups.

To discuss more about back pain you can consult a doctor via video or telephone call at


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Multiple Sclerosis: What You Must Know

Multiple Sclerosis is  a chronic  disease involving damage to the sheaths of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It is the abnormal hardening of body tissue which affects the brain and spinal cord. MS happens when a person’s own immune system attacks the myelin (a mixture of proteins forming around many nerve fibres) as if it were an undesirable foreign body- in the same way our immune system might attack a virus or bacteria.


What Causes MS?

While the cause of MS is still not known, scientists believe that the interaction of several different factors may be involved. These factors  may include:

Genetic factors – some studies have shown that the genes we inherit from our parents may, in part, impact on our risk of developing multiple sclerosis. If you have a parent, sibling, or grandparent who has/had MS, your risk of developing it yourself is greater than average.

Environmental factors – It seems that the more exposure to sunlight we have, the lower our MS risk is. The more sunlight we are exposed to, the less likely we are to have low levels of vitamin D – therefore, long-term vitamin D levels probably play a role in multiple sclerosis risk.

Smoking also plays an important role in MS. Studies have shown that smoking increases a person’s risk of developing MS and is associated with more severe disease and more rapid disease progression

Immunological factors: In MS, an abnormal immune-mediated response attacks the myelin coating around nerve fibres in the central nervous system, as well as the nerve fibres themselves.

Infectious factors:  Since initial exposure to numerous viruses, bacteria and other microbes occurs during childhood, and since viruses are well-recognized as causes of demyelisation and inflammation, it is possible that a virus or other infectious agent is the triggering factor in MS.


  • Vision problems
  • Tingling or Numbness
  • Pain and Spasms
  • Fatigue or Weakness
  • Bladder, Bowl or Sexual Dysfunction
  • Cognitive problems such as memory problems and shortened attention
  • Hearing loss and seizures
  • Uncontrollably shaking


A neurologist will perform series of  tests to determine MS:

  • Neurological test: your doctor will check for impaired nerve function
  • Eye exam: a series of tests to evaluate your vision and check for eye diseases
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): a technique that uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves to create cross-sectional images of the brain and spinal cord
  • Spinal tap (also called a lumbar puncture): a test involving a long needle that’s inserted into your spine to remove a sample of fluid circulating around your brain and spinal cord.

MS often vary in its severity and the ways that it affects people. Attacks can last a few weeks and then disappear. Early detection may help in preventing MS from progressing quickly.  The best defence against MS is seeing your doctor immediately after you experience the first warning signs.

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Coconut Water: Facts and Benefits

Coconut water is already well known as the best natural energy drink that serves many benefits. It contains five essential electrolytes that are present in the human body. These include calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium. Electrolytes are essential minerals and mineral salts that regulate muscle and nerve function in our body. In fact, it contains various bioactive enzymes which are low in calories and definitely stomach friendly! Also, did you know that Coconut water is identical to human blood plasma and was used for transfusions during World War?


Here are top 5 coconut water benefits you must know:

1. Treats Dehydration

Because of the electrolyte composition, coconut water actually helps in preventing dehydration in the body. It helps the body to manage blood pressure and brain functioning. Like mentioned earlier, it contains potassium, necessary for proper hydration. It rehydrates your body very quickly as it is readily absorbed into the body.

2. Moisturizes Skin

Apart from being fat-free and having an amazing flavour, coconut water does wonders for your skin. It is known as the purest form of liquid after water. It has antioxidants and cytokines which have a great effect on age defying. It is also considered as one of the best remedies for those suffering from oily skin. It not only hydrates but also refreshes your skin and brings an instant glow to your face.

3. Stimulates Hair Growth

Coconut water works as a natural conditioner for your hair as it moisturises your hair roots, giving them much strength.  It has antifungal and anti-bacterial properties, which prevent dandruff, itchy scalp and infections that damage the hair.

4. Strengthens Bones

Coconut water helps to keep your bones healthy and strong as it is a good source of calcium, manganese and zinc. It also helps to rejuvenate and replenish your body, making you feel all fresh and fit!

5. Helps in Weight Loss

Coconut water is an ideal drink for weight loss. While it is low in calories, it is also high in sugar and saturated fats which is one of the reasons for its weight loss aspect. Not to be confused with Coconut milk which is a high-calorie drink and might not help you to shed extra pounds so, it is important to pick up the green coconut water only for the desired results.

To discuss more about your skin related problems you can consult a doctor via video or telephone call at

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Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Arthritis is a Rheumatic condition which is characterized by pain, aching, stiffness and swelling in and around one or more joints. The symptoms can develop gradually or suddenly.  Therefore, arthritis is not a single disease; it is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions. Two of the most common types are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).



A reduction in the normal amount of cartilage tissue ca

use some forms of arthritis. Normal wear and tear causes OA, one of the most common forms of arthritis.

Another common form of arthritis, RA, is an autoimmune disorder. It occurs when your body’s immune system attacks the tissues of the body. These attacks affect the synovial, a soft tissue in your joints that produces a fluid that nourishes the cartilage and lubricates the joints.


The most common symptoms for arthritis include:

  • Joint Pain
  • Stiffness and Swelling
  • Feverish
  • Redness of the skin around the joint
  • Loss of appetite due to inflammation that immune system activity causes
  • Severe RA can cause joint deformity


Diagnosis of arthritis starts with your doctor performing a physical exam. Your doctor will check for fluid around the joints, warm or red joints and limited range of motion in the joints. Your doctor will extract and analyze inflammation level in your blood and joint fluids in order to determine the kind  of arthritis you have.

Doctors commonly use imaging scans such as X-ray, MRI, and CT scans to produce an image of your bones and cartilage.


Reducing the pain you’re experiencing, preventing additional damage to the joints and improving your joint function- these are the main objectives for the Arthritis treatment.


A number of different types of medication treat arthritis. This include:

  • Analgesics, for example, hydrocodone (Vicodin) or acetaminophen are effective for pain management.
  • Menthol or capsaicin creams: helps in blocking the transmission of pain signals from your joints
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen help in controlling pain and inflammation.


Surgery can be an option to replace your joint with an artificial one. This form of surgery is most commonly performed to replace hips and knees.

Physical treatment:

Physical therapy involving exercises that help strengthen the muscles around the affected joint is a core component of arthritis treatment.

To discuss more about Arthritis you can consult a doctor via video or telephone call at

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What is Diabetes?

In people with diabetes, blood glucose levels are higher than normal because the body does not produce enough insulin and often cannot use insulin properly.

Insulin is a hormone needed for glucose to enter the cells and be converted to energy. There are two main types of diabetes—type 1 and type 2.

What is type 1 diabetes?

  • Occurs when the pancreas does not produce insulin.
  • Represents 10-15 per cent of all cases of diabetes.
  • Usually the onset is abrupt and symptoms are obvious.
  • Symptoms can include excessive thirst and urination, unexplained weight loss, weakness, fatigue and blurred vision.
  • Half of new cases occur in people aged 15 years or over.
  • Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (L.A.D.A.) is a slow onset form of type 1 diabetes occurring in adults over 30 years of age. LADA is frequently misdiagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

What is type 2 diabetes?

  • Occurs when either the insulin is not working effectively (insulin resistance) or the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin (or a combination of both).
  • Represents 85-90 per cent of all cases of diabetes.
  • Usually develops in adults over the age of 45 years but it is increasingly occurring at a younger age.
  • Is more likely to develop in people with a family history or from particular ethnic backgrounds.
  • Symptoms may be similar to those for type 1 diabetes. Other symptoms of type 2 diabetes include; frequent infections (thrush, urinary tract or skin infections), slow wound healing. Many people with type 2 diabetes do not have any symptoms or they may be very mild.
  • In early stages type 2 diabetes can usually be managed with a healthy lifestyle and regular medical checks but eventually medications and/or insulin may be required.10824462270?profile=originalWhat is the difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes?

    Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. Usually the onset is abrupt and symptoms are obvious. Type 1 diabetes is more commonly diagnosed in children and young adults but can occur at any age. Type 1 diabetes is always treated with insulin.

    Type 2 diabetes is the form of diabetes that is related to ageing, family history and lifestyle factors (overweight and inactivity). It occurs when the insulin is not working effectively (insulin resistance) or the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin (or a combination of both).  Most people with diabetes have type 2. It usually develops in adults over the age of 45 years but it is increasingly occurring at a younger age. Type 2 diabetes is treated with healthy eating, exercise and weight control. Tablets and insulin may also be required.

To discuss more about Diabetes Problem you can consult a doctor via video or telephone call at

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How to Treat Joint Pain Naturally?

If you are suffering from Arithritis or affected by Joint Pain, and you want to get treated naturally, check out these herbal home remedies and get rid off the pain.

One of the prime symptoms of ageing is ‘Joint Pain’. The joint cartilage wears away leading to the rubbing of bone against each other. This causes Osteoarthritis. It is very painful and impairs the quality of thousands of Indians.

Osteoarthritis is so common, disabling, and hurting, numerous cures are available, such as copper jewelry, snake venom, and many more. 


There are many kinds of herbal supplements that are able to reduce your joint pain. Have a look:

1. Boswellia

Boswellia is extracted from the gum of boswellia trees that are home grown in India.  It is praised greatly for its anti-inflammatory capabilities. Boswellia is also known as frankincense that works by blocking leukotrienes – substances that can attack healthy joints in autoimmune diseases. It is commonly available in tablet form and as topical creams.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the most commonly used herbs in various ailments. It is popular for its healing properties. Aloe vera gel may be applied to soothe your achy joints. Topical aloe vera does not even cause any side effects. Eating it raw (the gel only) is also significant, not only in joint pains, but in various other ailments like digestion, weight loss, skin rashes, sunburn, etc.

3. Eucalyptus

Like aloe vera, topical forms of eucalyptus leaves are used to treat arthritis pain. The leaves contain tannins that are helpful in reducing swelling and the pain caused by arthritis. To maximize the effects of eucalyptus on swollen joints, you can also follow them up with heat pads.

4. Turmeric Powder

Popularly known as a spice, turmeric is a yellow powder made by grinding the related flowering plant. Turmeric works best in fighting joint pain when taken orally, probably with milk. Medical studies on rats reveal that this herb may slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Willow Bark

Willow bark is one of the longest-used herbs in treating inflammation. Chewing on willow bark, in fact, helps treat inflammatory conditions. Lab reports say that the herb helps in relieving osteoarthritis, including the joints of knees, backbone, hips, and neck.  But, taking the right dose is important as an overdose may cause rashes. This treatment is taken orally.

Although, all these herbs are universally known for treating join pains, but it will be significant to discuss all these options with your doctor for the right dose so as to avoid unwanted circumstances.


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Dental Implant for Dummies

Dental implants are considered to the best treatment for missing teeth.  When a damaged or decayed tooth is removed, both the visible part of the tooth, also known as the crown, and the root are lost. A dental implant is placed in the jawbone so that it can fuse with one’s natural bone and become a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. Implants are used to replace an individual tooth or for an implant-supported bridge or denture containing multiple teeth.

Dental implants are the closest one can get to healthy, natural teeth. They will allow one to confidently eat, talk, laugh, play, smile, and enjoy all the regular activities of everyday life without thinking about teeth.

Dental implants is suitable for adults and they are the right choice for anyone missing one, multiple, or even all of their teeth due to defects, injury or decay. They are a convenient option for adolescents after puberty when the jaw stops growing. Dentist is the most qualified person to determine if dental implants are right for the patient after a consultation of one’s dental and medical history. Dentaris is one the leading Dental clinic in Delhi NCR has been providing dental implants and providing a sparkling smile on their patients face.


Teeth restored with dental implants look, feel and function just like natural teeth. One brushes, floss and visit dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings, same as one would to care for a natural tooth. Dental Implants in Delhi NCR are now readily available. The placement of a dental implant usually involves multiple steps. The dental implant is a cylindrical and tapered post made of titanium, is placed surgically into the jawbone. As one heals, the implant will fuse with natural jawbone, with the two growing together to form a strong and long-term foundation for the replacement teeth. The healing process can take weeks to months while one proceeds with daily life in between appointments. Once the implant bonds with the jawbone, a small connector or abutment is placed on top of the dental implant to connect the implant to the replacement tooth or teeth. An individual tooth or an implant-supported bridge or dentures containing multiple teeth are then attached to the abutment.

The titanium dental implant is a safe and proven effective replacement for the tooth root. Since it is placed in the jawbone and fuses ones natural bone, the dental implant forms the stable and sturdy base for one’s replacement teeth. 

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25 Easy and Fast Weight Loss Tips | Sehat


Amidst all the dieting myths and fad diets, it is important to understand the benefits of watchful eating and exercising for weight loss. Below are some quick and handy ways to speed up the metabolism that in turn help in quick weight reduction:

1)    Consume green tea: 

A recent study has demonstrated that green tea contains metabolism enhancing antioxidants called catechins. The consumption of green tea helps in the burning of 70 additional calories in a 24-hour period.


2) Consume optimal salt: 

Consumption of more sodium than required contributes to water retention. This in turn can lead to bloating of the body. The suggested intake of salt must be less than or equal to 2400 milligrams per day.

3) Indulge in strength training: 

Strength training may include push-ups, squats or lunges. It also involves use of free weights to perform simple bicep curls or triceps pulls even at home. This is known to build lean muscle tissue, thus burning more calories.

4) Get good sleep: 

Study suggests that getting a full 8 hours of sleep contributes to a better metabolism rate in women as compared to less than 4 hours of sleep. This in turn can contribute to quick shedding of weight.


5) Make happy hours healthy: 

The after lunch/dinner happy hours can be made healthy by walking and running around instead of indulging in night-outs. This simple trick has been shown to reduce about 40 pounds in a year.

6) Get an optimal breakfast: 

It is recommended to have a balanced breakfast that amounts to about 300 calories. There are recorded experiences which state that consuming a healthy mix of proteins and whole grains at breakfast help to control hunger throughout the day.

7) Have an evening walk: 

Exercise at any time is always considered good for the body. However, evening workouts/ walk can improve the metabolism rate before dinner. It can in turn reduce the possibility of the dinner calories saturating in the hip area.


8) Have every meal: 

Skipping meals and starving for a long period can slow down the metabolic rate of our body. It is recommended to have optimal meals in a timely manner. If there is a possibility of meals getting skipped, having an energy bar or a piece of fruit instead is advised.

9) Avoid calories in a glass: 

Alcoholic beverages provide few nutrients but may contribute to unwanted weight gain. Calories in tea, coffee, cola (simple and refined sugars) pose a serious challenge to those trying to stay fit.

10) Drink enough water: 

It is one of the most commonly recommended tips for ensuring a quick calorie burn. It is advised to consume 64 ounces of water, or at least 8 glasses a day.


11) Indulge in fun activities like Zumba: 

Taking Zumba classes about twice a week have proved effective in toning down the leg muscles and abs. It also provides a quick cardio workout and helps in weight reduction.

12) Increase veggie content of diet: 

Consuming more vegetables in routine foods makes one feel full more quickly. This in turn refrains us from consuming calorie-full foods like chips or deserts.

13) Consume hot pepper: 

It has been observed that consuming hot spicy peppers can improve body metabolism, which in turn can help reduce calories. This is because peppers contain a specific compound which helps to release body stress hormones. Hot peppers can also help to control food cravings.



14) Reduce consumption of sugar and starches: 

Controlling sugar and starch intake reduces insulin secretion by the body. As insulin is a major source of fat storage, bringing it down in turn releases fat. This helps in burning of fat instead of the body carbs. Lowering insulin also results in the kidneys shedding excess of salt and water, thereby helping to lose weight.

15) Drop off the smoking habit: 

Quitting smoking has been shown to reduce the extra pounds quickly. By getting rid of the smoking habit, one may feel healthier and can drop up to 37 pounds in 3 months.

16) Practice Yoga: 

Yoga has proved to be an effective way to ensure weight loss in a healthy manner.



17) Control the fast food intake: 

While indulging in junk eatables and fast food items, it is recommended to limit the quantity to a small meal/item. This way, one gets to relish these eatables, while limiting their harmful effects.

18) Make room for desserts: 

One can still go ahead with having a quick glass of wine or a treat of chocolate, if one indulges in healthy snacks like carrot and hummus first. Experience has shown that you can reduce up to 20 pounds in 3 months by this simple principle.

19) Refrain from nighttime eating: 

Avoiding eating after 6.30 pm for about 5 days a week has been shown to reduce weight quickly.

20) Take dog for a walk: 

This activity, even if for 10 minutes, has shown to add up resulting in quick weight loss.


21) Practice cleansing ritual of food items: 

This can be practiced by replacing the foods that we overindulge in, with some healthy substitutes. Stocks of ice-cream can be substituted by low calorie snacks like roasted sunflower seeds or Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal.

22) Practice intermediate exercises: 

This technique can ensure burning of extra calories. Small bouts of exercise like jumping jacks or crunches while watching TV or dancing while doing utensils can help in toning down while burning calories.

23) Listen to music: 

Listening to a favorite musical while gyming has shown to improve the working- out capacity, while helping to pump in more energy.


24) Consume more fibrous content: 

Fibre supplements like glucomannan can help reduce weight, especially around the belly area. Glucomann is a water soluble dietary supplement available in drink mixes and some food products like pasta and flours.

25) Use smaller plates: 

As strange as it may sound, using small plates has been shown to reduce intake of food.

Sehat providing latest health news and articles, and help you find Weight Loss Program Procedure Doctors in your city to assist you in identifying and treating the obese or over weight problem.

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