Weight (13)

25 Easy and Fast Weight Loss Tips | Sehat


Amidst all the dieting myths and fad diets, it is important to understand the benefits of watchful eating and exercising for weight loss. Below are some quick and handy ways to speed up the metabolism that in turn help in quick weight reduction:

1)    Consume green tea: 

A recent study has demonstrated that green tea contains metabolism enhancing antioxidants called catechins. The consumption of green tea helps in the burning of 70 additional calories in a 24-hour period.


2) Consume optimal salt: 

Consumption of more sodium than required contributes to water retention. This in turn can lead to bloating of the body. The suggested intake of salt must be less than or equal to 2400 milligrams per day.

3) Indulge in strength training: 

Strength training may include push-ups, squats or lunges. It also involves use of free weights to perform simple bicep curls or triceps pulls even at home. This is known to build lean muscle tissue, thus burning more calories.

4) Get good sleep: 

Study suggests that getting a full 8 hours of sleep contributes to a better metabolism rate in women as compared to less than 4 hours of sleep. This in turn can contribute to quick shedding of weight.


5) Make happy hours healthy: 

The after lunch/dinner happy hours can be made healthy by walking and running around instead of indulging in night-outs. This simple trick has been shown to reduce about 40 pounds in a year.

6) Get an optimal breakfast: 

It is recommended to have a balanced breakfast that amounts to about 300 calories. There are recorded experiences which state that consuming a healthy mix of proteins and whole grains at breakfast help to control hunger throughout the day.

7) Have an evening walk: 

Exercise at any time is always considered good for the body. However, evening workouts/ walk can improve the metabolism rate before dinner. It can in turn reduce the possibility of the dinner calories saturating in the hip area.


8) Have every meal: 

Skipping meals and starving for a long period can slow down the metabolic rate of our body. It is recommended to have optimal meals in a timely manner. If there is a possibility of meals getting skipped, having an energy bar or a piece of fruit instead is advised.

9) Avoid calories in a glass: 

Alcoholic beverages provide few nutrients but may contribute to unwanted weight gain. Calories in tea, coffee, cola (simple and refined sugars) pose a serious challenge to those trying to stay fit.

10) Drink enough water: 

It is one of the most commonly recommended tips for ensuring a quick calorie burn. It is advised to consume 64 ounces of water, or at least 8 glasses a day.


11) Indulge in fun activities like Zumba: 

Taking Zumba classes about twice a week have proved effective in toning down the leg muscles and abs. It also provides a quick cardio workout and helps in weight reduction.

12) Increase veggie content of diet: 

Consuming more vegetables in routine foods makes one feel full more quickly. This in turn refrains us from consuming calorie-full foods like chips or deserts.

13) Consume hot pepper: 

It has been observed that consuming hot spicy peppers can improve body metabolism, which in turn can help reduce calories. This is because peppers contain a specific compound which helps to release body stress hormones. Hot peppers can also help to control food cravings.



14) Reduce consumption of sugar and starches: 

Controlling sugar and starch intake reduces insulin secretion by the body. As insulin is a major source of fat storage, bringing it down in turn releases fat. This helps in burning of fat instead of the body carbs. Lowering insulin also results in the kidneys shedding excess of salt and water, thereby helping to lose weight.

15) Drop off the smoking habit: 

Quitting smoking has been shown to reduce the extra pounds quickly. By getting rid of the smoking habit, one may feel healthier and can drop up to 37 pounds in 3 months.

16) Practice Yoga: 

Yoga has proved to be an effective way to ensure weight loss in a healthy manner.



17) Control the fast food intake: 

While indulging in junk eatables and fast food items, it is recommended to limit the quantity to a small meal/item. This way, one gets to relish these eatables, while limiting their harmful effects.

18) Make room for desserts: 

One can still go ahead with having a quick glass of wine or a treat of chocolate, if one indulges in healthy snacks like carrot and hummus first. Experience has shown that you can reduce up to 20 pounds in 3 months by this simple principle.

19) Refrain from nighttime eating: 

Avoiding eating after 6.30 pm for about 5 days a week has been shown to reduce weight quickly.

20) Take dog for a walk: 

This activity, even if for 10 minutes, has shown to add up resulting in quick weight loss.


21) Practice cleansing ritual of food items: 

This can be practiced by replacing the foods that we overindulge in, with some healthy substitutes. Stocks of ice-cream can be substituted by low calorie snacks like roasted sunflower seeds or Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal.

22) Practice intermediate exercises: 

This technique can ensure burning of extra calories. Small bouts of exercise like jumping jacks or crunches while watching TV or dancing while doing utensils can help in toning down while burning calories.

23) Listen to music: 

Listening to a favorite musical while gyming has shown to improve the working- out capacity, while helping to pump in more energy.


24) Consume more fibrous content: 

Fibre supplements like glucomannan can help reduce weight, especially around the belly area. Glucomann is a water soluble dietary supplement available in drink mixes and some food products like pasta and flours.

25) Use smaller plates: 

As strange as it may sound, using small plates has been shown to reduce intake of food.

Sehat providing latest health news and articles, and help you find Weight Loss Program Procedure Doctors in your city to assist you in identifying and treating the obese or over weight problem.

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How to Lose/Reduce Weight

By Life Coach Jasmin Waldmann


Tight trousers, muffin top belly, and the arms that feel, encased in the shirt.

Looking at you in the trial room is not a pleasant experience anymore. In fact you even start resenting the mirror or rather the picture it presents.

The immediate outcome is depression, followed by a rising resolve that you will do something, this time.

But the feeling is temporary and slides off the mantle till yet another mirror or dress trial slaps reality back on to your face.

So how do you resolve this perennial problem of losing weight, a thought that always lingers at the back of your mind? And how often do you actually think about it, seriously?

Come to think of it, if you made a penny every time the thought arose, you would be exceedingly rich.

But lets get back to our topic in hand, losing weight.

Actually to talk about losing weight is to in effect talk about losing our stored excess energy.

There is a saying in Europe: Use it or lose it! Simple. Ha-ha, I know, but not so easy.

So how do you get rid of your excess pounds? Lets examine some popular options:

1. It can´t be done by force – We are all familiar with clichés like; from now onward I’ll go to the gym everyday, I’ll follow the XYZ diet, I’ll go for a run every day, I’ll stop drinking and so forth.

But how many of the above, take their resolve seriously. And how many of them have you seen failing after a few days or weeks? And how often have you failed?

Please reflect and be honest! Frankly speaking, I guess quite often or until now, always.

I know, it is not a comfortable feeling and even the memory makes you feel weak or powerless.

But you need not feel embarrassed at your apparent lack of will. Out of 1000 people, there is generally one who has tried something else (we´ll come to this point in a short while) and not because she or he knew it, but by pure chance. All others usually fail. This is because we can´t force any long-term changes in our body merely by conscious will. Before we know it, we slip back into our old patterns and the pounds come piling back.

So let us conclude, that this method of forcing ourselves is definitely not going to work.

2. Plastic surgery will not last forever - It is a fact. Lets say the first few months after a successful plastic surgery to remove your belly fat, everything seems fine. In fact you look good and feel good.

Talking about the risk you take with plastic surgery is altogether another topic of discussion. So let´s say you thought about going in for liposuction, did it and survived. Furthermore – the results are great. No more fat around your belly. No more muffin top whenever you don your favourite pair of skinny jeans. Life is once again beautiful. But after a few months, you start to notice a little fat on your stomach. And slowly and steadily, you slip back into your old weight. You have heard stories about this happening very often. Maybe you have even experienced it in real life. We’ll come back to the source of the fat-comeback in a while.

Let´s face it; Number two option is a damp squib as well.

3. Personal Trainers can’t lose it for you – After failing with your own gym performance (yes, of course there have been Trainers on the floor, but at the end of a long and tiring gym day, they haven´t been a great help either), and your endless diet experiments, you decide to look online for some serious professional support. Of course there is some money involved “but if she or he kicks my butt, why not! “

So you go online and find a Trainer. The trainer comes to your house 3 times a week. In the beginning you feel super good. You even brag about it to your friends. But after 4-5 weeks, your body starts getting used to the routine and becoming lazy again. Also your nutrition is still not all that great, regardless of what your Trainer suggests. Somehow you just can´t seem to follow it.

So after the initial euphoria of losing a few pounds, you come back to the same body, you started with.

So option 3 too does not seem like a long-term solution.

After many of these futile experiments, you feel tired, worn out and super frustrated. Then you probably run into an article telling you to celebrate your body and simply accept the way you are. And after an initial hesitation, you convince yourself for some time that your body is great as it is. But then you see your friend or colleague prancing about in a hot outfit and a hotter body, you are back in misery land again.

But don’t worry. There is good news. Thankfully, we have many paths to reach our destination or goal of getting a fitter and leaner you.

I am talking about real goals and not about some hazy dreams.

Once you have made up your mind about your goal, the next step is to manifest that goal.

But first let us understand why the above 3 paths did not work.

Way number 1 can´t work … since once you release your mind even a little, (meaning doing things by force) your subconscious mind takes over. To state a fact, we human beings function with our conscious mind only approx. 10 %; the rest of all our doings comes from our subconscious (50-60%) & unconscious (30-40%) mind.

(The latter numbers source: http://www.mindset-habits.com/conscious-subconscious-unconscious-mind/)

To put the unconscious and subconscious together – these are the actual power centre: a complex and automatic system.

This part of our brain therefore is the most important part to start with and it is most important part to end with as well.

Now coming back to our 2nd option; plastic surgery. Maintaining a great body after a plastic surgery doesn't work since your eating habits and lifestyle have not changed at all. End result; we simply fill up our empty fat cells all over again and resume our old weight.

Last but not least way number 3 can´t work either. Because at the end of the day, nobody can do the work for you. Even if you have a brilliant Personal Trainer- let´s assume the good results will only last so long as you strictly follow (again by force) a fitness and diet regime. The moment you leave, (for any reason) you come hurtling back to the point you started from or worse.

The reason is – I guess you have now a clue – that nothing really changes in your mind-set.

The solution; targeted approach

It will be simple but not easy. There are few steps to your desires.

* First you need to set an exact target.

* The next step is to split that target into monthly targets, and then into weekly targets. Once you have set your major target, then you can forget about the big picture and concentrate only on the set small targets.

* If you have a good plan, then the next step is to mobilize the right kind of people around you (I call it your support system: one professional plus your loved ones). The rest is up to your discipline then. Step by step, you´ll steadily make progress and reach your target. At least in theory. But what really separates theory from practice is one critical step. But for this step, everything else can function in the same way.

The real magic comes from a different corner, from your mind. The kinds of thoughts you carry in your mind are the crucial part of all your doings.

Once your mind set is clear, you know how you think, how to lead your thoughts and emotions, then you are almost there.

But understanding you, or rather knowing yourself is the trickiest part on earth.

That’s why you should get the right professional person to guide you. It doesn't mean you will be successful only then. But you´ll reach much faster than if you do it on your own watch and also much more comfortably.

Be aware: losing weight starts with something else…

Let’s assume you hired a very good Coach who is able to support you holistically.

The Coach will start by asking you questions about your body, your state of mind, and your lifestyle. He or she will not start by giving you directions and orders on what you have to do.

Questions like: Why do you have too many pounds on your ribs right now? How did you start to gain weight? What stresses you out? How do you usually motivate yourself? What knocks you down? What thoughts do you have when you feel great, or when you feel depressed? How did they start? And many more…

Questions like these may seem odd to you and probably not directly related to your weight gain.

But they carry an imprint of your state of mind, which is closely related to your body and can have long term implications. This is the process of how a good coach gently starts to work on your body and avoids making any abrupt, forceful changes. This is what I call: Going straight to the source. When we look at fitness activities and nutrition, we talk about a very practical and of course, necessary step. I call it ‘action’: working against symptoms which aren't liked anymore (being overweight}.

In general, I can summarize that the way is really easy if you have the right guidance with you. Choose carefully. Always check with your reasoning if it makes sense. If yes, then simply obey and let go. Ensure that you follow all the recommended exercises & diet. That means once you have a plan you need to follow it strictly. But take the first steps, very slowly and carefully. The slower you begin, the faster you will reach, for sure.

In that way, you take baby steps and enjoy each one thoroughly.

Ciao and much love, Ja.Wa.

Author: Life Coach Jasmin Waldmann www.jasminwaldmann.com

P.S. Jasmin Waldmann's site has been designed by Shakti Saran, creator of Health and Fitness India


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How to stop Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is quite embarrassing and when it comes to talking about it in public, it is disgusting and shameful. Even if it is so, you shouldn’t hold anything back when it comes to your sexologist. The renowned sexologist in India is aware of such inconveniences, but the right causes have to be determined to providing the best treatment. Certain sexual problems are beyond the control even if one is a love doctor which means that another alternative has to be explored

Sexual problems can defeat anyone with much knowledge if no right treatment is provided. Premature ejaculation is one of the sexual problems affecting men; you can stop it in the following ways

  • Physical exercises like the pelvic floor exercises can help you stop premature ejaculation. Lie with your knees a little far from each other and then pull up the pelvic for some time. Do this, again and again, every day for a change
  • Squeeze the tip of your penis to exert pressure to it before sex. You can also do the same while having sex whenever you feel like ejaculating at an early stage.
  • While having sex, release your minds on something else rather than the sex activity you are performing.
  • Restrict yourself from penetrating your partner until enough time has passed. You can do this for five minutes after which, you can fully penetrate your partner
  • Putting a comma or pausing while having sex can also offer a lot of help. While having sex, just stop for some time and then begin again to control ejaculation from happening soon. You can also call this the start and stop method.
  • Performing Kegel exercises every day can harden the pubococcygeus muscle. Try to resist urine from flowing out while having a short call.
  • The position: you can change the style of having sex and in this way, make your partner on top of you while having sex. It will delay the ejaculation process.
  • Try resisting the overwhelming feelings that come before and while having sex. You can harden your emotions to reduce the chances of premature ejaculation.

To add on to the above solutions, premature ejaculation treatment in India can be well treated with the Ayurvedic medicines. The sexologist will help you determine the right medications once you give enough information about the conditions you experience. Men experience different sexual problems and in one it can be a premature ejaculation while to another erectile dysfunction. Do not blame yourself for the existence of this problem in your life. There can be different alternatives to treat it. Another fact is that premature ejaculation can be for a short time and goes away.

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Some popular enemies in Weight Loss Process


Our weight gain is dependent on what we eat. Before thinking and planning for weight loss, it is important to find out the food items which actually cause unnecessary weight gain. It is important to watch out what we eat and how many calories we gain by eating the same. One should be calculative their eating practices. It is advised to maintain a food journal and note down that how often you eat junk food and other unhealthy stuff which contributes a lot towards weight gain. It is specifically important to control your diet if you have undergone a weight loss program like ReShape-A weight loss balloon.

Here are some of the food ingredients which are popular enemies and can be a hindrance to the weight loss process:-

1. White rice and potatoes- These are the most common food items we eat in our daily life and they are a part of our normal main course meals. But if you are on a weight loss process, then you will have to control rice and potatoes. You can go for brown rice instead.

2. Beer- People are fond of alcohol as they believe that they cannot enjoy a get-together without sipping some bottles of beer. But regular and uncontrolled alcohol consumption causes a good amount of weight gain. Beer is quite famous for increasing belly fat. It is good if you can leave alcohol. If not, then it is compulsory to reduce the intake if your aim is to lose weight.

3. Sugar-rich food stuff- We all know that sugar causes a lot of weight gain. If you want to reduce your weight, you must control your sugar intake. You can reduce your sugar amount with tea, coffee, milk and other beverages. You can avoid drinking too much sugary beverages like mock tails, preservative juices and other sweetened drinks. You should cut down all sweets from your diet because they contain a lot of calories.

4. Fried and oily food- Indians are fond of oily and fried food like spring rolls, kebabs, French fries, dumplings etc. But these fried items contain a lot of oil which causes a lot of fat to accumulate in our bodies. One should have these items occasionally like once a fortnight. They are a big hurdle in your path if you are on a diet and exercising for weight loss.

5. Corn flour- There are many food items whose primary ingredient is corn flour like Maggie, pizza, pasta, spring rolls, noodles etc. Corn flour is difficult to digest and causes fat to accumulate around different body parts. One should avoid corn flour generally for avoiding weight gain.

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While water is essentially replacing fluid, tea replaces fluids but it as well contains antioxidants so it’s got two things going for it. What makes tea healthier than drinking water; it’s because of the fact that tea is not just a comforting and pleasant beverage, but it also contains remarkable healing properties and often tea has been referred to as ‘wonder drink’.

Drinking three or more cups of tea each day is as good as taking plenty of water but tea has many benefits unlike taking water. According to UK nutritionists, they found out that tea does not only rehydrate like water but it also protects against heart diseases and other cancers.

One doctor by the name Dr. Ruxton said, “Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water.” Taking four cups of healthy tea can cut drastically the chances of having a heart attack. Other benefits that can be derived from consumption of fit tea is protection against tooth decay and tooth plaque and it also helps in bone strengthening this is through its content, fluoride.

According to experts, tea contains flavonoids which are the key ingredients of tea that promote health. In addition to the presence of flavonoids, fit tea also contains guarana which was used by Indians during great famines in order to reduce the hunger sensation and also restore energy and vitality needed in such times.

Guarana found in fit tea also helps greatly in sharpening memory through its antioxidants. It improves intellectual performance. It increases concentration thus making it a perfect beverage of students, sportsmen and any other person who has a need to remain alert and energized.. Guarana also reduces the effect on stress. In increasing the blood circulation, guarana is effective in both preventing and slowing down the progression of different diseases.

Since tea contains caffeine, it has over the years been perceived that it is dehydrating but according to nutritionist Claire Williamson, this is just a myth. If you had a really strong cup of fit tea, you would still have a net gain of fluid.

Basically, taking a cup of fit tea helps the body in great way unlike just taking water. Having covered the above ways in which tea is healthier than taking plain water, I would encourage you to grab a sample of our fit tea today. It’s so much affordable yet with priceless benefits.

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From http://www.jasminwaldmann.com/success-stories/written-reports/


Anke B. 32 years, from Cologne, Germany

A necessary, but in the end, unfortunately unsuccessful, years of drug treatment in childhood led to the pointer on the scale from underweight over the years towards obesity. Early last year brought about the threat of gaining another 10 kgs.

Since I did not want that, searching for new clothes frustrated me, I could not see myself in the mirror anymore. I knew, I was not able to manage it all by myself, so I went on the internet to search for help and I found it at Jasmin Waldmann.

Initially I was very skeptic, because there was a mountain of 30 kgs right on me. After the first contact the skepticism was still there. Nevertheless, both of us could imagine to work together.

The first training I have very bad memories. After the first 2 of 20 squats, I had quite a cramp in both thighs, which led to a day-long muscle pain. “That could be fun!” I thought. From workout to workout I realized my progress – which motivated me a lot. Jasmin also knew exactly which buttons she had to push, if I gave up.

Especially in the beginning the weight loss wasn`t fast enough and I was frustrated. After this slow beginning finally the success was starting to get visible on my body and on scale.

She had created a great base for one of her her subordinate Personal Trainers, because unfortunately Jasmin went to India after three months.

The workouts have been very successful.

Now, after a year, I get a new subordinate Personal Trainer of Jasmin Waldmann. Meanwhile I am 14 kgs lighter and lost 82 cm in width and 2 pant sizes less.

I`m convinced that the last 10 kgs will melt away within 5 months. Then I would love to buy a new set clothes.

My decision to do PT (Personal Training) with Jasmin, was the best decision of my life, which I should have done much sooner. But I`m very glad that I did not give up.

Meanwhile, I also like my reflection again and am sure to master the final hurdles. For that I can only appreciate Jasmin- I have great respect for her and pay tribute to her for her gratitude and say: Thank you!

Matthias Terbrack, Laywer MBA and Consultant from Cologne, Germany

“I started my training with Jasmin because I wanted to reduce my weight in a certain time and I wanted to be able to jog moderate for an hour.

After the first meeting with her (where we discussed my problems & goals), I had a good feeling that this woman is able to help me. She also agreed to work with me and thus began my sporting success story.

We started indoors. Jasmin managed it always, that I had a challenge that I was able to master well. Outside we started walking to create a good endurance base.

She has also produced daily exercises and workouts that I could do alone, especially when I was on a business trip. That worked out great, because Jasmin was always approachable and we are also regularly discussed.

She accompanied me in all nutritional needs (including alcohol in general) and worked out a nutrition plan for me in my daily life. That was perfect and I was able to implement it very successfully.

Because Jasmin created this program for me, I was after some time able to jog / run over an hour, so everything worked out perfectly!

She also gave me also the spark to go hiking.

In retrospect, I can say it was a very successful idea to tackle my goals with Jasmin Waldmann.

She trained and advised me, so within 4-5 months I decreased 22 kg of my body weight!

A lot of people could learn a lot from her professional and friendly way – I highly recommend this trainer to anyone who wants address seriously their goals and want to achieve rapidly and healthy. She gave me the knowledge to act now by myself, as it was agreed!

Super woman and very capable personal trainer!

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Hi All, 

I'd like to thank Ms. Sonia Bajaj to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:

Photo: Ms. Sonia Bajaj, Fitness and Nutrition Coach, giving award at MISS North India 2013. Facebook photo link


1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry? 

After delivering 2 boys as any other woman tried to cut down on that extra fat on my body. Tried all kinds of yo yo diets, paid a good amount of money to the so called dieticians. Kept on going through the same circle of loosing few kilos on scale, and as soon as quitted the diet, went back to square one.

Finally planned to give up all diets, started exercising and eating a balanced diet, which could be followed life long. I saw such awesome changes in my body, not only in terms of fat loss, but also in terms of strength, stamina, agility, power.

I became a happier soul, more confident. So decided that if can share my experience with all those men and women who are struggling for years to lose fat in a right way, so that it never comes back, would be a great achievement for me.

Hence totally dedicated myself to promoting health and fitness.

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional? 

I've done my group certification with Reebok.

I've done my Personal Training certification with AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EXERCISE.

I'm certified in Pilates, Kickboxing, and Prenatal and Postnatal workouts.

I've done workshops in TRX AND BOSU workouts.

I'm a certified nutritionist by BFY MUMBAI.


3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

I see a lot of excellent and certified fitness coaches here in India. But what I have realized is that what we need as per the times is Fitness motivators.

We have to train the brain before training any other muscle group. People give it up very fast, everyone is looking for a short cut.

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

My piece of advice to my clients and every one reading this is that take care of your body.

Just give 30 minutes 5 days a week to yourself.


5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

Few year from now I see people following what I try to enforce today;



Her professional and contact details:

Sonia Bajaj




The Entire List of Health and Fitness Professional Interviews


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In this blog post, I share on carbohydrate and diet and nutrition for the health and fitness of people in India and worldwide including related to weight loss and gain. Information is from reputed sources and the references are at the end. 

There are four major classes of biomolecules - carbohydrates, proteins, nucleotides, and lipids. Carbohydrates, or saccharides, are the most abundant of the four. 

Carbohydrates have several roles in living organisms, including energy transportation, as well as being structural components of plants and arthropods.

Carbohydrate derivates are actively involved in fertilization, immune systems, the development of disease, blood clotting and development.

They are called carbohydrates because the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen they contain are generally in proportion to form water with the general formula Cn (H2O)n.

Most organic matter on earth is made up of carbohydrates because they are involved in so many aspects of life, including:

Energy stores, fuels, and metabolic intermediaries.

Ribose and deoxyribose sugars are part of the structural framework of RNA and DNA.

The cell walls of bacteria are mainly made up of polysaccharides (types of carbohydrate).

Cellulose (a type of carbohydrate) makes up most of plant cell walls.

Carbohydrates are linked to many proteins and lipids (fats), where they are vitally involved in cell interactions.

Carbohydrates and nutrition

People think of bread, pasta and rice when they think of carbs, but all these foods are rich in carbs too.

Bread, pasta, beans, potatoes, bran, rice and cereals are carbohydrate-rich foods. Most carbohydrate rich foods have a high starch content. Proteins and fats require more water for digestion than carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the most common source of energy for most organisms and animals, including humans.

Carbohydrates are not classed as essential nutrients for humans. We could get all our energy from fats and proteins if we had to. However, our brain requires carbohydrates, specifically glucose. Neurons cannot burn fat.

1 gram of carbohydrate contains approximately 4 kilocalories (kcal)
1 gram of protein contains approximately 4 kcal
1 gram of fat contains approximately 9 kcal

However, proteins are used in both forms of metabolism - anabolism (building and maintaining tissue and cells) and catabolism (breaking molecules down and releasing/producing energy). So, the consumption of protein cannot be calculated in the same way as fats or carbohydrates when measuring our body's energy needs.

Not all carbohydrates are used as fuel (energy). A lot of dietary fiber is made of polysaccharides that our bodies do not digest.

Most health authorities around the world say that humans should obtain 40 to 65% of their energy needs from carbohydrates - and only 10% from simple carbohydrates (glucose and simple sugars).

Should I go for a high-carb or low-carb nutritional approach?

Every couple of decades some 'breakthrough' appears which tells people either to 'avoid all fats', 'avoid carbs', 'you can't go wrong with carbohydrates', etc. Carbohydrates have been and will continue to be an essential part of any human dietary requirement for hundreds of years, unless a fundamental mutation occurs.

The obesity explosion in most industrialized countries, and many developing countries, is a result of several contributory factors. One could easily argue for or against higher or lower carbohydrate intake, and give compelling examples, and convince most people either way.

However, some factors have been present throughout the obesity explosion and should not be ignored:

Less physical activity.

Fewer hours sleep each night. A study published in the journal SLEEP4 identified an association with duration of sleep and obesity in both children and adults.

Higher consumption of junk food.

Higher consumption of food additives, coloring, taste enhancers, artificial emulsifiers, etc.

More abstract mental stress due to work, mortgages, and other modern lifestyle factors. A study by scientists from the US and Slovakia, revealed that neuropeptide Y (NPY), a molecule the body releases when stressed, can 'unlock' Y2 receptors in the body's fat cells, stimulating the cells to grow in size and number

In rapidly developing countries, such as China, India, Brazil, Mexico, obesity is rising as people's standards of living are changing. However, for their leaner nationals of a few decades ago carbohydrates made up a much higher proportion of their diets.

Those leaner people also consumed much less junk food, moved around more, tended to consume more natural foods, and slept more hours each night. Saying that a country's body weight problem is due to too much or too little of just one food component is too simplistic - it is a bit like saying that traffic problems in our cities are caused by badly synchronized traffic lights and nothing else.

It is true that many carbohydrates present in processed foods and drinks we consume tend to spike glucose and subsequently insulin production, and leave you hungry sooner than natural foods would.

The Mediterranean diet of the people in Greece or the island of Corfu, with an abundance of carbohydrates from natural sources plus a normal amount of animal/fish protein, have a much lower impact on insulin requirements and subsequent health problems, compared to any other widespread western diet.

Dramatically fluctuating insulin and blood glucose levels can have a long term effect on your eventual risk of developing obesity, diabetes type 2, heart disease, and other conditions. However, for good health we do require carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates that come from natural unprocessed foods, such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and some cereals also contain essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and key phytonutrients.

What happens to sugar levels in the blood?

When we eat food with carbohydrates in them our digestive system breaks some of them down into glucose. This glucose enters the blood, raising blood sugar (glucose) levels. When blood glucose levels rise, beta cells in the pancreas release insulin. Insulin is a hormone that makes our cells absorb blood sugar for energy or storage. As the cells absorb the blood sugar, blood sugar levels start to drop.

When blood sugar levels drop below a certain point alpha cells in the pancreas release glucagon. Glucagon is a hormone that makes the liver release glycogen - a sugar stored in the liver.

In short - insulin and glucagon help maintain regular levels of blood glucose for our cells, especially our brain cells. Insulin brings excess blood glucose levels down, while glucagon brings levels back up when they are too low.

If blood glucose levels are rising too rapidly and too often the cells can eventually become faulty and not respond properly to insulin's "absorb blood energy and store" instruction; over time they require a higher level of insulin to react - we call this insulin resistance.

Eventually, the beta cells in the pancreas wear out - because they have had to produce lots of insulin for many years - insulin production drops and eventually packs in altogether.

Insulin resistance leads to hypertension (high blood pressure), high blood fat levels (triglycerides), low levels of good cholesterol (HDL), weight gain and other diseases. All these illnesses, together with insulin resistance, is called metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome leads to type 2 diabetes.

If over the long-term blood sugar levels can be controlled without large quantities of insulin being released, the chances of developing metabolic syndrome are considerably lower.

Natural carbohydrates, such as those found in fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, etc., tend to enter the bloodstream more slowly compared to the carbohydrates found in processed foods. Good sleep and regular exercise also help regulate blood sugar and the hormone control.

Carbohydrates which quickly raise blood sugar are said to have a high glycemic index, while those that have a gentler effect on blood sugar levels have a lower glycemic index.

The glycemic index (GI)

Carbohydrates enter the bloodstream as glucose at different rates - high glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates enter the bloodstream as glucose rapidly, while low GI carbohydrates enter slowly because they take longer to digest and break down.

A meal with lower GI carbohydrates will raise your blood glucose levels more slowly, and over a longer period - this is better for long-term health and body weight control.

People who are relatively physically inactive (sedentary), and don't sleep at least 7 hours every night are especially vulnerable to the long-term detrimental effects of regular consumption of high GI carbohydrates.

Low GI carbohydrates have the following benefits:

You are less likely to put on weight

Low glycemic diets may be better for weight loss. A diet of foods less likely to spike blood sugar levels helps dieters lose more weight, according to a systematic review from Australia.

You will have better diabetes control

Your blood cholesterol levels will most likely remain healthy

Your risk of heart disease is lower

It will take longer for you to become hungry after a meal

Your physical endurance will improve

Reducing the risk of colon cancer recurrence - if you have colon cancer, there may be a lower chance of cancer recurrence. Colon cancer survivors whose diet is heavy in complex sugars and carbohydrate-rich foods are far more likely to have a recurrence of the disease than are patients who eat a better balance of foods, according to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

How can I switch to a low GI lifestyle?

If you eat cereals for breakfast, switch to oats, barley or bran. Make sure the oats are as natural as possible; milling or grinding can ramp up their GI dramatically.

If you eat bread, only consume wholegrain bread.

Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

If you have a fruit juice make sure you eat all of the pulp (the meat of the fruit).

Eat rice with the husk still there (brown rice).

If you eat pasta go for whole grain ones.

Eat plenty of salads.

Cut out all junk foods, processed foods, foods with too many additives (flavorings, emulsifiers, etc).

How processing affects the Glycemic Index of carbohydrates?

Milling and grinding of foods always raise their glycemic index. Unfortunately, the processes often eliminate other nutrients, such as minerals, vitamins, dietary fibers as well, leaving what is often no more than starchy endosperm (the inner part of the seed/grain, mainly starch).

What is the difference between the Glycemic Load and Glycemic Index of a food?

The GI refers just to how quickly a food's broken down glucose enters the bloodstream. This may be misleading sometimes. For example, a melon has a high GI, however most of it is water. The glycemic load (GL) takes into account the GI of the carbohydrate as well as how much carbohydrate that food has.

GL = (GI x amount of carbohydrate) divided by 100.

For example:

An apple has a GI of 40 and contains 15 grams of carbohydrate. GL = (40 x 15) divided by 100 = 6g.

A small baked potato has a GI of 80 and contains 15g of carbohydrate. GL (80 x 15) divided by 100 = 12g.

The GL is a better measure for calculating the metabolic effect of foods - but it may not always lead to best nutrition.

What is the disadvantage of using just the glycemic load?

Dietitians, nutritionists and endocrinologists say that GL is useful for scientists, but GI may be better for lay people, especially those with diabetes. Many low GL foods do not have the right nutrients, such as butter or fatty meats which have the wrong types of fats for good long-term health.

Experts from the University of Sydney's (Home of the Glycemic Index) suggest that lay people should use GI as a tool that allows you to "choose one food over another in the same food group - the best bread to choose, etc." and not to get bogged down with the figures.

Slow carbs matter much more than low carbs. A well balanced diet consisting of good quality foods is as important as physical activity and good sleep.

Physical activity is a key factor in weight control and good long-term health. It is as important as a good diet and good sleep.

Sleeping at least 7 hours each night is as important as a well balanced diet and physical activity.

If you are overweight and you want to lose weight, focusing on slow carbs is useful. A well balanced and nutritional diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, plus good sleep and plenty of physical activity, is much more likely to lead to long-term success and good physical and mental health.

From http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/161547.php

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See below a variety of selected videos and online resources for Calisthenics Exercises

Fitness and Bodybuilding Workouts for Health and Fitness in India!

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10824438684?profile=originalMarch 22, 2014: "Main to expert ho gaya" (I've become an expert) said my four year old nephew. Today I was exercising at home on a mat while watching calisthenics videos on my laptop in front of me. I was doing push-ups and planks. During that time, my nephew visited with his parents. I also made him do exercises. He's an energetic person and liked doing the exercises. He was also watching the videos and liking them and even told me to play other videos that were showing on the side on YouTube. 

After exercising, I took him to the swings and slides in the park. I've taken him before and he likes that. When he tried getting on a slide, he said that he can't do it. I told that he can do it. He had to first climb a metallic mesh and then there was a slide on the other side. I showed him that how he has to grip the mesh and move up. He then tried it. My hands were below and above him in case his foot or hand might slip.

He was able to climb the first time itself with me guiding him. We did this few more times and then I stood a little back and let him do it. After a while of he doing it by himself, when he reached the top of the slide, he said that "main to expert ho gaya" (I've become an expert). 

I shared this with his parents on which they told me that he's learning new words at school. I wish that humans would learn increasingly well. 

God, please help me. I'm sure that if we'll support and guide the mankind increasingly well then there's seemingly infinite potential in humans to pursue the seemingly infinite value in our universe.  

I'll be sharing below calisthenics videos showing simple and more advanced body weight exercises I wish that you'll also share this blog post with your family and friends. Even if you don't have a good gym, you can do so many exercises with your body weight!

Calisthenics is the name given to repetitive exercises that use the resistance of your own body to build strength, increase flexibility and burn fat.

No equipment or weights are used in calisthenics, and the exercises can be performed anywhere there is a floor and enough space to move in. The benefits of calisthenics effects are wide-reaching.

Dominik Sky - Calisthenics Beginner to Advanced Part 1: Upper Body PRESSING


+ flexibility & out of alignment pushups + some different interesting pushups + partner assistance pushups

In each part are exercises sorted from beginner to advanced. Once you can do about 5 to 8 reps of a certain exercise I think you are ready to move to the next one.

Be sure to do the exercises with PROPER FORM AND FULL RANGE OF MOTION!

I learned a lot from the book "Building the gymnastic body" and I recommend it to everyone who is interested in bodyweight training!

Dominik Sky - Calisthenics Beginner to Advanced Part 2: Upper Body PULLING

I divided pulling into 5 parts:

1. PULLUPS / CHINUPS --------------------------- 00:11

2. ONE ARM PULLUP (OAP)--------------------- 02:36

3. MULTI-PLANE PULLING------------------------ 04:08

4. ROWS------------------------------------­------------- 05:46

5. CURLS-----------------------------------­------------- 06:25

+ flexibility & out of alignment exercises------ 07:56

+ some different interesting pullups------------- 08:23

In each part are exercises sorted from beginner to advanced. Once you can do about 5 to 8 reps of a certain exercise I think you are ready to move to the next one.

Be sure to do the exercises with PROPER FORM AND FULL RANGE OF MOTION!

I learned a lot from the book "Building the gymnastic body" and I recommend it to everyone who is interested in bodyweight training!

In this video, see how you can develop strength, power and muscle mass with calisthenics.

Frank Medrano will give us a demonstration, explaining how calisthenics work, and what its advantages disadvantages are. Frank will also let us in on the best techniques to master this impressive activity.

Calisthenics Kingz demonstrates a few beginner exercises for a full program that both MEN & WOMEN can do in the beginning stages would start with before moving to an intermediate level.

Calisthenics Kingz demonstrates a few intermediate exercises for both MEN & WOMEN

How To Handstand

Ladder pushups: you will do 1 pushup count to 3 then do 2 pushups, count to 3 then 3 pushups and so on untill you reach 10 pushups

side to side pushups: stay as low as possible without hitting the floor and move side to side 5 on each side

Pushup Jacks: push up off the floor and bring your feet as if you were about to do a burpee

Fingertip tip pushups: do 15 pushups on the tip of your fingers while your buddy(ies) hold a plank.

Elevated side to side pushups 8 on each side

Elevated pushups 15 -20 reps

Pike pushups 10-15

Elevated walking pushups do 20 reps

The man, the myth, the legend CT Fletcher training with Frank Medrano at Metroflex gym in Long Beach.

Frank Medrano and The Lebert Equalizer offers versatility for home, gym or outside workouts that you don't find in many other pieces of equipment. Whether you want to do upper or lower body exercises, agility, plyometrics or stretching, you can do it all with the Lebert Equalizer. I incorporate this piece of equipment everyday.

Frank Medrano is a CALISTHENICS BODYWEIGHT expert who MOTIVATES and trains to build and gain muscle , lose fat and challenge your body to obtain strength through simple and more advanced body weight exercises. His goal is to motivate and inspire you through fun, functional workouts.

Frank Medrano Trains at the world famous METROFLEX in Long Beach, California, USA 

Why I Believe Bodyweight Training is BEST - Elliott Hulse

Calisthenics 2012 Best Moments

The World's Best Parkour and Freerunning

Bodybuilder Meets Parkour / Freerunning (eng sub)

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Several pages of photos of muscular girls and women who reflect beauty in strength!

I think that generally there's no one single look that's the ultimate best to all people at all times. For some people, a girl or woman might be a lot more muscular than they might find as beautiful, however, there can be people who will find that muscularity, strength and fitness as beautiful

Ladies, don't be turned off by lifting weights because you see a girl with lots of big muscles. It is generally very difficult to get lots of big muscles. 

Doing proper weight training with a nutritious diet and proper rest will give you a healthy and fit body and you'll not look like a man!

Don't be scared of weight training ladies! You'll burn fat, shape your body, have strength and feel beautiful! 

1500+ International Fashion Brands and Models are streaming their latest updates on FASHION DESIGNERS INDIA www.fashiondesignersindia.com

Victoria's Secret - Like its heaven on earth, Masters of art, beauty & creativity !!!

See many videos on www.fashiondesignersindia.com/fashion-brand-victorias-secret

Where are the fashion bars/pubs in India where such shows are streamed and fashion related events happen? Reply on BFFI - Beauty Fashion Fitness India Google+ Facebook

Victoria's Secret Angel Workouts

Female Fitness and Bodybuilding workout motivation - HEARTBEAT

Female Fitness Motivation - I Believe in Fitness

Female Fitness Motivation - Girls who lift

Female Fitness Motivation The New Future

For Many Workout Motivation Videos, see Beats n Bods site

Read How to become and grow as a model - Health Fitness India Article

Top brands are on the Health and Fitness India site and more and more people in India are learning about them www.healthfitnessindia.in

Grow your business with Facebook, Google and your own website with our services.

Message me Shakti Saran Facebook Google+ LinkedIn to get details. Best!

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Hi All,

I'd like to thank Ms. Richa Sharma to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:

1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

I was always a fitness enthusiast and I realized that in most of the gyms I went to, there were no properly qualified trainers. Most of their methods were outdated and non-scientific. Most of the trainers have been focusing on body-building rather than overall fitness. As a result the desired results were rare or limited. Sometimes I used to get nagging injuries as well. It was a continuous journey rather than a single incident and exploration of exercising concepts that made me aware of proper training methods. Once I achieved what I wanted, I decided to turn it into a career and help other people.

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?

• Handle the progression and transition of all the clients into new, more effective exercises.

• Make exercise programs based on specific, customized needs and goals.

• Create and implement complete and individualized time based programs which include weight goals, diet specifications and menus, physical training and exercise, and lifestyle changes.

• Focus on motivation and program adherence.

• Correct assessment of posture deviations and prescribing correct and safe rectification methods.

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

One of my clients is a middle aged woman. She had not worked out or had any kind of exercise in many years. The moment she joined a gym, she expected immediate results. Also just by looking at other regular gym goers, she started to expect the same fitness level as those members. I had to tell her to be patient and consistent with her workouts as one cannot undo the damage caused by several years of unhealthy lifestyle, instantly. Its important to work on strong foundation and to start with modest, short term goals.

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

Trainers sometimes introduce too much too early, without even working on the basic movements in order to impress the client. This can sometime lead to injuries. If a client is de-conditioned, before introducing movement patterns, trainers should first work on stability and mobility training.

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

I would like to educate myself more. Since obesity is like an epidemic now I would like to complete "Lifestyle and Weight Management" certification. I want to reach out to more people who are in need of expert guidance and want to promote Fitness as a Lifestyle habit. Also I have started my own Facebook page called "Quickfit by Richa Sharma" through which I am regularly posting Fitness updates and facts.

Her professional and contact details:

• ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified personal trainer. Certificate No. - T160334

• PIA (Pilates Institute of America) Certification

• Attended and completed “Training the Core” webinar by exercise physiologist Pete McCall, one of the founders of ACE IFT model.

• Successfully completed ACE IFT (Integrated Fitness Training) model.

• International Red Cross CPR

• Kettle bell workshop with Steve Cotter 

• Completed a continuing education program with ACE on "Fitness and Menopause"


The Entire List of Health and Fitness Professional Interviews


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Beauty professionals including dermatologists, cosmeticians, make-up artists and bloggers can join our network and share with people in India and worldwide. Kindly note that our public content gets indexed well by search engines

Beauty professionals and businesses can get listed in the Spas and Salons India site www.spasandsalonsindia.com and get found more by beauty conscious people in India. 

Below I share what I find about how to maintain and improve quality of facial skin.

Some comments might not directly relate to skin care. You can skip those comments.

For health and fitness professionals and businesses

Get found easily on Health Fitness India WEBSITE


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When waiting for the face pack to settle and dry out on your face, ensure that you don’t smile, talk or move your face muscles as these may actually form wrinkles on your face!

12 foods to put on your face


Using smartphones can give you wrinkles as looking down at handheld devices and computers for countless hours develops a line around the neck and chin, experts have warned. 


17 facts and myths about great skin


By increasing blood flow, exercise helps nourish skin cells and keep them vital. "Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to working cells throughout the body, including the skin," says dermatologist Ellen Marmur, MD, author of Simple Skin Beauty: Every Woman's Guide to a Lifetime of Healthy, Gorgeous Skin and associate professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. In addition to providing oxygen, blood flow also helps carry away waste products, including free radicals, from working cells. Contrary to some claims, exercise doesn't detoxify the skin. The job of neutralizing toxins belongs mostly to the  liver. "But by increasing blood flow, a bout of exercise helps flush cellular debris out of the system," Marmur tells WebMD. "You can think of it as cleansing your skin from the inside."

Exercise has also been shown to ease stress. "And by decreasing stress, some conditions that can be exacerbated by stress can show some improvement," says Brian B. Adams, MD, associate professor and director of the Sports Dermatology Clinic at the University of Cincinnati. Conditions that can improve when stress is reduced include acne and  eczema. Although researchers are still investigating the link between stress and skin, studies show that the sebaceous glands, which produce oil in the skin, are influenced by stress hormones.


I thought of starting this blog post after the following experience. Like how a suggestion from a friend helped me, I wish that this blog post including the comments would be of value to people. Most of the following isn't related to improving facial skin quality (do see the comments below for skin related updates):

I started going to gym in my apartment complex. During evening, I went to salon in my apartment complex. The owner is my friend. I asked about (glycerin + gulab jal + lemon) mix to apply on face for several pimples that have come on my face. He said I should try it. He also said to drink Safi. I said that I'm looking for a new gym since not working out regularly in recent weeks has probably also brought several pimples. He said that why don't I go to the one in my apartment complex. I said that I'll check it out which I did and they've serviced the equipment only a week ago. It's fine and moreover it saves my time a lot which I can use for dance class that I've wanted to join for a long while. Also, I've always wanted to go to gym twice in a day with cardio in morning and weight training in evening which I can try to do now much better.
After checking out the gym, I went to the salon and asked my friend to come along with me to workout on which the person said that the society doesn't allow them for which I felt very upset. I said I would try to speak with society management on which the person said that it has already been discussed. I wish this person can exercise regularly. I'm very thankful to this person for the suggestion. I also keep giving this person my suggestions on marketing and other things. I wish that we can be of value to each other for the long term.

I also spoke to a yoga teacher who had held a class for ladies in the community center. He's trying to setup a power yoga class for males and which I'm looking forward to if the batch can be made.
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Hi All,

I'd like to thank Ms. Shweta Pratap Singh to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:

1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

I've been inclined towards fitness & good health from a very young age. Whilst in school I was actively involved in various sports. I've always been a firm believer of the age old belief that your Body is a temple so you ought to respect it like one. It was this passion of mine for fitness & well being that eventually led me towards taking on fitness as a full fledged career...

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?

My specialties as a fitness instructor are : I'm a certified Personal trainer and Aerobics Instructor with the following specialties :

(a) Step and Floor Aerobics
(b) Pilates
(c) Power Yoga
(d) Kick Boxing
(e) Circuit Training

I am also a licensed Zumba Fitness Instructor having done several specialty training's such as Zumba Toning, Zumbatomic and currently enrolled for Aqua Zumba as well.

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

Most of the clients I have come across in my career span are usually people who are looking for a quick fix solution for weight loss due to a big event such as a wedding etc. However my advice to them is always that there is no shortcut nor substitute for fitness as a whole and it has to be a part of one's daily life so that one can lead a genuinely healthy and hence rewarding life.

I also advise my female clients that weight training is really important for them as well because most of them think that weight training is the sole domain of men and if they were to do it, they would really bulge up and look manly. Nothing could be further from truth as correct weight training can help women also in a big way as it increases bone density thereby preventing osteoporosis in old age and corrects the metabolic rate as well and thus helps in reduction of weight much faster.

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

Basically every human is designed differently and therefore as a a responsible fitness trainer, one cannot treat all clients in the same manner. Also, its very critical to check a clients past/ present medical history - a fact that is generally overlooked by instructors. The fitness trainer has to design a fitness programme that is commensurate with the clients individual health and fitness levels, their body type and lifestyle.

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

Five years down the line I visualise myself as having traveled round the world learning different forms of fitness and exercise including specialised martial arts such as Krav Maga etc. and add onto my certifications in various specialties. By the tenth year i want to be firmly established in the field of fitness having increased my reach to maximum number of people by having established my own signature fitness centres.

Her contact details:

Shweta Pratap Singh

Kochi (Kerala)



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