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13719729_862747480498469_8187864726241443206_o.png?width=650The nose is one of the most important attractions of a face. A slight change in its shape can add magic to your appearance and make you more beautiful. The nose surgery is the most popular cosmetic surgery that people choose. It allows you to change the shape of your nose and make it more pointed and beautiful.

But, before having nose surgery, you should take care of few things. After all, it is all about your look. So, it is better that you keep few considerations in your mind.

  1. Good surgeon-

The nose surgery is also a complicated cosmetic surgery. You should choose a good ethnic rhinoplasty surgeon who has good experience in these types of surgeries. An experienced surgeon can provide the desired results, which you are looking for. So, make sure, you shake your hands with the experienced one.

  1. Cost-

The rhinoplasty surgery cost might be different according to the complication of your surgery. But, you should check for once the cost of nose surgery and compare prices with a different clinic. It will help you to get the best price. A good surgeon always offers affordable price for their clients.

  1. Nose shape-

Yes, don’t go with the wrong changes. Make sure, you concern with your surgeon on the shape. He/she will give you right suggestions that can help you to enhance your look without overwhelming it. A sharp nose can increase your beauty and self-esteem as well.

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Every bride looks radiant. It comes with the title. But these brides, they’ve worked for it. With dedicated bridal skin care and a health regimen that works from within to come through out on the surface.
Once the shopping, planning and other preparations are taken care of (or handed over to someone else), it is time for you to focus on just yourself.
The months leading up to the wedding have taken their toll on your skin, leaving you with dull, lifeless and unhealthy skin. Blame it on the stress and pollution that have made a home in your pores. Time to throw them out, we say.
4 Pre-Bridal Tips to Get a Flawless, Radiant Complexion Before Your Wedding
#1. Bridal Skin Care Tips for Oily Skin
We’ve put together a small plan that you can implement if you suffer from oily skin.
Face mask:
Make a mask using equal parts of rose water, glycerine and lemon.
Apply it to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it off. You get the combined action of an antiseptic, a cleanser and a moisturiser.
You can make this mixture and leave it in the refrigerator for a week.
Store it in a glass bottle.
Your bridal facial at home is ready.
Skin care regimen:
Use a gentle face scrub twice a week.
Use a light, water-based lotion, day and night.
Use hydrating masks, such as seaweed or aloe vera, few times a week.
#2. Bridal Skin Care Tips for Dry Skin
Dry flaky sin also has its issues. Here’s how you can tackle them.
Face mask:
Mash half a ripe banana in a bowl.
Add ½ cup oatmeal, 1 tablespoon honey and little water.
Apply this creamy mixture to your face and neck and wash off thoroughly after 15 minutes.
Here are some more bridal tips for glowing skin.
Skin care regimen:
Use a creamy cleanser.
Use cream-based face scrubs with AHAs.
Use a thick moisturiser when sleeping
#3. Bridal Skin Care Tips for Combination Skin
The worst is the combination skin because you have to fight oiliness and dryness, both.
Face mask:
Mix together 1/3 banana, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon full fat milk malai.
Spread this mixture all over your face and neck and wash off after 10 minutes.
Skin care regimen:
Pamper your skin with a mud face pack once a week.
Every alternate day indulge in a cream massage.
Use natural exfoliating scrubs, such as a walnut-orange peel scrub.
#4. The Pre-Wedding Diet for the Bride-To-Be for an Envious Glow
Get food that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Don’t skimp on food because you want to lose weight.
You must have three main meals and in-between healthy snacks.
Get plenty of carrots, apricots, green vegetables and tomatoas they all are very good for your skin.
Turn away from junk food, caffeine and alcohol.
Drink plenty of water, fresh fruit juice or coconut water to transform your skin.
For Any Query consult soon :

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Best Hair Transplant in Bangalore

Looking for Hair Transplant? Choose one of the best Hair Transplant Clinics in Bangalore, compare prices, patient reviews, and availability. Find the Best Price for Hair Transplant in Bangalore. Compare cost of Hair Transplant treatment at all the clinics and take informed decision. is the chief online portal to get hair transplant in Bangalore. Compare the best hair transplant surgeons, clinics & treatment for your hair loss. Nhtindia lists the several hair transplant clinics in its penal which allows you to choose the best among all.


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In a country like India where sex education is practically absent and discussing periods, premarital sex and other women related issues with parents is considered a Taboo, a gynecologist can act as a medium to bridge this gap.

A lady or a girl can easily tell her issues to a gynecologist and get a timely treatment. But the irony is that in the 21st century, when the US is ready to set foot on Mars, in India the ladies will only see a gynecologist when they are pregnant or facing infertility problem.

Even when you have gynecologists available in India in every city, woman still suffer from multiple issues. In Delhi NCR, you have Nidan Mother and Child Care where you can  to discuss your health issues. For the child vaccination, you have the services of the leading obstetricians available with Nidan Child Care.

Here are 6 top reasons for a woman in Delhi NCR, India to make an appointment with a Top Gynecologist:

1. Overall physical health

A lady in India needs to visit a gynecologist not just for the sake of her reproductive health but for the overall physical health. According to top gynecologists, a girl ageing 13-15 should necessarily visit a gynecologist at least once in a year. The gynecologist will assess her body for the signs of cancer and other bodily infections. The gynecologist determines the general body mass index of a lady that tells the status of her health. And god forbid, if something serious or semi-serious is found going on with her body and the lady don’t have knowledge about it, a checkup by a gynaecologist can be the difference maker.

2. To Ensure The Good Health Of The Baby And The Mother

During pregnancy, it becomes mandatory for any girl or lady to visit a gynecologist. In developed countries, it has been observed that 99 percent ladies seek medical care from multiple providers during pregnancy to ensure the good health of the baby and the mother. While as at the same time, a very less percentage of pregnant women visit a set gynaecologist or an obstetrician constantly during this period. The result is the poor health of the mother as well as the child. Visiting a set obstetrician or gynecologist during pregnancy ensures the medical data is adequately documented and lies at only one place.

3. Treat Irregular Menstruation

The irregular menstruation is a very common problem in girls in India. Though you may not hear about it in India too many times because of the Taboo associated with it in the country, the statistics say the problem is too grave and need to be addressed quickly. According to gynecologists, it is very important for a girl or woman facing this problem to make an appointment with a doctor. And if the problem is ignored it can result in the reproductive problems later on. The signs of irregular menstruation can be a pause in the periods, change in the blood flow or irregularity. A lady needs to discuss this issue with the gynecologist in great detail but specifically.

4. Breast Exams

The breast exams are mandatory for ladies above 40 in today’s world. In case a woman comes from the background that has a history of breast cancer then the earlier exam is crucial. In the US alone, more than 70 percent women get their breasts examined at least once in a year. This is considered one of the reasons why breast cancer in the US has come down significantly in the recent years. At the same time, when we analyze the situation of breast cancer in India, there is a clear rise in the cases. And one major reason for it is said to be the unawareness about it among the women in India. A breast exam on an annual basis is considered crucial to early detection of breast cancer in ladies.

5. Pelvic Exam

Like breast exam, a pelvic exam is a must for the ladies aged above 21.The pelvic exam can help in treating issues like vaginal discharge, menstrual disorders, pelvic pain and infertility. Though many women don’t prefer going for it is indispensable to a woman’s overall health.

6. Contraceptive methods

Most women in India are still unaware of contraceptive methods for birth control. A sexually active woman should have knowledge of birth control methods. A gynecologist can share plenty of birth control options with her.


In India the status of woman sex health is very below than the developed countries, it may take us decades to take it at par with US and UK. In India, every year, new 132,000 new cases of cervical cancer are discovered and according to the WHO estimates, this number can jump to 1.24 lakh by 2020. In Delhi NCR, you can reach a top Gynecologist in noida or an obstetrician for child vaccination in Noida anytime online.

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5 Most Powerful Home Remedies To Whiten Teeth

In today’s world when preference is given to Good Looks, the teeth whitening has become a mandatory step in every guy’s grooming process.  From Facebook pout selfies to snapchat videos, you need bright white and healthy looking teeth; otherwise, it can embarrass you before your friend circle.

The bright teeth enhance your appearance; boost your self – confidence and makes you look attractive. It makes you seem friendlier and you are able to thrive in professional situations.  In Nutshell, it gives you a positive outlook on life. The question arises how to get rid of paleness and achieve milky white teeth.

Here are 5 Most Powerful Home Remedies to Whiten Teeth:   

1.     Baking Soda

The baking soda is one of the most popular, effective and age-old home remedies to whiten teeth. It washes the paleness of your teeth and makes them white like snow. The baking soda washes plaque from your teeth and brings out pearly whites shine from your mouth. You just need to need to add a pinch of baking soda with a little toothpaste and brush your teeth with a gritty mixture and then rinse them with warm water. Apply this home remedy once or twice a week. You can also mix baking soda with white vinegar, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide.

2.       Orange Peels

Next time, you buy oranges from a fruit stall, never throw away the orange peel because you can use it to reduce yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth.  Take an orange peel and rub it against your teeth every night before you went to bed. The orange peel contains vitamin C which combats microorganisms throughout the night. If you will continue this home remedy for few weeks, you will start noticing its effective results. If it is not the season of oranges, you can use dried orange peel powder to make your teeth white.

3.     Strawberries

Strawberries also form an effective remedies for white teeth against pale yellow teeth as it contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, which makes your teeth pearl white. Take some strawberries and grind them into a thick paste and rub it gently against your teeth.  If you will repeat this home remedy twice a day for at least two weeks, the pale tinge on your teeth will start disappearing.

4.     Hydrogen Peroxide

The bleaching property of hydrogen peroxide also helps in getting rid of paleness from teeth and brings out the milky whiteness again. Take a mouthwash which contains hydrogen peroxide and makes sure that the hydrogen peroxide doesn’t go down your throat.  One other way to use peroxide is to make a paste of it with baking soda and gently brush your teeth with it and after some time, brush your teeth with regular toothpaste.

5.     Lemon

Like orange, Lemon contains vitamin C and has bleaching property that makes it an effective home remedy to remove paleness and make your teeth white.  


Remember the impact of smiling is stronger, it makes you seem friendlier.  The bright teeth enhance your appearance; boost your self – confidence and makes you look attractive. It makes you seem friendlier and you are able to thrive in professional situations. So use these 5 most powerful home remedies to whiten teeth and enjoy the enormous benefits of pearly whites shine teeth.    


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What can you expect from your liposuction?

What can you expect from your liposuction?

When it's summer, everybody wants to show their best figure in a swimsuit. It is not always easy, though, to achieve the body you desire with simply diet and exercise. Liposuction is a safe and effective method for weight loss by suctioning the stubborn fat from certain body areas.

Liposuction can be used on your arms, neck, cheeks, chin, ankles, calves, thighs, hips, knees, abdomen, breasts and buttocks.

Are you the right candidate for liposuction?

If you are healthy and are near your ideal weight but only suffer from certain fat deposits in a few areas on your body, you are the right candidate to opt for liposuction. For getting good results from your lipo procedure, you must have firm and elastic skin. You must not be suffering from any life threatening diseases or a medical condition which could obstruct your recovery.

Some people may want to use it as a solution for their obesity but you must understand that liposuction is not a weight loss program. The procedure only addresses stubborn fat in certain areas of your body and the best results are only seen in those who are already near their ideal weight.

Anesthesia use during liposuction

Your doctor may choose to use an anesthesia or local sedation for your liposuction procedure. However, at times, he may decide to use general anesthesia in case extensive intervention is required for a large amount of stubborn fat in some areas. Fat is extracted using suction and a cannula which is connected to a vacuum machine.

Use of drains

It has been a common practice to use drains at the end of the procedure for at least three days. You may also have to use a compression garment to keep the swelling down. A well trained surgeon uses the latest techniques and equipment to help you achieve the best results.

Vaser liposuction is a new method of liposuction used for muscle definition and body contouring. The reason for its increasing popularity is that it uses ultrasound for fat removal. The technique works in the same way as the traditional liposuction procedure but it can reshape your body in a better way and is less invasive. The post operative complications are also reduced with this procedure.

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#CosmeticSurgery #Cosmetic #LongNose #Rhinoplasty #SouthDelhi #India #RhinoplastyDelhi #RhinoplastyIndia #Surgery #CosmeticTreatment #GoodLooks #EnhancingLooks #USA #UAE #UK #Japan #Nepal #Russia #Bangladesh #Vectra3D

Since the evolution of the cosmetic surgeries one can absolutely guarantee that this has been the favourite type of surgery. People themselves opt for the same. And this is one of the best things that matter.

Amongst all the cosmetic surgeries, the nose job surgery certainly has found a place in the list of most favourites. One of the most necessary surgeries nowadays, this is certainly one very helpful to the people.

But one must consider few things before they decide to go for the surgery in the first place. These things will help make things easier for them.

The few things to consider:

Following are some of the most important things to consider”

  • Do you need the surgery: This is most definitely the very first thing to consider! Of course, the surgery is one of the most necessary trends nowadays. But only if one wants to follow the trend then this is not recommended.
  • What type do you want: There are 4 types of nose job surgeries. Choosing from them wisely matters. One must absolutely consult a good specialist on the same. This is no doubt necessary for the people for sure!
  • Understanding budget: One must have a realistic idea of what the budget can be. And this is one of the most necessary things as well. Of course, people must realize that the budget must also not exceed too much of what they expect. The most average costs must be considered for sure.

The tip nose surgery is not a costly affair. And this is only why proper considerations are necessary. One must understand that the selection of the proper plastic surgeons also matter the most.

There are an en number of good doctors available in Delhi, India nowadays. Consulting them will nevertheless provide you with the best results!

For more details about rhinoplasty surgery ( Call or WhatsApp @ 09958221983

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NHT is the well known hair transplant provider in India. It lists specialists and doctors of hair transplant & hair loss treatment across India.You can book your FREE 

consultation with the doctor of your choice and visit the clinic. NHT has wide network of hair transplant doctors & clinics in Delhi. Our mission is to enhance the looks of
people at very reasonable cost. NHT is the online medical facilitator having presence all over India including Delhi.

NHT is India's largest hair transplant and hair loss treatment provider. NHT lists hair transplant surgeons & clinics across Delhi at one place. You can chosoe best hair loss
treatment & surgeon of you choice. NHT lets you compare from among several clinics and their pricing for hair transplant in Delhi.

Natural Hair Transplant is providing hair transplant in Delhi at best cost available in the Capital city. We have top hair transplant surgeons in our panel in Delhi. They are having
more than 5 years of experience. NHT India is the best hair transplant surgery provider in India. we are having the best hair transplant doctors in Delhi for hair transplant at
best and affordable cost with permanent results.

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The rhinoplasty surgery is most definitely one of the best available surgery that people mostly opt for. This is also known as the nose job that is famously opted for mostly by women without any doubt.

Of course there are various reasons why they may need this surgery. No matter what happens, the people can absolutely get through with the best surgery if they find the best rhinoplasty surgery clinic in the first place.

One must consider various things before they decide to settle on any one of the surgeons in the first place.

The various things to consider:

Following are the various things that people must absolutely consider while selecting the best clinics:

  • The reputation: Reputation of the clinics and the surgeons matter. If one goes by the reputation of the clinic in itself, they will realize that the specialists they have must be great. It is simply because the best clinics only have the best surgeons with them. The reputation of the clinic absolutely matters the most.
  • The cost: The budget also matters. The nose surgery cost isn’t too much. But then again the best will be a bit heavier on the pockets. This doesn’t mean that this mustn’t be opted for. If people want to keep the secondary surgeries out of their lists then they must absolutely choose the best no matter how costly they are.
  • The variety of surgeries: This is another of the best things that the people must look for. Of course, there are 4 common types of nose jobs that people can opt for. The variety of surgeries are important for the clinic to specify. This will prove how efficient they are as well.

There are no doubt various other factors that people must consider no matter what! One must realize that the best plastic surgeons will be a boon of the best clinics in the first place!

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(995) 822.1983 
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(995) 822.1981 From Delhi,  India

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Ayurvedic Cure for Hangover

                     These days no social event or party is complete without some amount of alcohol being present. While one has often heard of long-term ill effects of alcohol it is important to short-term ones.It is not easy to remain tea totaller due to various social pressures. As individuals, we need to manage harmful effects of alcohol, both short term and long term as well as social life and need for networking for career reasons.    Many of the youngsters are just social drinkers and may have to deal with short-term side effects rather than not having any measures for dealing with those and  as opposed to being counselled without understanding them.

What is a hangover?

Hangovers are caused due to overconsumption of alcohol because of several adverse effects such as dehydration, stomach irritation,drop in blood sugar, bad sleep quality,use of toxic byproducts.

Symptoms include a headache, nausea, sensitivity to light, and fatigue. 

The best method of prevention is to drink alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether. 

The most efficient cures are rest, rehydration, and sleep.     

Overcoming Hangovers

Do not take a beer or other alcoholic drinks to get rid of a hangover. Instead of giving relief it will only  prolong hangover symptoms.

Rehydration -  Sip water or fruit juices throughthe day. Water is the best fluid.

Eat - go for bland foods, such as whole wheat crackers or bread, which may raise blood sugar and are easy on the stomach.

Painkillers - some people may take painkillers. However, painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, paracetamol) attack the liver in high concentrations, while aspirin might not be a good candidate for a very delicate stomach.   It’s better to ask a qualified pharmacist than to self-medicate.    

Rest - sleep may aid in speeding up recovery.

Ayurveda to prevent hangovers

One can ensure that before taking the first drink, one takes any Ayurvedic hangover medicine meant to prevent hangovers. These medications typically contain anti-inflammatory agents and liver toners. The mechanism by these Ayurvedic medicines act is by preventing the conversion of alcohol, i.e., ethanol to acetaldehyde.      

Typically when a person drinks alcohol, chemically known as ethanol, it reacts with liver lining and gets converted to acetaldehyde. When the same person drinks excess alcohol, this acetaldehyde gets converted to acetate and enters the bloodstream and causes toxic effects. It causes long-term liver lining corrosion causing liver cirrhosis.   

When one takes these Ayurvedic medicines, one can break the cycle at several steps as ethanol does not get converted to acetaldehyde.It also aids in preventing long-term effects apart from assisting in preventing hangovers.         

One such medicine in the market is Dr Vaidya’s. It is called LIVitup. One can either consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or take one-two pills before the first drink. It is also known to prevent harmful effects of gutka on the liver.

These days no social event or party is complete without some amount of alcohol being present. While one has often heard of long-term ill effects of alcohol it is important to short-term ones.It is not easy to remain tea totaller due to various social pressures. As individuals, we need to manage harmful effects of alcohol, both short term and long term as well as social life and need for networking for career reasons. [G1] [G2] [G3] Many of the youngsters are just social drinkers and may have to deal with short-term side effects rather than not having any measures for dealing with those and[G4]  as opposed to being counselled without understanding them.


What is a hangover?

Hangovers are caused due to overconsumption of alcohol because of several adverse effects such as dehydration, stomach irritation,drop in blood sugar, bad sleep quality,use of toxic byproducts.


Symptoms include a headache, nausea, sensitivity to light, and fatigue.[G5] 


The best method of prevention is to drink alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether.[G6] 

The most efficient cures are rest, rehydration, and sleep.[G7] [G8] [G9] [G10] [G11] 


Overcoming Hangovers

Do not take a beer or other alcoholic drinks to get rid of a hangover. Instead of giving relief it will only [G12] prolong hangover symptoms.


Rehydration -  Sip water or fruit juices throughthe day. Water is the best fluid.


Eat - go for bland foods, such as whole wheat crackers or bread, which may raise blood sugar and are easy on the stomach.


Painkillers - some people may take painkillers. However, painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, paracetamol) attack the liver in high concentrations, while aspirin might not be a good candidate for a very delicate stomach.[G13] [G14]  It’s better to ask a qualified pharmacist than to self-medicate.[G15] [G16] [G17] [G18] 


Rest - sleep may aid in speeding up recovery.


Ayurveda to prevent hangovers


One can ensure that before taking the first drink, one takes any Ayurvedic medicine meant to prevent hangovers. These medications typically contain anti-inflammatory agents and liver toners. The mechanism by these Ayurvedic medicines act is by preventing the conversion of alcohol, i.e., ethanol to acetaldehyde.[G19] [G20] [G21] [G22] [G23] [G24] 


Typically when a person drinks alcohol, chemically known as ethanol, it reacts with liver lining and gets converted to acetaldehyde. When the same person drinks excess alcohol, this acetaldehyde gets converted to acetate and enters the bloodstream and causes toxic effects. It causes long-term liver lining corrosion causing liver cirrhosis.[G25] [G26] [G27] 

When one takes these Ayurvedic medicines, one can break the cycle at several steps as ethanol does not get converted to acetaldehyde.It also aids in preventing long-term effects apart from assisting in preventing hangovers.[G28] [G29] [G30] [G31] [G32] [G33] [G34] [G35] [G36] 


One such medicine in the market is Dr Vaidya’s. It is called LIVitup. One can either consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or take one-two pills before the first drink. It is also known to prevent harmful effects of gutka on the liver.

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